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look at important issues facing com-

munity associations and are presented

by experts in their respective subjects.

The last lecture was held on May

19th and the topic was Cyber Threat

Awareness, which kept everybody’s

attention because of the proliferation of

computer break-ins around the country

and the sensitive data being stolen. It

is these kind of timely lecturers that help

volunteer leaders sleep better at night.

As they say, a little knowledge goes a

long way! And yes, the lectures are free

to members. If you become a member,

you will get an automatic notification of

upcoming lectures.

4. CAI-NJ Legislative Chart

What is more important than

knowing what upcoming legislation

may impact the governing and oper-

ations of the community association

board that I serve on? Knowing what

legislation is on the horizon is critical

to being an informed board member.

You can take proactive steps if you

are aware of upcoming changes.

On the

website, there is

a Legislative tab that offers Monthly

Update, Current Issues, and Bill

Chart. The first two sections give

an overview of current pending leg-

islation regarding common interest

communities in New Jersey. The Bill

Chart explains in more detail what

each proposed bill entails. I encour-

age you to keep abreast of legisla-

tive developments that effect com-

munity associations. No one likes

surprises! Don’t be caught unaware

of changes to laws governing com-

munity associations.


from page 18.