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Thematic focus of the AEO-3

The thematic focus of the AEO-3 is health and environment.

The report will discuss the linkages between the two

themes and the impacts on peoples’ livelihoods in the

region. The required information will therefore not be limited

to environmental parameters only, but also necessitate the

consideration of social, political and economic information,

especially as these issues impact on, or are affected by, the

environment. The data needs will thus include biophysical

features, demography, socio-economic issues, epidemiology,

and related health sciences.

Data issues

Data will come from many sources and exist in different

types and formats. This information will be needed at

aggregated national, sub-regional, and regional levels. In

addition, data from the sub-national or local levels may also

be necessary because of their peculiarity or significance.

This may be true for disease prevalence and other socio-

economic information on livelihoods.

Gaps in the data should be identified as soon as possible.

To this end, a data inconsistency and gap analysis should

be conducted. When writing, the information and data

collected can be analysed using the analytical frameworks

described in Part 3 of these guidelines.

Information needs

There will be a variety of thematic areas covered in the

AEO-3 report and these will need information from a

range of experts or specialists. In the interest of ensuring that

the report is based on credible science, specialist support

from epidemiologists and public health experts is required,

especially on reported environment-health linkages, the

types of exposure, vulnerabilities, and impacts that are

analysed. They can also provide guidance on the science-

policy interface of the discerned environment-health issues

and the proposed policy options.

Editorial Coordinators and CCs will collect most of the

information. Biophysical data will be needed to examine the

quantity, quality and distribution of environmental resources,

industrial wastewater and emissions, energy generation and

consumption, infrastructure and how they impact on health

integrity. In addition, the CCs may wish to collect data on

the cost of disease burden. This can come in the form of

monetary or non-monetary indicators. Monetary values may

simply be the average household income spent on family

medical bills or productivity lost as a result of ailments.

Examples may be drawn from national level statistics.

Information will also be required on health dynamics:

social (cultural), political and economic issues. Examples of

such data include demography, infrastructure, policies and

legislation, livelihoods, land tenure and right of access to

and use of resources, among others.

The report also requires information on the various

multilateral agreements to which the countries in the region

are party and their state of compliance.

Possible data sources

Listed below are examples of the types of establishments

that are likely to be able to supply data and information to

the AEO-3 process. This is not exhaustive and only serves

as an indicative list.


Governments: Data can often be found in government

ministries, national statistical offices and departments

or in universities and academic institutions. In addition,

some governments have set up National Environment