M A Y , 2 0 1 6
floor space, and because it weighed
much less than masonry, allowed
immense increases in height. Freed
from the constraints of traditional con-
struction, the facade could now be
opened with windows to maximize
the amount of daylight reaching the
interior of the building.
Another factor that helped to make
high-rises possible was the foundation
upon which they stood. The Egyptian
method of spread footings didn’t work
for skyscrapers since too much weight
would bear down on too small an
area. Modern builders had to switch
to another ancient method, the Roman
use of piles, which were driven into
the ground all the way to the bedrock
to provide a strong supporting base.
Other developments also helped high
rises to proliferate. According to the
Institute of Real Estate Management,
incandescent lamps, central heating,
and forced-air ventilation, followed in
the 20th century by fluorescent lights
and air-conditioning, addressed the
issue of providing adequate lighting,
heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning
The high rise building is distinctly
different from low story buildings.
It allows for many people to live in
a much smaller ground space than
equivalent communities comprised
of large property sizes. In regards
to community associations, high rise
buildings are typically being built
as condominiums with extensive and
complicated mechanical systems and
common areas and exterior building
components, which are very hard
to access. Even if access is easy to
obtain such as the roofs, the replace-
ment of equipment will generally
Hueston McNulty, P.C.
Defense and General Counsel
Serving New Jersey, New York & Pennsylvania
A Professional Corporation
We provide our Association clients with qual-
ity and
value.Westrive to solve the problem–
resolve the issue–and make life easier for our
Associations and their property managers.
Samuel J. McNulty, Esq.
smcnulty@huestonmcnulty.com /www.huestonmcnulty.comTel: 973-377-0200 / Fax: 973-377-6328
Florham Park - Sparta - Toms River - Philadelphia - Manhattan
Who canYOUR Association
count on today for guidance in
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