News Scrapbook 1959-1962



e IIIH• P1•c,a1·0\ id1, a II t ho r, :idor, T\' su1pt writer, rancher, teacher, afler- dlnner speaker, doctor o! isprud and foothal! coach, L~ a m n of ma kills as his numerous titles will att s . It follows that he'll in tall a multipll" of. t, n e on the football field for thl" um. \'er lty o( ..'.an Diego next fall Tlw per:sonablc new 60-year-old U~D coach held a press conferencP a11d met the USO Booster ' C'luh la t night. ''\\'e'IJ ll',I' a 11111lllpl,. oftt-rh<', •·mpl · lzmg speed and do\\nfo•ld blocKing," the ex-coach o! the old .San Diego pro. le ·slonal Bombers aid. Pecaro\•ich, who succeeds Paul Platz, who resigned, nid he didn't e;xp ct to be ha'ldicappcd by an ab ·t>nce of more than 10 yeat:; f m active r;oarhing. "Football's fundamentally the same as It was ,,h,·n I la t coached. You ve still go• to block and tackle to win," he com- mented. The IIPW roat 1 ha n't Sl'l'n any of hh U. ·o gndders action, except in mo- He . ''.F om what I aw, I think v.e'IJ ha\ e to s1rer> 7 thcn our fundamPntnl, ' he said. "ThP blocking and tacklmg lookf'C hnd in t'1P MO\ I I ot aggr , " oug'l. '\ e' IJ tre • Jll P Dame hlo ii, g u on I go for fol 1· , ards I'll w rt ,c a pel'd a d downf lrl hlocki'lg ~a, g for )Ol', he adrlC'cl , Pt-<~trovkh won't "' scratch in his n w a have Bob Keyes, 1 •Po returns to USD aft r a


II u cl t• r P


ew York Yank c pro.



fr ~ional te.-m in •9:;o ln the old All- Ameriran Conference. Sincc then he has taught at !-,:t. Anthon~ High in Lon g Beach. He formerly ('oached at Loyola University In Los Angele , 1927,28 and 1939-40, and at Gonzaga l1nive1 ity in Spokane from 1931 to 1938. He al o wns an a sistant coad1 with the pro So n Franciseo Clippers, His o·verall coll j. ate rN·ord Is 45 wins. 53 lo e a1 d se\· n ties.

l\Iikc Pe<'al'Ovkh, lt>ft, fo1·11w1· 1·oa,•h at Loyola and Gonznga, signs a two- a1· contract as head football coal'h of fhc Univer~ity of San Diego. Bob SIGNS 2-YEAR USD GRID PACT We'll Gamble-Pecarovicli By ,JOH.·. ·y :'.\l1•DO!'iAJ,D /and I think w1• !'an come upjPlatz, who re-signed tltl) 1 ad "W 'I! gamhle one play in with a good <'lub," lhc a ·signmPnt to accept ii tN- 10 to go ,O yarrl we don't 60-)'Plll'•old nwntor add.-cl. lion in thl' E~c·,J11ttido ehool \\ant to aC<·epl jut four yards1•·r·11 gamblP when I ean." syst,•m, l'el'al'Ohl'h in cated at a crark all the time," new P 1• car o \' l eh. who has that Platz may still a~si t at Um ,·,•rsity o! 'an Dil'go C"OaC'll!'d eolleg<' and prof C's- USD ?Y s•·ouling high school Mach .\like Pl'earU\ !ch S1lid s!onal loothall tPam.- off-and. matenal, la t night at • lore Hall aftr>r 011 smcl' 19Zi, admitwd that Platz will still assume the 'he igned a two.y Par contract he hadn't coac inc,, 19:'iO coaching dnti<'s during spring to take ovel· thP Pioneers' nor scouted I•~11t11, 1 .,,ey!'rs fo1· practice and P!'carovich. who· h,•ad football coaC'hillg as. four or !i~e rs hut felt· is currently teael)iug English signment. that "footba l hasn't changed and law at St. Anthony's "Glvf' me some players/that much since then." /High • chool, would come who want to block and tackle Pecarovich relieves Paul d0\\,'11 over the weekends. No dall' for spring practice has been annount·ed.

toriner roommate of B r ro b) during tlw1r Ge. zaga days, P< caro\lC'h brlng a sense of humor to his nf'w joh. He ~hould steal the show at the Monday Quarterback Club mt-1.'tlng ••• P.L.

