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22nd and 23rd October 1966. The hosts will be

the Southern Law Association, who will be co

operating with the General Council of Provincial

Solicitors' Association, and

the S.Y.S.





Members are requested not to park their cars

outside the Solicitors Buildings in such a way as

to prevent cars already properly parked from

leaving the courtyard.

On several recent occasions it has been necessary

for some members to move three or four cars

already parked in order to drive away from the

premises. If there is insufficient parking space in

the courtyard members are requested not to drive

into the yard.


The Law Society of Israel are holding a con

ference in Haifa in the month of August. The

American Express and Swissair Companies have



tours one

from Monday, 22nd


to Tuesday, 6th September,

the other

from Monday, 29th August

to Tuesday, 13th

September, to coincide with the conference. Mem

bers who are interested in attending the confer

ence should note that tour prices are as follows:

'A' grade hotels £184;

'B' grade hotels £164.

The price includes air transportation from London

Airport back to London Airport. Members wishing

to make arrangements to travel should contact

Felix O'Neill, Esq., Swiss Air Transport Co. Ltd.,

Grafton Buildings, 34 Grafton Street, Dublin 2.

(Phone 78173).



102nd Annual Report of the Association

December 1965

The directors have pleasure in presenting their

report for the year ending 30th November 1965

together with receipts and expenditure account

for that period.

The directors extend their sincere sympathy to

the relatives and friends of the following members

who died during the year, namely Mrs. Maureen

A. Gallen, James Reilly, Charles Magwood, Des

mond Early, Edward M. Fitzgerald, Thomas

Hanafey, Francis S. Collins, Francis L. Scott, Rev.

:, Arthur Cox, Owen, Binchy, Ricjhard Ryan, Cecil

G. Stapleton and David R. Pigot. Both Mr.

Stapleton and Mr. Pigot gave many years of

devoted service as officers of the Association, being

most regular in attendance at the monthly meet

ings. Their ever wise and helpful advice will not

be easy to replace.

The number of annual and life members has

fallen to a small extent and this is all the more

distressing when it is noted that almost £4,000

has been distributed in relief which is the highest

figure in over one hundred years.

The number of persons relieved is not unusually

high but it should be noted that all applications

are carefully considered and only the most deser

ving receive assistance. The changing cost of living

has progressively necessitated an increase in the

average grant including annuitants, who in recent

years, receive an extra £25 at Christinas and in

July each year.

An analysis of twenty recipients of grants made

during the year shows as follows:

(a) Average age—61 years.

(b) Status—14 widows of solicitors; 3 solicitors;

2 solicitors' wives; 1 daughter of a deceased


(c) Average income per annum £180 exclusive

of Association's Grant.

(d) Ill-health—7.

In 1966 one must need pause to wonder how

these once reasonably circumstanced members of

the community can survive at an average age of

61 years on an average annual income of £3-9-2

per week !

This should awaken those in the pro

fession who have failed to join the Association to

do so for the modest annual subscription of one


Were it not for the continued watchful activity

of your directors on the finance committee in

maintaining the income of our portfolio in these

difficult times it would not be possible to maintain

the average level of the grants.

To facilitate members to appreciate the direc

tors' problems,' particulars of one grant appli

cation, taken at random, are as follows: Applicant

was aged 59 and the widow of a solicitor. One

daughter just commencing in commercial life and

residing with applicant, who herself was a shop

assistant at £7 per week. No other income. Rent

of flat £11 per month towards which daughter has

just commenced to contribute. Rent, electricity

and gas cost approximately £2 per week and

taking everything into consideration applicant has

:£2-10-0; per week to live upon.

l-n Once again attention is drawn to the possibility