The BonVivant's Companion
Jamaica Rum Sour
54 teaspoon powdered sugar
Juice of one lemon
I jigger Jamaica rum
Fill glass with ice; shake well; strain; serve in bar glass.
Whiskey Sour
I teaspoonful sugar
% ounce lemon juice
I Yz ounces whiskey-
Shake well with ice. Strain into glass. Some people like to com
plete the drink with a splash of club soda.
Apple Toddy
I tablespoonful fine white sugar
I wineglass cider brandy
"Yz baked apple and i sliced lemon
Fill glass two-thirds full of boiling water, and grate a little nut
meg on top.
"My grandfather lived to be ninety and
never used glasses."
"I'd rather drink it from a bottle, too."
Ram Buller