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and Commerce, dated 3ist May, 1963, as amended

The Board, which was appointed under Rule 6 of

4th May, 1964, and of Rule 7 of the Registrar of

the Registrar of Trade Mark Agent Rules, 1964,

Patents and Trade Marks Rules, 1927. The name of

considered applications from sixty-three persons in

one of the candidates was entered in the Register of

ten partnerships.

The numbers registered were

Patent Agents.

fifty-seven persons in eight partnerships.


The report states that the Minister appointed a

person who ceased to be eligible was removed from

Board consisting of Professor Kevin M. Kenny,

the Register under Sections (69) of the Trade Marks

B.A., LL.B., S.C., and Martin F. McCourt, with Dr. Act, 1963. At the end of the year under review there

J. J. Lennon as Chairman to consider applications for were fifty-six persons and eight partnerships entered

registration in the Register of Trade Mark Agents,

in the Register.


by Cahill &


Ltd., Parkgate

Printing Works,
