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APRIL 199;

1972. The Regulations came into force

on 8 December 1994


In re Holidair Ltd:

Supreme Court

(Finlay CJ, O'Flaherty, Egan, Blayney

and Denham JJ) [1994] 1 ILRM 481.

Examinership-Borrowing powers of

e x am i n e r - D e b e n t u r e - F l o a t i ng

charge-Charge over book debts de-

scribed as a fixed charge-Obliga-

tions to pay proceeds into account to

be designated by trustee under de-

benture-Failure to designate account

and companies permitted to use pro-

ceeds of book debts i n ord i nary cou rse

of business-Receiver appointed in

respect of companies-Subsequent ap-

pointment of examiner-Letters desig-

nating account into which proceeds

of book debt should be paid sent to

companies. Whether action taken to

realise security-Crystallisation of

floating charge on appointment of

examiner-Companies (Amendment)

Act 1990, ss. 5(2)(d), 7(5), 9(1), 9(4),

29(2), 29(3).


Air Pollution Act 1987 (Marketing,

Sale and Distribution of Fuels) (Cork)

Regulations 1994 (SI No. 403 of1994)

These Regulations bring into effect a

prohibition on the marketing, sale

and distribution of bituminous coals

within the restricted area of Cork and

set certain standards for allowable

fuels within that area. The prohibi-

tion does not apply to certain opera-

tions involving the storage of prohib-

ited fuels within the area and their

transport or del i very through the area.

The Regulations also make provision

for thei r enforcement by Cork Corpo-

ration and Cork County Council

within their respective functional ar-

eas and provide controls in that re-

gard (keeping and examination of

records etc.). The Regulations also

revoke the Air Pollution Act 1987

(Marketing, Sale and Distribution of

Fuels) (Cork) Regulations 1993 (SI

No. 294 of 1993) which prohibited

the sale of slack and required retailers

to have a supply of smokeless or low-

smoke fuel for sale in the designated

area of Cork. The Regulations came

into effect on 13 February 1995.



European Communities (Machinery)

Regulations 1994 (SI No. 406 of


These Regulations implement Coun-

cil Directive 89/392/EEC, as amended

by Council Directive 91/368/EEC, on

the approximation of the laws of the

Member States relating to machinery

to provide additional essential health

and safety requirements to cover the

risks being run by persons being lifted.

They also deal with safety compo-

nents (Council Directive 93/68/EEC)

by harmonizing the provisions con-

cerning the affixing and use oftheCE

marking (cf (1994) 12 ILT 296). The

aim is to remove barriers to intra

Community trade in the area of ma-

chinery and safety components. The

Regulations apply to machinery and

safety components which are first

placed on the market or put into

service in the Community on or after

1 January 1995. They replace the

European Communities (Machinery)

Regulations 1992 (SI No. 246 of

1992), which are revoked. They also

revoke the European Communities

(Wine-Ropes, Chains and Hooks)

Regulations 1979 with effect from 1

January 1995. The European Com-

munities (Roll Over and Falling Ob-

ject Protective Structures for Con-

struction Plant) Regulations 1990 (SI

No. 202 of 1990) and the European

Communities (Self-Propelled Indus-

trial Trucks) Regulations 1991 (SI No.

12 of 1991) are both revoked with

effect from 1 January 1996.

Safety, Health and Welfare at Work

(Chemical Agents) Regulations 1994

(SI No. 445 of 1994)

These Regulations implement Coun-

cil Directive 88/642/EEC and Com-

mission Directive 91/322/EEC on the

protection of workers from the risks

related to chemical agents at work.

The Regulations define a chemical

agent and outline the duties of em-

ployers in relation to the prevention

and limitation of exposure of em-

ployees to chemical agents in the

workplace. There are also require-

ments in relation to information, train-

ing and consultation of employees.

The Regulations came into effect on

25 January 1995. Current occupa-


tional exposure limits in respect of

about 600 chemical agents which

come within the scope of these Regu-

lations are set out in a Code of Prac-

tice issued by the Health and Safety

Authority. The Regulations and Code

of Practice were made under the

Safety, Health and Welfare at Work

Act 1989.

Safety, Health and Welfare at Work

(Pregnant Employees Etc.) Regula-

tions 1994 (SI No. 446 of 1994)

These Regulations implement the oc-

cupational safety and health provi-

sions of Council Directive 92/85/EEC

of 19 October 1992 on the introduc-

tion of measures to encourage im-

provements in the safety and health

at work of pregnant workers and work-

ers who have recently given birth or

are breastfeeding. The Regulations

came into effect on 30 December

1994 and were made under the Safety,

Health andWelfare atWork Act 1989.

On the implementation of the other

elements of the 1992 Directive, see

the Maternity Protection Act 1994:

(1995) 13 ILT 15.



Bula Ltd & Ors. v Crowley & Ors.:

Supreme Court (Finlay Cj, Egan and

Denham JJ) [1994] 1 ILRM 495.

Discovery-Legal professional privi-

lege-Exemption from privilege-Re-

strictions on exemptions from privi-



Disabled Drivers and Disabled Pas-

sengers (Tax Concessions) Regula-

tions 1994 (SI No. 353 of 1994)

These Regulations set out the medi-

cal criteria, certification procedures,

repayment limits, forms and other

matters necessary for the purposes of

giving effect to s.92 of the Finance

Act 1989 which provides for tax con-

cessions for disabled drivers and disa-

bled passengers. The Regulations

came into effect on 1 December 1994.