www.read-wca.comWire & Cable ASIA – September/October 2015
AN open house at Davis-Standard (Suzhou) Plastic
Packaging Machinery Co Ltd’s lab facility in Suzhou, China,
welcomed nearly 60 industry leaders from different
companies throughout the country.
The event was the first of many planned at the location. The
day’s agenda included presentations on feedscrew and
extruder design, microbore tube processing, extrusion of FEP
resins, ultrasonic technology, parts and aftermarket services,
PEBAX extrusion for medical tubing, and a live demonstration
on the lab’s FPVC and micro bore tubing lines.
Davis-Standard representatives from the USA and China, as
well as representatives from Arkema, Dupont and Zumbach,
were involved in the presentation.
Lin Jinzong, general manager at Suzhou, said: “The open
house was very successful.
We plan on having regularly
scheduled open houses to
share new technology and
processes with customers.
D a v i s - S t a n d a r d ’ s
commitment to offering the
Global Advantage™ to
customers in the region.”
The Suzhou facility has been a game-changer for
Davis-Standard due to regional manufacturing capabilities
and the ability to serve every major converting and extrusion
coating market in Asia.
The main Davis-Standard products being manufactured in
Suzhou and sold throughout the region include extruders up
to 90mm, PLC control systems and high-speed FPVC
systems for medical tubing.
Additionally, the Suzhou facility can assemble and refurbish
gear boxes and control panels, and there are plans to add
fabrication and assembly of downstream equipment.
Davis Standard – USA
www.davis-standard.comOpen house at new Chinese laboratory
FPVC medical tubing at the Suzhou plant