2015 GNYADA Membership Directory
GNYADA uses the competition as a means to challenge schools across the nation to hold the curriculum of
automotive education tomore rigorous standards, ensuring that students master the skills they need to succeed
as lifelong learners, workers, and citizens.
These competition represent a unique coalition of franchised new car dealers, automanufacturers, government,
and academic partners who work together to ensure students will be ready for the demands of working in the
service centers of franchised new car dealers. The competition is designed to be robust and relevant to the real
world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in today’s technologically
advanced automotive industry.
To learn more about the GNYADA sponsored Automotive Technology Competitions visit
Automotive Youth Education Systems
Through The Greater New York Automobile
Dealers Association’s AYES Program, high school
automotive technology students are given
guidance to explore rewarding automotive
The GNYADA AYES Program fosters a bridge
between technically-oriented young people who
are exploring career options and automotive
dealers who urgently need talented technicians.
In addition to taking the required academic
courses toward their high school degrees,
students take challenging classroom/laboratory
courses in basic automotive technology.
The capstone of GNYADA’s AYES Program is a 320-
hour workplace internship. Under the guidance of
a “mentor” (an experienced technician), students
develop both their technical skills and their skills
as valuable employees.
Upon high school graduation participating
students are prepared to begin full-time entry-
level employment, or to advance their technical
If you would like to participate in the AYES Student
Internship Program, Contact Stephen Mercaldo at