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the Directive is to harmonise aspects of

national provisions relating to package

travel in the EC, with a view to improving

the level of protection for customers and

eliminating distortions of competition

between the various Member States.


Adoptive Leave Bill 1993

This Bill, as passed by Dáil Éireann on 1

March 1995, aims to entitle female em-

ployees, and in certain circumstances

male employees, to employment leave

for the purpose of child adoption. It also

extends to them the protection against

unfair dismissal afforded by the Unfair

Dismissals Act 1977.


Arterial Drainage (Amendments) Bill

1995 [Private Members Bill]

This Bill, as presented by Senator Brendan

Daly, aims to amend and extend the

Arterial Drainage Act 1945 to make pro-

vision for the execution of such works as

may be found necessary to enable the

protection of land or buildings in urban

and other areas from damage resulting

from inland and costal flooding. Provi-

sion is made for the maintenance of such

works and for the payment of compensa-

tion to certain persons for damage result-

ing from flooding.

Environmental Protection Agency Act

1992 (Urban Waste Water Treatment)

Regulations 1994 (SI No. 419 of 1994)

These Regulations, which give effect to

the provisions of Council Directive 91/

271/EEC (of 21 May 1991) concerning

urban waste water treatment, prescribe

requirements in relation to the provision

of col lecting systems and treatment stand-

ards generally and in sensitive areas. Ten

water bodies are identified as sensitive

areas. Provision is also made for monitor-

ing procedures in relation to treatment

plants and pre-treatment requirements

in relation to industrial waste water en-

tering col lecting systems and urban waste

water plants. Compliance by sanitary

authorities with the Regulations will be

on a phased basis from 31 December

1998 to 31 December 2005.


Family Law Bill 1994

This Bill, as passed by Dáil Éireann on 1

February 1995, aims to make further pro-

vision in relation to the jurisdiction of the

courts to make preliminary and ancillary

orders in cases where spouses become

judicially separated under the law of the

State or under the law of another state or

where marriages are dissolved.


Vital Statistics (Stillbirths) Regulations

1994. (SI No. 427 of 1994)

These Regulations, which replace the

Vital Statistics (Foetal Deaths) Regula-

tions 1956, provide for the collection of

specified statistics on stillbirths which

relate to children born weighing 500

grammes or more, or having a gestational

age of 24 weeks or more, who show no

signs of life. The Regulations came into

force on 1 January 1995 and were made

under the Stillbirths Registration Act


Medical Preparations (Licensing, Adver-

tisement and Sale) (Amendment) Regu-

lations 1994 (SI No. 439 of 1994)

These Regulations give effect to Council

Directive 92/73/EEC (of 22 September

1992) widening the scope of Directives

65/65/EEC and 75/319/EEC on the ap-

proximation of provisions laid down by

law, regulation or administrative action

relating to medicinal products.

Aditionally, provisions are laid down with

regard to homoeopathic medicinal prod-

ucts. Effect is also given to Council Regu-

lation (EEC) 2309/93 (of 22 July 1993)

with particular regard to licences for

medicinal products for human use granted

in accordance therewith. The Regula-

tions will come into effect on 1 October

1995 with the exception of the licensing

provision in article 3(c) which came into

effect on 1 January 1995.

Medical Preparations (Labelling and

Package Leaflets) (Amendment) Regula-

tions 1994 (SI No. 440 of 1994)

These Regulations give effect to article

7(2) of Council Directive 92/73/EEC (of

22 September 1992) widening the scope

of Directives 65/65/EEC and 75/319/EEC

on the approximation of provisions laid

down by law, regulation or administra-

tive action relating to medicinal products

and laying down additional provisions

on homoeopathic medicinal products.

The Regu lations wi 1 come i nto operation

on 1 October 1995.

European Communities (Personal Pro-

tective Equipment) (CE Marking) Regu-

lations (SI No 457 of 1994)

These Regulations amend the European

Communities (Personal Protective Equip-

ment) Regulations (SI No. 272 of 1993) as

amended by the European Communities

(Personal Protective Equipment) (Amend-

ment) Regulations (SI No. 13 of 1994).

They give effect to Directive 93/68/EEC

(of 22 July 1993) amending Council Di-


rective 89/686/EEC (of 21 December

1989) as amended by Council Directive

93/95/EEC (of 29 October 1993), on the

CE conformity marking and assessment

procedures for the technical harmonisa-

tion of the laws of the Member States. The

Director of Consumer Affairs has powers

of enforcement for these Regulations

which require the manufacturer, or the

manufacturer's authorised representative

within the Community, to affix the re-

vised CE conformity making on personal

protective equipment. The Regulations

came into operation on 1 January 1995.

Personal protective equipment comply-

ing with the marking arrangements in

force before this date shall continue to be

allowed to be placed on the market until

1 January 1997.

European Communities (Safety of Toys)

(Amendment) Regulations 1994 (SI No.

458 of 1994)

These Regulations amend the European

Communities (Safety of Toys) Regula-

tions 1990 (SI No. 32 of 1990). They give

effect to Council Directive 93/68/EEC (of

22 July 1993) amending Council Direc-

tive 88/378/EEC (of 3 May 1988) on the

CE conformity marking and assessment

procedures for the technical harmonisa-

tion of the laws of Member States. The

Regulations, which may be enforced by

the Director of Consumer Affairs, require

the manufacturer, or the manufacturer's

authorised representative with in the com-

munity, to affix the revised CE conformity

marking on toys. The Regulations came

into operation on 1 January 1995. Toys

complying with the marking arrangement

in force before this date shall continue to

be allowed to be placed on the market

until 1 January 1997.

European Communities (Infant Formu-

lae) Regulations 1994 (SI No. 459 of


These Regulations give effect to Commis-

sion Directive9l/321/EEC (of 14 May 1994)

and Council Directive 95/52/EEC (of 18

June 1992) on compositional, labelling

and marketing requirements for infant for-

mulae and follow-on formulae intended

for infants in good health. The Regulations

came into effect on 3 January 1995.

Health (Dental Services for Children)

Regulations 1995 (SI No. 21 of 1995)

These Regulations extended eligibility for

children's dental services up to the attain-

ment of the child's fourteenth birthday.


Huntsgrove Developments Ltd v Meath

County Council High Court (Lardner J)

[1994] 2 ILRM 36

Planning and development - Principles

governing revision of development plan