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any Act or by contract, be taken as referring to the

total damages which would have been recoverable

apart from the reduction or limitation.

(4) Tn an action for damages for personal injuries

(including any such action arising out of a contract),

there shall be disregarded, in determining


reasonableness of any expenses, the possibility of

avoiding these expenses or part of them by taking

advantage of facilities available under the National

Health Service Act, 1946, or the National Health

Service (Scotland) Act, 1947, or of any corresponding

facilities in Northern Ireland.

(5) In assessing damages in respect of a person's

death in any action under the Fatal Accidents Act,

1846, as amended by any subsequent enactment, or

under the Carriage by Air Act, 1932, there shall not

be taken into account any right to benefit resulting

from that person's death.

(6) For the purposes of this section—


the expression " benefit" means benefit

under the National Insurance Acts,

1946, or any corresponding Act of the

Parliament of Northern Ireland.


expressions used in the National Insurance

Acts, 1946,

for any description of

benefit under these Acts have the same

meanings as in these Acts, except that

they include also the like benefit, if any,

under any corresponding Act of the

Parliament of Northern Ireland.


an industrial disablement gratuity shall

be treated as benefit for the period taken

into account by the assessment of the

extent of the disablement in respect of

which it is payable.


Decisions and Appeals.

Decisions on applications for benefit will be made

by deciding officers appointed by the Minister under

section 41 of the Social Welfare Act, 1952. An appeal

will lie to Appeals Officers appointed by the Minister

from his officials.

(Section 43 Social Welfare Act,

1952). Where a question is referred to an Appeals

Officer the Minister may refer the question for a

decision of the High Court and if a question is

decided by the Appeals Officer any person who is

dissatisfied with his decision may appeal therefrom

to the High Court on any question of law but this

provision for appeal does not apply to a question



in relation to a claim for benefit,


as to

whether a person is disqualified for benefit, or,


as to the period of any disqualification for benefit

(section 45 Social Welfare Act, 1952).

12th November, 1965.

Solicitor's Buildings, Four Courts, Dublin 7.




(S.I. No. 201 of 1965)

The Incorporated Law Society of Ireland in

exercise of the powers conferred on them by sections

4, 5 and 40 of the Solicitors Act, 1954, and of every

other power thereunto them enabling hereby make

the following Regulations.

1. These Regulations may be cited as the Solicitors

Act, 1954 (Apprenticeship and Education) (Amend

ment) Regulations, 1965, and shall be read together

with the Solicitors Act, 1954 (Apprenticeship and

Education) Regulations, 1955 (S.I. No. 217 of 1955)

(hereinafter referred to as "the Principal Regula

tions") and the Solicitors Act, 1954 (Apprenticeship

and Education) (Amendment) Regulations, 1956

(S.I. No. 307 of 1956) which may be cited together

with these Regulations as the Solicitors Act, 1954

(Apprenticeship and Education) Regulations 1955

to 1965.

2. These Regulations shall come into operation on

the 23rd day of September, 1965.

3. The Interpretation Act, 1937, shall apply for

the purpose of the interpretation of these Regulations

as it applies for the purpose of the interpretation of

an Act of the Oireachtas except in so far as it may

be inconsistent with the Act or with these Regula


4. The following sub-paragraph shall be sub

stituted for sub-paragraph (2) of paragraph 16 of

the Principal Regulations:

(2) The subjects for the first law examination

shall be the law of real property, the law of

personal property (restricted to bailments and

liens, the rights, duties and liabilities of common

carriers, innkeepers and hotel proprietors, the

Sale of Goods Acts, gifts, mortgages and

pledges of goods and bills of sale), the law of

contract and the law of tort.

5. The following sub-paragraph shall be sub

stituted for sub-paragraph (3) of paragraph 20 of

the Principal Regulations:

(3) The subjects for the third law examina

tion shall be the law of wills, probate and

administration of estates (contentious and non-

contentious), tax law, criminal law and practice,

the law of evidence, commercial law (the Bills

of Exchange Acts, Sales of Goods Acts, Hire

Purchase Acts and insurance, excluding marine

insurance, the law of patents, trade marks and