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APRIL 1986

Dail Debates

National House Building Guarantee Scheme.


Mr. Allen

asked the Minister for the Environment

if his Department will review the National House Building

Guarantee Scheme in light of the serious financial conse-

quences for house purchasers of unfinished estates, insol-

vencies and builders going into liquidation.

Minister for the Environment (Mr. Kavanagh):


National House Building Guarantee Scheme is operated

by a company established under the aegis of the Construction

Industry Federation and provides a structural guarantee

of new houses registered under the scheme.


review of

the scheme is primarily a matter for the guarantee company

itself and I have no direct function in the matter. My

Department have, however, persued the question of

deposit cover with the company on a number of occasions

and have again recently asked the company to further

examine the question. I understand that the company is

considering the matter in the context of a general review

of its rules and I hope to be informed shortly of the

outcome. It is a matter for each planning authority to

take appropriate action to deal with the problem of

unfinished estates. •

The External Examiners review a cross section of all

scripts and all scripts of those candidates whose marks

are on the borderline of Pass and Failure and are the final

arbiters of the marks to be awarded to such candidates.

The Internal Examiners present written reports on the

examination and all Examiners are invited to meet with

the Education Committee immediately prior to the con-

sideration of the results.

371 candidates sat the examination in 1985. 159 of them

were declared to have passed the examination. 82 of the

candidates passed all the subjects which they sat (law

graduates are exempt from Criminal Law which is not

one of the five competitive subjects). 77 candidates were

allowed compensation from other subjects.

224 were graduates in law, of whom 114 (51%) passed.

123 candidates were graduates in disciplines other than

law, of which 42 (34%) passed. Other candidates totalled

24, of whom 3 (12.5%) passed.

The following compensation rules were applied on this


1. No candidate who failed to reach the pass mark in

three subjects - and also, where applicable, in criminal

Law - was allowed to compensate.

2. No candidate who achieved less than 40 marks in any

subject was allowed to compensate. •


Final Examination - First Part 1985:

A Report

The Society held its Final Examination - First Part (the

"En t r y" Examination) in November 1985. The provi-

sional results were announced by the Education Commit-

tee on January 9th 1986.

The Society's examiners for the Final Examination -

First Part were:


Internal Examiner


Mr. Patrick McGovern, Solicitor


Mr. William Johnston, Solicitor


Ms. Mary B. P. O'Mahoney,




Mr. Eamonn G. Hall, Solicitor

Company Law

Mr Gerard Meehan, Solicitor

Criminal Law

Mr. Brendan Garvan, Solicitor


External Examiner


Professor Bryan M. McMahon



Dr. Henry Ellis (NIHE Limerick)


Professor J. C. Brady (UCD)



Mr. Patrick Horgan (UCC)

Company Law

Mr. Patrick Ussher (DU)

Criminal Law

Professor Kevin Boyle (UCG)

The Examination papers are set by the Internal Exam-

iners, subject to the approval of the External Examiners.

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