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BER 1986

It is clear from the foregoing, firstly, that the Health

Board has no option in the matter and, where the injury

is the result of the negligent use of a mechanically

propelled vehicle,


make a charge even though, had

the injury occurred in other circumstances, no charge

might have been possible. Furthermore, the obligation

on the part of the Health Board to make such a charge

exists not only where damages or compensation have

actually been recovered but where the injured person,

his personal representative or dependant is



receive damages or compensation. While it is true that

the Act further provides that the Health Board may

waive the whole or part of a charge, it is not mandatory

on it to do so.

It would seem that under these provisions an injured

person might very well be compelled to pay a charge

(notwithstanding his possible entitlement to free

treatment under the Health Acts in other circumstances)

and only some time later, when it becomes clear that he

is unable to recover damages or compensation, either at

all or in full, would part or all of the charge be

reimbursed, provided the Health Board decides to waive

the same.

It will be remembered that prior to




the charge made by a Health Board was not (as one

might have expected) the ordinary charge made to a

private patient receiving treatment in hospital, but the

full economic cost of maintaining an injured person in


This in fact was a very much higher figure. The Act

does not state expressly what charge should be made,

but the possibility obviously exists that a full economic

charge may again be sought.

It is submitted the provisions of the Act apply only in

cases where the injury was sustained after the Act came

into force (7 May, 1986).

It is further submitted that the provisions of the

Health (Amendment) Act, 1986, are by their very nature

discriminatory against persons who are injured by the

negligent use of mechanically propelled vehicles in a

public place and, indeed, the owners/drivers of those

vehicles, and accordingly that the foregoing provisions

of the Act may very well be found to be unconstitutional

if and when tested in the Supreme Court.

Criminal Injuries

Compensation Tribunal

Members are advised that a scheme of compensation

for personal injuries criminally inflicted has been

changed from 1 April, 1986. Compensation to be

awarded by the Tribunal will be on the same basis as

damages awarded under the Civil Liability Acts except

that compensation will not be payable:

(a) By way of exemplary, vindictive or aggravated


(b) In respect of the maintenance of any child bom to

any victim of a sexual offence.

(c) In respect of loss or diminution of expectation of


(e) In so far as injuries sustained on or after 1 April,

1986, are concerned

in respect of pain and


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