portion. A poached egg can also be
put in each plate.
FISH SOUP. (Canary Island style)
Head of large fish, preferably pargo
(red snapper)
1 lb. fish
1 onion minced
bay leaf, clove, salt. pepper, chopped
green pepper, a few very thin
slices of stale bread
spoonful chopped parsley
3 or 4 toma toes
cup olive oil
juice of 2 lemons.
Boil the fish head in 2 qts, of water
for a long time until it falls apart.
Meanwhile prepare seasoning: onion
browned in olive oil with tomatoes, salt,
pepper, bay leaf, cloves, garlic (if desired)
and green pepper. Add the seasoning
to the water the ·fish head has been
cooked in, strain to remove bones etc.
and return to fire.
add the potatoes,
diced ; when almost done add the fish
cut in small pieces freed from bones and
skin, lemon juice and the thinly sliced
bread. The bread may be left to boil