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Jessica Vail

Jessica Vail Joins The Falcon Group

Bridgewater, NJ —

The Falcon Group, one of the leading

Engineering, Architectural and Energy Consulting firms on

the East Coast, has announced its recent hire, Ms. Jessica

Vail, who has joined the team as Director of Marketing and

Business Development.

She brings 10 years of marketing,

communications and business devel-

opment experience and creativity

within the construction and engineer-

ing industry.

Her prior experience includes the

rebranding and creation of market-

ing departments for large contractors

and construction management firms.

She has traveled all over the country

coordinating and participating in a

variety of tradeshows and conferences. Jessica is also a

published writer with a strong background in writing pro-

posals, press releases and other marketing content.

In addition to a strong marketing education, Ms. Vail also

has extensive sales management experience working with

and establishing long standing relationships with Fortune

500 clients in both the New Jersey and New York City

markets. “Jessica brings a wealth of experience in the

engineering and construction industry that will take our mar-

keting department to another level as well as our servicing

our clients, many of which have been with us for nearly 20

years now. We are all excited to have her on our team,”

said Principal and Founder of Falcon, Andrew Amorosi.

Ms. Vail’s focus will be on creating a stronger sales and

marketing initiative and reinforcing the Falcon brand. She

is responsible for inspiring and overseeing the continued

growth of The Falcon Group through various marketing

endeavors for Connecticut, Washington D.C., Delaware,

Florida, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania

and Virginia.

“I am excited to be working with The Falcon Group—

building a brand and marketing platform is my passion

and believe there is going to be a great synergy between

myself, the team and our clients moving forward,” com-

mented Vail.

Ms. Vail has also been an active member in the following

networking organizations: Urban Land Institute, Professional

Women in Construction, International Facility Management

Association, New Jersey Apartment Association, NAIOP,

General Building Contractors Association and BioNJ.


at the Garden State Exhibit Center, Somerset, NJ

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