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this Registry within 28 days from

the publication of

this notice, that the Certificate of Title is still in ex

istence, and in the custody of some person other than

the registered owner. Any such notification should state

the grounds on which such Certificate is being held.

Dated the 1st day of February, 1967.


Registrar of Titles

Central Office,

Land Registry,

Chancery Street,



1. Registered Owner, Michael O'Shea. Folio number

7881. County Kerry. Lands of Erneen in

the Barony

of Glanarought, containing


169a. Or. 35p.

and one undivided one third of 228a. and undivided

moiety of 196a. 3r. 4p. and undivided moiety of 25p.


Registered Owners, Michael O'Shea and Mary

O'Shea (his wife). Folio number 7882. County Kerry.

Lands of Erneen in the Barony of Glanarought, con

taining together 72a. Or. 26p. and one undivided third

of 228a. and undivided moiety of 196a. 3r. 4p. and

undivided moiety of 25p.


Mr. Francis A. Gibney, Solicitor, died on the 25th

December, 1966 at Hazeldene Nursing Home. Sandy-

mount, Dublin.

Mr. Gibney served his apprenticeship with tne late

Mr. John Q. Hanrahan, 42 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin,

was admitted in Trinity Sittings 1937, and practised

at 22, Merrion Square, Dublin.

Mr. J. Allan Osborne, Solicitor, died on

the 16th

January, 1967 at his residence, Knocknagreana, Milford,

Co. Donegal.

Mr. Osborne was admitted a solicitor in Hilary Sit

tings 1894 and practised as senior partner in the firm

of Messrs. Osborne & Co., Milford, Co. Donegal.

Mr. Bernard McDermott, Solicitor, died on the 17th

January, 1967 at the Meath Hospital, Dublin.

Mr. McDermott served his apprenticeship with the

late Mr. Vincent P. McMullin, Ballybofey, was admitted

in Michaelmas Sittings 1946 and practised as partner


the firm of Messrs. V. P. McMullin & Son, at

Ballybofey, Go. Donegal.