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Committee on Statistics

(Terms of Reference Comments)

June 14, 2017



Sub-Section Line Number(s) Type of Comment

Proposed Change by Submitter

Comment(s) - Justification for change


Mike Zapf

I. Scope

a. Composition


General Comment(s) under comments

I have benefited from Paul & Qian's comments, and see there points to favor their

consideration. I am surprised that the committee might be 18 rather than 12, it seems a

little large and suggest it might consist of 9 full members + 3 associates, "in training". I

think at 18 there could be a lot of disinterested bystanders who become bored as the

amount of tasks in StatCom to disperse is small.


Sidney Sudberg II. Committee

a. Composition

17, 18, 19


All Members may serve a maximum of two consecutive three-

year terms as a Full Member, after which they could choose to

continue to serve as an Associate Member. The Chair, at its

pleasure, can suggest removal of non-participating members if

removal is approved with rationale by the Official Methods


To disrupt the committee's activities by having to wait for OMB to approve a

reappointment, it would seem self-defeating for a successful committee to continue to

maintain its’ success by 'constantly' changing that synergy? I am not sure why there

would have to be term limits for members, especially now that the new TOR will address

non-performing members, for whatever reasons, with OMB approval. Is there a vehicle

for a Full Member, after serving 2 3-year terms to ever be a Full Member again? Maybe

after 1 3-year term as an Associate Member, they could be reconsidered for Full

Membership, again. Good Statisticians are hard to find & it seems like the committee &

AOAC would be compromising itself by 'forcefully' removing good members. There

should just be a good way of circulating all members, if nothing else, to allow for more

good Talent to enter the mix.


Qian Graves

II. Committee

a. Composition


General Comment(s) Current ToR: “With no maximum term limitation.' Newer

Version:”Section II, line 18: Proposed change: “Maximum 6


Comment: Not recommending this change. Reason: Due to the volunteer nature of the

committee, and the fact that it takes years for a member to learn and to become

productive; this change will interrupt the smoothness of running and operation of the

committee. Right now about 70%-80% current committee members are on the

committee for over 6 years so if we enforce this change, we will lose majority of the

valuable and experienced committee members. Suggestions: a). keep the “With no

maximum term limitation” Or: b). effective after annual meeting in 2017, counting 6

years after the date (not retrospective), allow members serving up to 6 years forward

starting Sept 29, 2017.


Sidney Sudberg II. Committee

d. Quorum 38 - ?, but could be

applied to another



1. A provision for the Chair &/or a Majority of Quorum to

evoke a 'Roll Call Vote' for important votes to be voted on by

'entire' Committee, Associate & Full Members in a timely

manner, should be included. 2. This way, the Chair or a

Quorum of Full Voting Members could ask for a Roll Call Vote

at any time, allowing only a Majority of 'yeas' or 'nays' to move

forward & abstentions are not counted.

This would potentially allow for complex issues or 'major' changes, etc. to be

'Democratically' voted on by the entire Committee to give the chosen subject matter the

consideration it is due, by all members! This would also potentially prevent a small

handful of members from controlling the decision making process, if there was such a

case. This would more than likely be a rare occurrence but it would serve as a safeguard

against these rare occurrences.


Mike Zapf

V. Criteria for

Serving as a




General Comment(s) ...states "II", I believe it refers to section III
