JULY 1991:
Separation of powers - Refusal by
unconstitutional - Declaration as to
breach by State of its constitutional
obligations - Need for legislation to
remedy breach - Inability of court to
require the introduction of legislation
which would remedy breach
feremiah Anthony Cahalane v. His
Honour fudge Anthony J Murphy and
the Director of Public Prosecutions
Supreme Court (Finlay CJ, O'Flaherty,
Egan, Blayney and Denham JJ) [1994] 2
ILRM 383
Trial of offences - Trial in due course of
law - Judicial Review - Offences against
the Revenue - Preparation of charges -
delay in charging the applicant and
returning for trial - Whether delay
Prejudice - Death of potential witnesses -
Hardship caused by revocation of licence
to carry on business - Constitution of
Ireland 1937, Articles 38, 40 - Finance
Act 1983, ss.92(2)(4), 94(2)(a)(d)(e), 95(5)
- Finance Act 1988, s.9(1)
Package Holidays and travel Trade
Bill 1995
has been amended in the
Select Committee on Enterprise and
economic Strategy. Cf. (1995) 13 ILT 90.
Declan Kelly v. Cruise Catering Ltd and
Supreme Court (O'Flaherty, Egan
and Blayney J|) [1994] 2 ILRM 394
Postal rule - Contract made by post
between plaintiff who was in Ireland and
company in Norway - Place where
contract was made - Contract signed by
plaintiff and posted in Ireland to company
in Norway - Whether acceptance
complete when put in post box
Practice - Procedure - Action for
breach of Contract - Application to
serve originating summons out of the
jurisdiction - Whether Ireland was
place where contract was made -
non conveniens
- Comparitive
cost and convenience of proceedings in
this jurisdiction as to opposed to place
of defendant's residence - Rules of the
Superior Courts 1986, 0.11, r.1(e)(i),
0.11, r.2
Criminal Law (Incest Proceed-
ingsMNo. 2) Bill 1995
was passed by
Seanad Eireann on 27 April 1995. Cf.
fl995) 13 ILT 118
Transfer of Sentenced Persons Bill 1995
This Bill, as presented by the Minister
for Justice, aims to provide for the
transfer between the State and places
outside the State of persons for the time
being detained in prisons, hospitals or
other institutions under orders made in
the course of the exercise by courts and
tribunals of their criminal jurisdiction.
The enactment of the Bill will allow the
State to ratify the European Convention
on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons
(1983) and to give effect to the
Agreement on the Application among
Member States of the European
Communities of the Council of Europe
Convention (1987).
Criminal Law (Bail) Bill 1995
This private member's Bill, introduced
by Mr John O'Donoghue, TD, aims to
regulate the law regarding the
admission of accused persons to bail
and to provide for the duties and
responsibilities of bailspersons.
H v. Director of Public Prosecutions and
the Commissioner of An Garda Síochána
Supreme Court (O'Flaherty, Egan and
Denham |j) [1994] 2 ILRM 285
Judicial review -
Mandamus -
of Public Prosecutions - Failure to initiate
prosecution - Whether discretion
reviewable - Grounds of review -
Whether private citizen can compel
Director to provide reasons for failure to
initiate prosecution - Whether director
obliged to provide witness statements
and documents to facilitate private
Adoptive Leave Act 1995 (No. 2 of 1995)
This Act is now in force with effect from
20 March 1995. Cf. (1995) 13 ILT 91
and (1995) 13 ILT 119.
Environmental Protection Agency
( L i c en s i ng ) ( Amendmen t ) ( No . 2)
Regulations 1995. (SI No. 76 of 1995)
These Regulations amend article 23 of
the Environmental Protection Agency
(Licensing) Regulations 1994 to provide
for the availability for inspection or
purchase of documents related to
applications for licences, revised
licences or review of licences. The
Regulations also require that any
written report by or for the Agency for
the purposes of a licence determination
or decision will also be made available
for inspection or purchase, over an
extended period, following the making
of the determination or decision.
European Communities (Amendment)
Bill 1995
This Bill, as presented by Senator
Maurice Manning, aims to amend s.4 of
the European Communities Act 1972 in
order to reflect the decision to establish
the Joint Committee on European Affairs
by transferring the Statutory functions
exercised by the Joint Committee on
Foreign Affairs in relation to the
supervision of EC secondary legislation to
the Joint Committee on European Affairs.
Ailish Young v. Pharmaceutical Society
of Ireland, the Minister for Health,
Ireland and the Attorney General
Court (Murphy )) [1994] 2 ILRM 262
EEC Treaty - Freedom of establishment -
Recognition of pharmacy qualifications -
limitation on
recognition of qualifications in order to
prevent influx of pharmacists from
member states where geographical
distribution licensing systems operate
into member states where there are no
such rules - Registration of person who
qualifications in another member state -
Regulations implementing directive -
Registration did not entitle such a person
to act as a pharmacist in respect of a
pharmacy which had been in operation
for less than three years - Whether
limitation permitted by directive -
Whether limitation inconsistent with
right of establishment - Directive making
it easier for persons to take up and
pursue activities of self-employed
persons - Limitation on facility rather
than basic right of establishment -
Pharmacy Act (Ireland) 1875, ss. 22A, 30
- Pharmacy Act 1962, s. 2(3A) - EEC
Treaty 1957, Articles 54, 54, 57 -
European Communities (Recognition of
Qualifications in Pharmacy) Regulations
1987 - European Communities (Recog-
nition of Qualifications in Pharmacy)
Regulations 1991
European Communities
Requirements for New Hot Water
Boilers Fired with Liquid or Gaseous
Fuels)(Amendment) Regulations 1995
(SI No. 72 of 1995)
The purpose of these Regulations is to
give legal effect to Council Directive
93/68/EEC (of 22 July 1993) insofar as it
relates to Council Directive 92/42/EEC
(of 21 May 1992) on efficency
requirements for new hot water boilers
fired with liquid or gaseous fuels. They
amend the European Communities