alumni celebrate
undreds of Bluefield College alumni came back to
campus, October 23-25, to celebrate Homecoming 2015.
Graduates from 1965 and beyond gathered on day one of
Homecoming weekend to celebrate induction into the Golden
Graduates Society. In fact, 18 Golden Grads were recognized
during the special reunion event, including the latest
inductee James A. Gray, Jr. (’65). Joining Gray in celebrating
Homecoming 2015 as members of the prestigious Golden
Graduates Society: David Armbrister (’54), David Bailey (’60),
James Dunn (’59), Rodney Hale (’60), Doug Hawks (’57), Jim
Jenkins (’60), Alice Mays Lane (’64), Fran Webb Louthan (’60),
Jack Marcom (’62), Wayne Massey (’59), John Ragland (’60),
Loretta Hawks Ragland (’59), Jessie Shifflett (’60), Bill Tuck (’55),
Margaret Orrock Watkins (’60), Farley Wolford (’54), and Carlene
Walters Woolwine (’60). Another 39 alumni, a total of 66 guests
in all, joined them for the celebration, which also included
the wit and charm of Mark Twain in a program presented by
alumnus David Bailey (’60).
(continued on page 22)
BC Sports Hall of Famers
(from left)
Mayo (’88), Coach Mark Blevins, Lamont
Woods (’92), and Dan Brown (’85).