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further information, which will also be of interest to


1. where a Judgment Creditor withdraws a Decree from

the Sheriff, no poundage will ordinarily be payable,

unless part or the entire of the Judgment Debt has

been collected by the Judgment Creditor;

2. the amount of the poundage payable by the Judgment

Creditor will be related to the amount of the

Judgment Debt actually recovered;

3. irrespective of any amount recovered, where a Decree

is withdrawn from the Sheriff, the Sheriff may charge

proper out-of -pocket expenses incurred by him in the


It also appears that the percentage of Decrees levied

successfully varies, at the present time, from

approximately 25% in Dublin City Area to approximately

35% in the County. This can only raise the larger

question of the extent, in terms of Gross National

Product, to which the time, trouble and expense of

endeavouring to collect debts can be justified—at least in

the City and County Areas. The Association may well

recommend that the whole procedure of debt collection

should be reviewed and, if appropriate, that alternative

methods of collection should be considered.


The Family Law Sub-Committee of the Association

has considered this matter at great length and has made a

detailed submission on behalf of the Association to the

Attorney General.


The Court Practice and Procedures Sub-Committee of

the Association has, with others, been making

representations to the County Registrar as to the Area

assigned to the Civil Bill Officer, Mr. Eugene McEneaney.

Members will have observed that the County Registrar

recently varied the Area assigned to Mr. McEneaney by

excluding that part of the Area from which Civil

Processes would be returned to the Bray District Court.

This is for the convenience of both Dublin City and

County practitioners and their clients.


The Dublin Solicitors' Bar Association is considering

proposals it might make to the President of the High

Court concerning the following matters:

1. The rules of office practice

as operated in the High

Court, as distinct from the Superior Court rules.


The Superior Court rules.


The expedition of business

in the High Court

(including the Court's accessibility to the public).


Pre-trial procedure.

The Association's Court Practice and Procedure

Committee would be grateful to receive in writing,

through the Association's Hon. Secretary, Andrew F.

Smyth, 1, Upper Ely Place, Dublin 2, as soon as

possible and not later than 25th April 1977,

constructive criticism from practitioners of present

procedures and practices as adopted by the High

Court and suggestions for improvement for the future.

The Association believes that a speedy and

informative response from the profession will result in

a useful and early submission to the President and will

be of considerable benefit to the profession and the

clients it serves.





(1) The Local Authority Solicitors' Association held

their 4th Annual Seminar in the Clarence Hotel, Dublin,

recently. Papers were given on the following subjects:

(1) Contracts — "Construction within the Law" —

Max W. Abrahamson LL.B.

(2) Recent decisions affecting Local Authorities —

Phillip O'Sullivan B.L.

(3) The Local Government (Planning & Development)

Act, 1976 - Michael Murphy B.L.

Mr. William Dundon, Law Agent, Dublin Corporation,

presided. The President of the High Court, Mr. Justice

Finlay was the chief guest of honour at the luncheon, and

also present were Mr. J. B. Molloy, Dublin City and

County Manager; Mr. W. A. Osborne, Solicitor,

representing the President of the Incorporated Law

Society, and Mr. Michael Murphy B.L. Legal Adviser,

Department of Local Government.

(2) At Dun Laoghaire District Court recently, Justice

Delap congratulated Mr. John P. Hooper, Solicitor, Dun

Laoghaire, on being elected President of the Dublin

Solicitors Bar Association for the year 1976-'77. Justice

Delap said that apart from the confidence shown in Mr

Hooper by his colleagues who had elected him President

of the Bar Association it was also a signal honour for the

legal profession in Dun Laoghaire because Mr.

Hooper was the first Solicitor practising in DunLaoghaire

to become President of the Dublin Solicitors' Bar

Association. He congratulated Mr. Hooper and wished

him every success for his term of office. Justice Delap

added that Mr. Hooper was the son of a respected

member of the Bar, the late Mr. Sean Hooper S.C. and

that was all the more reason for congratulating him. The

members of the legal profession present in Court joined in

the tributes to Mr. Hooper. Mr. Hooper suitably replied.


The following officers were elected for 1977 —

President, Mr. Sean Casey, Solicitor of Messrs. Casey &

Cahir, Solicitors, Green Lawn, Ennis; Vice-President, Mr.

Patrick O'Shea, Solicitor, of Messrs. M. O'Shea & Co.,

Solicitors, Kilrush; Secretary/Treasurer, Mr. Daniel C.

Chambers, Solicitor, of Ignatius M. Houlihan & Sons,

Solrs., 10 Bindon Street, Ennis. Committee: James B.

MacClancy, Michael P. Houlihan, Patrick C. Chambers,

Daniel O. Healy, Michael J. McMahon, James Monahan.


10 Gold Kruggerands are for sale, £880 o.n.o. Each

coin, in mint condition, contains one ounce of fine gold.

Gross Weight 33.9311 grams. Diameter 32.63 mm.

Replies to Box No. 145

4 4