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Reading Matters

Research Matters


Reading Matters | Volume 16 • Winter 2016 |




time by increasing the intentionality of my instructional choices

and reflecting on how those choices impacted my students.

Incorporating children’s literature can help teachers build upon

students’ innate interest in learning while at the same time

meeting the demands of the Common Core Standards (2010).

There will always be students like Annie, who need more support

to become engaged in certain subjects. However, taking time to

really get to know your students and altering the texts they are

exposed to may help you pave the way for meaningful learning.


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Canadian Children, 37

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Increasing the diversity of

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Teaching Children

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Hunsader, P. D. (2004). Mathematics trade books: Establishing their value and

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Comprehending math: Adapting reading strategies to teach

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Jobe, R., & Dayton-Sakari, M. (2002).

Infokids: How to use nonfiction to turn

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basal readers.

Reading Psychology, 23

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Powell, S. R., & Nurnberger-Haag, J. (2015). Everybody counts, but usually just

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Shatzer, J. (2008). Picture book power: Connecting children’s literature and


The Reading Teacher, 61

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Williams, T. L. (2009). A framework for nonfiction in the early grades.


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