Helping him gag it up for photogra- pher last night at pre~s conference is Bob exton, USD athletic <·o-ordina- r. Sexton will as ·ist Pccarovic:h.




a 19


\r,ril 2G, 19 0




Pecarovich o Sign U act vestl'rday s1gt1i1ied that h vo • accept a twO•:li • r contract to coach the Uni er t n Diego football tea a old school officials be , ould sign tomor- row a.fternoon. PecarmJch coached college and professional football be- tween 1927 and 1939. He now teaches at t. Anthony's High School n Long Beach. A pecial press conference is scheduled in conjunction with the USD booster'• club d i n n e r meeting tomorrow night at .More Ilall. Al Cam- panls, h,. d of the Los Ange- les Dodgers ~couting ystem, and Ralph Kiner, general man• ager o! the Pad s. will at- tend

Platz said he felt USD had the nuclcus of a good team nd that s!'veral nl'w addi- ·un •-including tackle Felton ••rnwdy, fullha<'k Chuck Kil· ku kil' nd ~notbcr laye1· namf'Cl Gillf' ·p· would h('Jp consid1•rably. Pec•aroviC'h, who coached t Loyola a11d Gonzaga, said would like to it ·tall the nultipl" offern,e. ''This will eep the defensl' gOPssing,'' said. However, later, he aid he was partial to an of. le-ns(' 1:t.1s ly resembling the sing! \\ini. The n!'W coach • aid that Boh 'c>xton, the athlc-tic coor- dinat!Jl' at the univer~ily, would be one of his assist ant. this fall hut µe had not mad!.' a d e c i s i o n on ans olh<'l'8. "T hope to impro\ e some of thl' lunctamentals such as downfi~I l,,lrK·kinJ and tack- ling- whlc-h I thirtk the tc4m lacks,'' he• said. Although 'lie has not attend d any of USD's past gam he aid he has looked at ·ome of last year's game films. , In dis ussing the 10-game sch e du 1(' With Platz, he ag1·epcl th!l mi,. y or the teams wij be rough - includ- ing Wh!tlie1·, Humboldt State, Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Francisco St ate, Cal Poly o~ Pomona and Arizona State o(Flagstaff. Sexton said the university would be -able to offer tuiUoo, ($600) and jobs off camp . He said that Pvery boy who is on an athletic scholarship now at USD has a job. Pecarovlch said he w'as go- ing to rely on high school kids, primarily. "It may he difficult to obtain some of the better boys from junior col- leges," hl' added. Some of Mike's coaching products include Tony Cane- do, former Green Bay Pack. 1'1' back; Max Krause, ex- ·ew York Giant and Wash- ington Redskin f u 11 b a c k; George Karomatic of the Red- skins, Ke n y Washington, who played !or him with the old San Fluanci co Clippers; Ike Peterson, l'X-Detroit Lion ba<:k; Bob Bollinger, former • ew York Giant guard, and Lowell Wagner, another ex. clipper.

Percarovich Takes U D

a f 8 "'

Thur~., April 28, 191'.0 THE SAN DIEGO UNION

ch at Loyola a.nd Gonzaga d :tootball coach at the Uni• U WI pruldent of to




Pioneer Nine H, .......k-.:Biola ·~ itY of San DiPgo, pu •bin fo r lhe finl" t rec- or se)10pJ hi. tor meets Iliola Collfjge at ,1\1'.ll

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