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First Review of the Courts System

since 1927

The Working Group on a Courts

Commission, established by the

Minister for Justice, Mrs. Nora Owen,

TD, had its first meeting on

6 November, 1995. The Working Group

is chaired by Mrs. Justice Susan

Denham of the Supreme Court.

In a statement issued on the

establishment of the Working Group, the

Minister for Justice said that the Group

would be engaged in the first root and

branch examination of the courts system

since it was set up in 1927. The Group

would provide the opportunity "for a

thorough examination of the courts

system to ensure that it is meeting the

needs of today's society", she said.

The Working Group decided that it

would meet weekly and that its first act

should be to invite submissions from

interested individuals or groups in the

terms of the notice which is published

on page

In addition or as an

alternative to making submissions to the

The Investment Intermediaries Act

came into effect on I August, 1995.

This legislation provides for the

regulation of firms or individuals

("Investment Business Firms") who

engage in investment business or give

investment advice ("Investment

business Services"). It implements the

Investment Services Directive and

applies many of the principles in the

Insurance Act, 1989, to general

investment business.

The Central Bank has asked the

Society to ask solicitors involved in

company formation to alert clients

involved in providing


business services"

to the provisions

of the Investment Intermediaries

Act, 1995.

Under the Act any firm, whether

Working Group, any members of the

solicitors' profession who have specific

proposals on how the courts system

should be reformed are invited to

communicate them, preferably in

writing, to Ken Murphy, Director

General of the Law Society.

The members of the Group are: Mrs.

Justice Susan Denham, Supreme

Court; Mr. Justice Ronan Keane,

High Court; Mr. Justice Kevin

O'Higgins, Circourt Court; Mrs.

Justice Catherine McGuinness,

Circuit Court (Family Law); Judge

Peter Smithwick, District Court; Mr.

Anthony Hederman, Chairman of the

Law Reform Commission; Mr. Ken

Murphy, Director General of the Law

Society; Mr. James Nugent, S.C.,

Chairman of the Bar Council; Mr.

Ken Wright, Management Consultant;

former Attorney General Mr. John

Rogers, S.C.; Ms. Roisin McDermott,

Chairwoman of Women's Aid; Mr.

Kevin Duffy, ICTU Assistant General

corporate or non-corporate, which

falls under the definition of an

"investment business firm"


an authorisation from either the

Central Bank of Ireland or the

Minister for Enterprise and

Employment. The nature of the

activities undertaken by an

investment business firm determines

which supervisory authority is

appropriate. Whether a company is

resident or non-resident in the State, is

irrelevant in determining whether it

falls under the provisions of the Act,

its activities are the determining

factor. Engaging in investment

business activities specified under the

Act without appropriate authorisation

is a criminal offence.

The Honourable Mrs. justice Susan Denham.

Secretary; Mr. Caoimhin O hUiginn,

Department of Justice; Mr. Colm

Breslin, Department of Finance; Mr.

Richard Barrett, Attorney

General's Office.

Lady Solicitors Golf Society

Outing at Kilkenny,

25 August 1995




Captains Prize and Quinlan Trophy

-Muriel Walls

(16) 39pts

Second Prize -

Keyna McEvoy



Third Prize -

Barbara Cotter



Gross -

Virginia Rochford

(12) 24

Gross pts

Visitors Prize -

Joan Binchy

(16) 40pts

Sheila O'Gorman Trophy -


Deri van

(36) 34pts

First Nine - Helen Kilroy (21) 21 pts

Second Nine -

Eimear Cowhey



Officers 1995/96


Mary Gleeson







Company Formations - Investment

Business Services