Goodbyes!! (Cont.)
“Good Bye…” During the last few weeks of the 2018 season I got to spend time with Shaun and Shannon (and their wicked cute dogs, Alfie and Charlie!) I can say with supreme confidence that they are the perfect fit for the Little Sebago Lake ice cream boat – especially one that serves Gelato! Ask them about the time they had a gelato cart at their wedding reception!! However, before I sign off for the final time, I’d like to ask all of you one last favor. You all have to promise to be as wonderful to Shaun and Shannon as you have been to me. The last four years have been some of the best of my life, and that is 100% due to the relationships I’ve built on the lake. So please, this summer, take the time to build those relationships again! And finally, thank you. Truly, I have an enormous appreciation for everyone on the lake that has helped me achieve the dream I saw in my head of an ice cream boat -- that served gelato. This will be the last time you see me on these pages, but if you ever want to stay in touch, my number is 207-837-9207! Much love and gratitude, Joe Shannon and Shaun
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