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CYIL 4 ȍ2013Ȏ

This draft article gave rise to a large debate. Some members of the Commission were

in favour of limitation of the list of State officials to only the Heads of State. Other

members supported the view that other high-ranking officials should be included

in Draft Article 3. In the end the Commission decided that under the current

draft articles other high-ranking officials than the so-called troika should not enjoy


ratione personae

but that this was without prejudice to the rules pertaining

to immunity

ratione materiae



The most complex provision seems to be in Draft Article 4, which deals with the

scope of immunity

ratione personae

from both the temporal and material standpoint.

Paragraph 1 addresses the temporal aspect: “Heads of State, Heads of Government

and Ministers for Foreign Affairs enjoy immunity

ratione personae

only during their

term of office.” According to paragraph 2 such immunity

ratione personae


all the acts performed, whether in a private or official capacity, by Heads of State,

Heads of Government and Ministers for Foreign Affairs during or prior to their term

of office. Although it may appear so, there is no contradiction between these two

rules. The first rule sets the period of time when the above officials enjoy immunity.

The second rule deals with the material scope of immunity, which extends to all

acts (both official and private) performed during or prior to their term of office. It

implies that acts committed after the end of office are not covered by this immunity.

However, as pointed out in para. 3, the cessation of immunity

ratione personae


without prejudice to the application of the rules of international law concerning


ratione materiae



3.3 Protection of persons in the event of disasters

This topic belongs to the old ones on the agenda of the ILC. The Commission

had before it the sixth report of the Special Rapporteur E. Valencia-Ospina, dealing

with aspects of prevention in the context of the protection of persons in the event of



The Commission decided to refer two draft articles, as proposed by the

Special Rapporteur, to the Drafting Committee. At this session, the ILC provisionally

adopted seven draft articles with commentaries, namely Draft Articles 5


and 12 to

15, which it had taken note of at its sixty-fourth session (2012), dealing with forms

of cooperation, offers of assistance, conditions on the provision of external assistance,

facilitation of external assistance. It also adopted new draft articles, 5


and 16.


According to Draft Article 5


, cooperation shall extend to the taking of

measures intended to reduce the risk of disasters. While Draft Article 5


deals with

the response to a disaster, Draft Article 5


also covers the pre-disaster phase and

addresses the reduction of disaster risk.


In a sense, this provision has just completed

Draft Article 5 and its final placement will be decided later.


See doc. A/CN.4/L.820/Add.3, pp. 7-10, § 8, 10-12.


See doc. A/CN.4/L.820/Add.1, p. 2.


See doc. A/CN.4/661 (2013).


See doc. A/CN.4/L.821, p. 3.


See doc. A/CN.4/L.821/Add.2, p. 2.