The BonVivant's Companion
jigger corn moonshine
14 jigger Bacardi rum
K jigger juicewild orange
14 jigger juice sweet orange
Sugar to taste
Ormond i^th
Serve in tumbler with cracked ice.
Yz jigger curacao
Yz jigger Gordon gin
Yz glass ice
Shake, strain, and serve.
Oyster Bay Cocktail
Palisades Cocktail
z dashes Angostura
1/2 dry gin
Yz cider
Shake well with cracked ice and serve in cocktail
Here^s to Woman,
Who in our hours of ease.
Uncertain, coy and hard to please.
But seen too often—familiar with thy face-
First we pity, then endure, and then embrace.
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