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3. The topics on the Agenda of the ILC

This year the Commission had more topics on its agenda than in 2012, which

was the first year of the new quinquennium. The ILC was able to discuss the following

topics: “Subsequent agreements and subsequent practice in relation to the interpretation

of treaties”, “Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction”, “Protection

of persons in the event of disasters”, “Customary International Law”, “Provisional

application of treaties”and, on a preliminary basis, “Protection of the environment

in relation to armed conflict”. In addition, two other topics were considered by the

Working Group and the Study Group.

3.1 Subsequent agreements and subsequent practice in relation

to the interpretation of treaties

The Commission had before it the first report of the Special Rapporteur G. Nolte,


who developed earlier work he had done over the past years in the framework of the

Study Group on Treaties over time. The report, very well elaborated and documented,

with numerous references to case-law and literature, contained four draft conclusions

relating to the general rule and means of interpretation; subsequent agreements and

subsequent practice as means of interpretation; the definition of subsequent agreements

and subsequent practice; and attribution of a treaty related practice to a State. Upon

consideration of the report of the Drafting Committee, the Commission provisionally

adopted five draft conclusions together with commentaries thereto.

Those draft conclusions deal with general issues, such as the definitions of

subsequent agreements and subsequent practice and their role in the process of

treaty interpretation. Draft Conclusion 1 confirms that Articles 31 and 32 of the

Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties set forth, respectively, the general rule of

interpretation and the rule on supplementary means of interpretation. These rules

also apply as customary international law. It also points out that the interpretation of

a treaty consists of a single combined operation, which places appropriate emphasis

on the various means of interpretation.


Draft Conclusion 2 characterizes subsequent agreements and subsequent practice

under Article 31, para. 3 (a) and (b) “as authentic means of interpretation”.



Commission thereby follows its 1966 Commentary on the Draft Articles on the

Law of Treaties, which described subsequent agreements and subsequent practice as

“authentic means of interpretation”. This Commentary stresses the importance of

such subsequent practice, for it constitutes “objective evidence of the understanding

of the parties as to the meaning of the treaty”.


Draft Conclusion 3 addresses the role which subsequent agreements and subsequent

practice may play in an evolutive interpretation of a treaty. Subsequent agreements


See doc. A/CN.4/660 (2013).


See doc. A/CN.4/L.819/Add.1, p. 3.


See doc. A/CN.4/L.819/Add.1, p. 10.



. YILC, 1966, Vol. II, p. 221, § 15.