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The Employment Register

The Law Society Employment

Register comprises a list of qualified

solicitors who are available for

employment or interested in changing

j ob s. The register is administered by

the careers adviser who is also a

solicitor and it caters for full-time,

part-time and locum positions both

within and outside private legal

practice. There are at present 125

solicitors on the register, of whom

4 8 qualified in 1995, the remainder

ranging in experience from one to

2 0 years.

Those wishing to employ a solicitor

simply telephone the careers adviser

and give details o f their specific

requirements. Selected CV s are then

sent to the prospective employer who

makes direct contact with the

candidates to be interviewed. The

clearer the specification given, the

greater the likelihood of success; the

highest success rate is achieved when

the employer discusses the vacancy

directly with the careers adviser at an

early stage in the process.

Solicitors who are seeking

employment are asked to complete a

standard form giving details of their

qualifications and experience and

their requirements in terms of

location etc. This information is

entered and held on a confidential

databank; it is used only for the

purpose of selecting suitable

Geraldine Hynes

candidates for specific vacancies and

matching them with employers'

specifications. Applicants also supply

a number of copies of their curriculum

vitae which will be sent to employers

as and when appropriate vacancies

arise. In order to ensure that the

information on file is up-to-date, all

solicitors on the register are obliged to

re-register by telephone every three

months and must advise the careers

adviser o f any change in their


The latest available statistics on

successful placements relate to the

six-month period ending 31 August

1995. During this period, the

following placements were made

through the register:


private practice:


corporate sector:



private practice


corporate sector (including

public service)



4 3

A considerable proportion of solicitor

recruitment in this country is

conducted through the Law Society

register. Those employers who have

used the system are aware of the

benefit to them in terms of

convenience as well as the

considerable saving of time and

money involved. Requests are dealt

with on a same day basis as far as

possible and the process can be

completed in a very short time. There

is no charge involved but those who

use the service are asked to update the

careers adviser on progress and

outcome. Courtesy and cooperation in

this respect are vital for the effective

running of the system.



, Careers Adviser,

can be contacted at 671 0 2 0 0.

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