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Rose Mary Durcan, Laurence R. Egan, Thomas Des

mond Fleming (B.C.L.), Robert M. Flynn, Anthony T.

Hanahoe, Elizabeth A. Heffernan

(B,C.L.), Desmond

J. Houlihan

(B.C.L.), Paul McLaughlin, Thomas G.

E. Neville, Donnchada O Buachalla

(B.C.L.), James

F. O'Higgins

(B.C.L.), Charles G. R. M. de Lacy

Staunton, Brian Woodcock.

35 candidates attended :

19 passes.


The following candidates passed: —

Passed with Merit

Niall P. Connolly

(B.C.L., LL.B.).


Fergus Armstrong

(B.C.L., LL.B.),

Eric Brunker

(B.A.), Albert D. E. Burke (B.C.L.), Thomas F. Figgis

(B.A.), Pamela Hussey, Alan Vincent Kelly, Michael

J. A. Kelly, Patrick J. Kevans, Gerard Anthony Kirwan

(B.C.L.), William

James Montgomery, Peter F. R

Murphy, Cornelius Leo McCarthy

(B.C.L.), Maire

Noonan, Maeve T. O'Donoghue (B.C.L.), Hugh B


O'Donnell (B.A.), John C. O'Donnell, Michael O'Dris-

coll, Michael O'Shea (B.C.L.).

25 candidates attended:

19 passed.

On the combined results of the Second and Third Law

Examinations the Council has awarded a Special Certi

ficate to Niall P. Connolly (B.C.L., LL.B.).





Programme in American Law will be offered at

the Amsterdam Law School, from July 3 through

July 28, 1967. The course is designed to provide

a general



the American


system with emphasis on other areas of particular


to European

lawyers. There are four

compulsory courses to wit, Introduction to the

American Legal System, Civil Procedure, Constitu

tional Law and Contracts. There are four elective

courses namely, The Legislative Process, Criminal

Law, Law of Evidence, and Trust Law. Participa

tion in the compulsory courses

is required; in

addition, each participant must attend at least

two of the elective courses. Ten hours of class

room discussion are scheduled for each course.

Study materials will be distributed in advance,

and adequate preparation for classroom discussion

is expected of each participant. The courses will

be taught in English. Classes will meet both in the

mornings and in the afternoons.

The programme is open to lawyers and ad

vanced law students who are proficient in English.

Tuition for the whole programme including study

materials is 150 Dutch guilders. All participants

are required to live in Amsterdam for the duration

of the programme. Accommodation at non-profit

rates are available. A limited number of scholar

ships covering all or part of

the expenses of

attending the programme, will be provided. Ap

plications for admission and scholarships should

be directed to Professor G. J. Scholten, Executive

Director, Juridisch Instituut, Oudemanhuispoort

4, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


Payment of Deposit to Estate Agents


Liability of Vendor

The English Law Society's GAZETTE of Feb

ruary 1967, Vol. 64, Number 2, at page 69 under

the general heading of Practice Section, contains

the following note : —

The Council have recently considered the case

fo Coding v Frazer (1966) 3 All. E.R. P. 234.

In that case, an estate agent arranged a sale

of land subject to contract' and accepted a de

posit from the potential pourchaser on that basis.

No contract was ever entered into between the

purchaser and the vendor, and subsequently the

estate agent became

insolvent. The purchaser

sued the vendor for the amount of the deposit.

It was held that the vendor was liable to repay

the purchaser the amount of the deposit, since

the deposit had been accepted by

the estate

agent as agent for the vendor; but the judge

went on to say that even if the estate agent had

been regarded as a stakeholder, the risk of his

insolvency while retaining the deposit in his hands

would still fall on the vendor.

The attention of the profession

is drawn


this decision, so that it may lie borne in mind

when advising vendor-clients. The Council ap

preciate that vendors often do not consult their

solicitors until after a deposit has been paid to an

estate agent, in which case it will be too late foi

the solicitors to advise."

The Incorporated Law Society's Standard Con

ditions of Sale provide that deposits should bo

paid to the vendor's solicitor to be held by him

on exchange of contracts as stakeholder. If the

Society's recommendations were followed,


the risk of loss referred to in the above case would

not arise.

Solicitor — Name and Style of Practice

On 1st August, 1955, the plaintiff David Lee,

commenced practice as sole 'partner' as a 'solicitor

under the firm name of 'Tringhams'. His evidence

on affidavit was that 90 per cent of the goodwill

which he had built up attached to his own name

of 'David Lee,' and only 10 per cent to that of

'Tringhams'. On 1st January, 1967, the defend-