Sol ici tors Take to the Hills
When I looked out my bedroom
window at nine o'clock on the morning
of Sunday. 12 November, the idea of a
five hour hike in the Wieklow
Mountains suddenly held little appeal.
Ever the optimist however. I decided to
venture out and brave the elements and
miraculously by the time we reached
Enniskerry the weather began to clear
and had in fact cleared completely by
the time we commenced the hike at Old
Bridge on the end of Lough Dan.
The seventeen hardy souls who
ventured out that Sunday were
rewarded with a beautiful hike around
the Lough Dan area.
Searr was an appropriate name for the
main climb of the day. one very steep
section leaving many of us physically
scarred by the time we reached the
summit. However, make it we all did
and were rewarded with spectacular
views of the Wieklow Mountains and
of Lough Dan itself. I don't think I
have ever seen the autumn colours so
vibrant in Ireland. New England eat
your heart out.
Our hike leader,
decided on the most direct route down
the mountain and this in fact proved
almost as difficult as the ascent.
Negotiating our way through thick
heather, waist high in some places, was
indeed very challenging and I think all
of us were glad of our hiking boots on
that occasion as such a descent can be
tough on the ankles.
Our descent eventually led us to our
lunch spot overlooking Glenmacnass
Waterfall and river which had over the
preceding few days been transformed
into a raging torrent. No water shortage
Frank Feeley
take note!
Our route back took us to the river
which flows through the valley al the
west side of Lough Dan which river we
followed until we reached a small oak
copse and from there we followed the
path across country back to Old Bridge.
To round off the afternoon, those of us
who had brought a change of clothes
adjourned to a local hostelry in
Roundwood to pay our respects to
Uncle Arthur and let me state that Uncle
Arthur is alive and well in Roundwood!
Many thanks to
Frank Nowlan
organising the hike and in particular to
Cillian MacDomhnaill
for leading us so
expertly, even if he was making up the
route as he went along!
There will be a further hike in January.
If you are interested in going please
Frank Nowlan
al 667 1666 or
Cillian MacDomhnaill
at 671 071 I for
further details.
Andrew Clarke
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Fax: 830 7860
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:m M11
Solicitors' hillwalking group