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The Four Provinces were represented and at the

Dinner afterwards, at which the Captain presided,

the Society had the pleasure of the company of

Commandant Reardon, Captain of Athlone Golf

Club, to whom Mr. Desmond Collins proposed a

toast with which he coupled the thanks of the

Society to the members of Athlone Golf Club for the

facilities afforded. Commandant Reardon suitably

replied. The toast of the Captain of our Society was

proposed by Mr. John Carrigan, the Captain replied,

and expressed the appreciation of the Society of the

work being done by the Hon. Treasurer, Mr. John

O'Dwyer, and the Hon. Secretary, Mr. G. M. Doyle.

The Captain urged members to encourage their

colleagues to take part in the Society's Outings, as it

gave Solicitors an opportunity of meeting socially.

The Captain's Prize consisting of a very fine silver

tray and tea set was won by Mr. David Bell. Mr. Bell

was also presented with the Golfing Society's

Challenge Cup, and in his speech of thanks, Mr. Bell

complimented the Captain on the numbers who had

attended his Outing, on the very fine prize he had

presented, and on the condition of the course of

which the Captain is a very distinguished member.

A complete list of Prize Winners is set out here-


List of Pri^e Winners

Captain's Prize and Society's Challenge Cup :

Winner :

David Bell (13) 2 Up (on 2nd Nine).

Runner up : J. C. Bolger (10) 2 Up.

St. Patrick's Plate:

Winner :

T. D. Shaw (3) 2 Up.

Runner up : W. A. Tormey (9) i Up.

Veterans Cup :


H. J. Fitzpatrick (6) all square.

Runner up : D. P. Shaw (9) 2 down.

Other Prize Winners: Messrs. W. J. Ryan,

E. Walshe, Michael Hayes, E. J. Dillon, J. Maher,

G. M. Doyle, A. Smyth.


On 29th of April, 1960, the Chief Justice made an

order that Mr. Patrick J. Pettit of Ballygar, Co.

Galway; be suspended from practice until further


On the 2nd June the Chief Justice made an order

directing that the name of Mr. Daniel A. Creedan of

Bantry, Co. Cork, be struck off the roll.


MR. JAMES P. COGHLAN, Solicitor, died on 13th May,

1960, at his residence, Holmwood, Rosbercon, New

Ross, Co. Wexford.

Mr. Coghlan served his apprenticeship with the

late Mr. Thomas J. Kelly, New Ross, Co. Wexford,

was admitted in Michaelmas Sittings 1923, and

practised at New Ross, Co. Wexford.


Register A

PROGRESSIVE firm of Solicitors in Uganda require Assistant for

Conveyancing and Advocacy.

He should be a bachelor,

age 24 to 30 with five years' experience, Trinity graduate

preferred but not essential. Initial contract three years at £100

per month, followed if suitable by Partnership. Air fare from

Dublin paid at commencement and termination of Contract.

Apply Box No. Ai86.

Register B

EXPERIENCED Solicitor, qualified 25 years, proprietor of

Country practice, for family reasons seeks opening in Dublin ;

partnership or outright purchase. Box 6250.


1891 AND 1942

Issue of Duplicate Land Certificates


have been




registered owners mentioned


the Schedule

annexed hereto, for the issue of Certificates of Title

in substitution for the original Certificates issued in

respect of the lands specified in the said Schedule,

which original Certificates, it is alleged, have been

lost or inadvertently destroyed.

A duplicate Certificate will be issued in each case,

except a case in respect of which notification is

received in this Registry within 28 days from the

publication of this notice, that the Certificate of

Title is still in existence, and in the custody of some

person other than the registered owner. Any such

notification should state the grounds on which such

Certificate is being held.

Dated the 2oth day of June, 1960.


Registrar of Titles.

Central Office,

Land Registry,

Chancery Street,



1. Registered Owner, James McEvoy.


number 41282. County Cork. Lands of Dromkeen

in the Barony of Carbery East containing 8a. o r. o p.

2. Registered Owner Thomas Lynch.


number. 538. County Cavan. Lands of Ardlow in

the Barony of Castlerahan containing i a. o r. 2 p.

3. Registered Owner James Egan (Senior). Folio

number 4821. County Tipperary. Lands of Park in

the Barony of Ikerrin containing 143. 3r. 2yp.

4. Registered Owner Charles Kelly.


number 11943. County Sligo.

Lands of Ogham

containing 8a.

ir. 2op. and Lands of Tawnagh

containing i6a. 2r. zop. both situate in the Barony

of Tirerrill.

Printed by Cahill and Co., Ltd., Parkgate Printing Works, Dublin