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Notice of intention to prosecute not given—whether must be

raised as preliminary point.

(Road Traffic Act,




\Thougb it is convenient for the lack of any notice

of intention to prosecute under s.


of the Road Traffic



to be raised as a preliminary point at the trial,

it can be raised in the cross-examination of the appropriate

prosecution witness.

At the trial of the appellant on a charge of driving

without due care and attention the justices refused

to allow cross-examination of a prosecution witness

or evidence by defence witnesses on the question

whether a notice of intended prosecution had been

served, on the ground that the question should have

been raised as a preliminary point. Held, that the

conviction should be quashed ;




Justices, ex p. Brooks (1960) 2 All E.R. 475, D.C.

~Libel and Slander—libel—defence—fair report ofjudicial


In Webb


Times Publishing Co. (June 2, 1960)

Pearson J. held, that a defence to a libel action that

the words complained of were part of a fair and


report of judicial proceedings, which

related to the trial of a British subject and the

administration of justice in England, and which

were heard before a criminal court of competent

jurisdiction at Zurich in Switzerland, and which

report was published contemporaneously, disclosed a

good defence in law.


See also

The Times,

June 3, 1960.


In Keyes


Daniels (June i, 1960) the plaintiff

brought a libel action on a circular letter written by

the defendant to the shareholders of a company of

which the plaintiff was chairman. The defendant,

who appeared

in person, pleaded


Cassels J. directed the jury that, if the words

complained of were true, the plaintiff was a man who

had abused and was not fit to occupy his position

and that if they were false, the attack on him could

only be met by handsome damages.

The jury

returned a verdict for the plaintiff for £6,500.

(D.C.) See also

The Times,

June 2, 1960.


Information is sought in reference to a Deed of

Settlement executed on the 28th day of December,

1848 between the following parties :

George Culloden Frend of Rosetts in the County

of Cork Esquire of the First Part—

William Causabon Frend of the City of Limerick

Esquire of the second part—

George Harvey of Thornvale


the Kings

County Esquire and Harriett Georgina Charlotte

Garvey Spinster of the Third Part, Edward Parker

of Kilcolman in the County of Tipperary and John

Michael Croker of Quarter Town in the County of

Cork Esquire of the Fourth Part—

The said Indenture was registered on the ist day

of February, 1849 in the Registry of Deeds.

Any practitioner having information regarding

the whereabouts of the original of this Deed, or

who may be in possession of a copy or copies of

same is requested to furnish such information as

may be in his possession to Fergus B. O'Meara,

Solicitor, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.


1891 AND 1942



Applications have been received from the regis

tered owners mentioned in the Schedule annexed

hereto, for the issue of Certificates of Title in

substitution for the original Certificates issued in

respect of the lands specified in the said Schedule,

which original Certificates, it is alleged, have been

lost or inadvertently destroyed.

A duplicate Certificate will be issued in each case,

except a case in respect of which notification is

received in this Registry within 28 days from the

publication of this notice, that the Certificate of Title

is still in existence, and in the custody of some

person other than the registered owner. Any such

notification should state the grounds on which such

Certificate is being held.

Dated the i8th day of August, 1960.


Registrar of Titles.

Central Office,

Land Registry,

Chancery Street,



1. Registered Owner, Bernard McEntee. Folio

number 7095. County Cavan. Lands of Drumachoon

in the Barony of Tullygarvey containing 2ja ir.

3 2P.

2. Registered Owner James Hayes. Folio number

1658. County Waterford. Lands of Coolnacappogue

in the Barony of Middlethird containing 74a. 2r. 25p.

3. Registered Owner James Mahony.


number 7149 (Revised). County Cork. Lands of

Berrings in the Barony of Musketry East containing

looa. or. 32p.

Printed by Gahill and Go., Ltd., Parkgate Printing Works, Dublin