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Stakeholders to be bound by the Treaty

Another seemingly not so serious issue was the determination of parties bounded

by the ITRs. Member States, as the signatories, are formally bound and responsible

for respecting its provisions. Nevertheless, in many countries, including the Czech

Republic, the private sector, represented by operating agencies, implements them.

An appropriate definition of operating agencies is therefore crucial. The original

ITRs text refers to “recognized operating agency” – which is obsolete, since such

entities were meant to be state-owned. Now a days, this arrangement is completely

different as various subjects deal with telecommunications. There were attempts to

make the definition so broad and vague that even internet providers might fall within

it. A solution was found only after lengthy debates at the end of the conference. All

delegates then approved a proposal submitted by Panama:

These Regulations also contain provisions applicable to those operating agencies,

authorized or recognized by a Member State, to establish, operate and engage in

international telecommunications services to the public, hereinafter referred as “authorized

operating agencies”.

Internet Governance

Many services are on-line today, and the Internet seems to be a means of

transport. Some speak about telecommunications services being transmitted via

Internet, such as Voice over IP (VoIP). This is technically incorrect, as the Internet and

telecommunications represent different layers of next-generation-networks. Naming,

numbering and addressing, as connected to telecommunications and Internet, are

therefore completely different issues. The ITU’s terms naming and addressing mean

mainly, but not only, country phone codes,while the Internet naming, numbering

and addressing system means different layer and is followed by ICANN.


In spite

of the official declarations at the Opening Ceremony, the role of the ICANN had

been indirectly criticised. There was also an attempt to include the Domain Name

System under the ITU umbrella, or to switch it to the national territory level in

the spirit of the provision 3.8 proposal:

Member States shall, if they so elect, be able

to manage the naming, numbering, addressing and identification resources used within

their territories for international telecommunications.


The Czech Republic’s position

was clear – neither mix these two systems together, nor support the idea of such

a national solution. Joint opposition of many delegations led eventually to deletion.


Some countries proposed details about routing of telecommunications, i.e. the

exact way used for the traffic, which was based on an old setting. The proposed



– Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) coordinates

the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) functions, which are key technical services critical to

the continued operations of the Internet’s underlying address book, the Domain Name System (DNS).


See Document No. DT-51 Revision 1 dated 11 December 2012 at

