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MARCH 1995

Historic Development in Legal

Professional Training in Ireland

Pictured at the meeting in the Law Society, on 24 February are representatives from the Law Society

and the King's Inns and Chairman Mr. Justice Ronan Keane. From left to right: Mr. John Rogers,

S.C., King's Inns Representative;

Mr. Ken Murphy, Chairman Education Committee, Law Society;

Mr. Albert Power, Law School Principal, The Law Society, Mr. Justice Ronan Keane, Chairman of

AC LET; Mrs. Justice Susan Denham, King's Inns Representative;

Mr. Kevin Waldron, Director of

Education, King's Inns and Mr. Pat O 'Connor, Law Society Education


"Innovative, exciting and historic"

were just some of the very approving

terms which have been used to welcome

the news that The Law Society and the

King's Inns have agreed that for the

first time their respective students will

enjoy the benefit of jointly taking a

common course as part of their

professional training. The course

chosen for joint teaching is litigation.

This initiative is the result of regular

discussions over a lengthy period

between representatives of the

Education Committee of The Law

Society and of the King's Inns. The Law

Society representatives involved were

Ken Murphy, Michael V. O 'Mahony


Pat O'Connor

and the King's Inns was

represented by Mrs. Justice




John Rogers


It is intended to continue these meetings

to further explore mutually beneficial

co-operation between the two institu-

tions in legal professional training.

The joint course will consist of lectures

and tutorials to be taken side by side by

both students for the Bar and solicitors'

apprentices. The teaching will probably

be done half-and-half (or as close to this

as is sensible and convenient) by exist-

ing King's Inns lecturers/tutors and Law

Society lecturers/tutors. The same

educational materials will be used by all


The decision to run a common litigation

course was formally made with the

adoption of identical policy papers at

the highest decision-making level by

both institutions. The policy paper was

adopted on 10 February, 1995 by the

Council of the Law Society and on 14

February, 1995 by the Council of the

King's Inns.

The precise form of the joint syllabus is

yet to be finalised but it is a measure of

the substantial nature of this joint

educational commitment that a course

of over 50 teaching hours duration is

being considered.


The course of lectures and tutorials in

litigation will be in substitution for,

rather than in addition to, existing

courses taught by the two institutions. It

is hoped to commence the joint course

in the Autumn of 1995. Many

substantial logistical problems will have

to be overcome in this regard but they

are being addressed at present.

This is a pilot project. If it proves

successful then the Law Society and the

King's Inns will consider whether it

would be of value to run joint courses in

other subjects on a similar basis.

A catalyst for this initiative has been the

Advisory Committee on Legal

Education and Training ('ACLET')-

which is a very broadly based

committee representative of all parties

interested in legal education and

training in Ireland. It is chaired by Mr.


Ronan Keane.

It was at a

meeting of ACLET on 24 February,

1995 that the enthusiastic welcome,

referred to at the first line above, was

given to this initiative.

One of the key objectives for ACLET

over the last three years has been to

examine the recommendation in the Fair

Trade Commission Report of 1990 that

a substantial measure of joint

professional education of solicitors and

barristers, would promote efficiency and

higher standards in the public interest.

Not ice - AGM of SBA


One Hundred and Thirty-First Annual

General Meeting of the SOLICITORS


be held at the Law Society, Blackhall

Place, Dublin, on Friday 7 April 1995

at 12 noon:

1. To consider the Annual Report and

Accounts for the year ended 30

November 1994.

2. To elect Directors.

3. To deal with other matters

appropriate to a General Meeting.


