News Scrapbook 1959-1962

® Tue~... prll 11, 1001 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA ,---- - USO Beats CRD, 8-3

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lh ,JOHN. ·y \lc•OO, 'ALD K~n Lrslle a durablr pla\'- young \ It

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ft rluriM such )llayrrs as I Jani< high school player at Low 11 ,Jim Pollard, Bi I I lllgh in San Franclfro h~ :' as



rr with a fa~tast·c rPcorrl ~! nially look to Its fir•t h1g star Luisetti,

Left fielder Terry Lorenz slammed a three-run home run in a four-run third inning which . ent University of San Diego on Its way to an 8-3 basebalJ conquest ot farlne Corps Recruit Depot yester- day at Beeson Field. The Pioneers rolled up an 8-0 lead before the Leather- neck could r;eore. The victory was U O's fourth In 11 ~tarts. Tod y h Pioneers play hos W Azusa College for a 2 pm. amP at .1ike Morro FiPld, Dnlhoa Park.

namPd all-r•t: tw.o Y~!rs 1~ 11.

for• Calhoun and Rill nu~sl'll.



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Broncos Say Spring Football Can Be Fun


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c·om,• thr floor 1;<•111•ral I r,,,,1 1 hav•• h1td rnuny P:xru•ril•n •p ill ithat a ,, hi• ~u1s,..,·c•rl'd. 11<" '"as a sislant c-oa.-h whilr plo In th•• Naval T, aining l'e II'!.'. and has hl'lp('(f out with, the \Jnivl'rsily High School ad L<'slir. will hr rc•warded with Rl'V<'ll rrturning Jrtlrrme but hr hclil'V<'S hP'll havl' to work ()n C'Onditioning and f'Stahlish tram play to Rr!]uirl' wlnnrr. Ilr is s tr on i:: hf')l r In c!Pfl'0SI', "l pl~n to us lions olf o,ir piiti ini;: off thr rf'tl hlrirks n sairl. ' I wo11J thr plays IP OJ)• work• pir.ks, ," KPn !'Pt Ufl• ~"' rrse to rlrfPnsr hul I f<'l'l you raf\ lorcr thr olh<'r tram into mi .• lakl'~ anrl. ra)litalizP on lhrm. P<'t<' Nc,wrll of Cal, Hank Ih11. of Oklahoma :O-tAIP and r,·en C:l'ori::<' Zirgrnfuss at ~an Di• <'go ~tat<' have made drlense pay of!." L,•slie said he f<'lt thf' ma.·- IPrial al USD was as good as most o! the opponrnts thr. Pi- one<'r~ will m<'Pt this yrar hut . aid th<' polPntial dC>pends UJJOll tlw calibc1· of high school boys who <'nroll. 'fhr job won't br an easy nnr. He'll br spending most of the day with 1hr insurance husiness and drill his t!'am II t Municipal i;:ym Jatr in the aft- rrnoon, starting Ort 1:\. Until thr new gym is Mm- plPI crl, 1h<' Pionerr.~ again will havr tn ra ·rl lo what, rvPr hii;:h sC'hool gumnasium Is Availahlf' Ip In for thPir homP town!\ LPslia ha pl;iyrrl for rnoui;:I ~l11, 1 ers duri h<> span o li yra i-s. M•) bf' his winning 1t111<·h will ruh of! on the PionrC"rs this srason. nd a.• at ~1 ~2i•m from l,rn it comr.q


, 000 000 0>0-l I 004 01J OOll-1 12 (l>, Hyman

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(1) and

_Miller, Chrlnko Lister, M. H1m~ln1er, w lbUr






e~rnz, F or~lO ,


EVENING TRIBUNE SAN OIEGO, CALl~ORNlA b g }'' riday, A)lril 7, 1961 •




Herl> F.lllott, a }{oly ame man ,. ho received all h11

atches Up ame at Last

'Luck of Irish' With Notre

Jar running catch in the out• i1eld. Coal'h :'11 i k e Morrow's club now is 3-5 for the sea- son, while Notre Dame is 4-6 heading into its tour wmdup. POPFLIES-So the Pad- res think their Indio ball- park is a big one? Notre Dame players said their home fipJd has a right field fence measuring 1,400 feet from home plate.... Irish coach Jake Kline said, "be• fore we came out here, we hadn't been on an infield. We had been outsidP a couple of days, looking for dry spots on the field so we could hit a few, but never any infield practice." ...An appreciative gathering of 700 fans applauded last night's many fin defensive plays. . . . The very thing Notre Dame came west to avoid rain-ruined what cquld have hren a good payday at Candlestick Park, w h e r e more than 6,000 were ex- pected for a game with Cali- fornia. Score: Notre Dame • 020 000 toO--t , t USD • . 000 000 00....._. S 2 Oonnellv and Osgood ; Goddard and

Dirk Wilbur \\Cf<' converg. i'l!.!. too. With all th r c e close e!'ough to shake hands, the ball dropped b tween them, and the Ili ·h were home free. Whal followed !or the next c en and a hlll! innings , as a sple itching duel be- twe elly and God- dar y, making his '[ f the season, hits and dis- played almost perfect con- t r o 1. His performance earned him a "player-of- the-game" trophy. The 5-10 sophomore from Alban",. · Y., never allowed t he Pioneers to advance a runner beyond second. Aside from G o d d a r d, whose iasthall collared No- tre Dame with nine strike• outs, USD's top performer w a s centerfielder Jim Thompson, who sin g I e d twice and made a spectacu- a ed iiv

By ROGER 0:-iLEE . ·otre Dame Unhn,a~-• baseball team headed for Tucson today in high ~plrtts, known that it, too, can get a s from Dame Fortun o e In a whilr.. Irish, who \ e I thr e games in th !nth inning and one in the 10th on th nt tour of the Far We , play three games with University of Arizona before returning to South Bend, Ind. Last night, for the first time on its two-week excur- sion, Notre Dame got the good breaks in a 2-0 triumph over University of San Diego at Westgate Park. the Iri..,h came in the second Inning on, b e I i eve it or not, a two-run double to the mound. With teammates Chuck Len- non on t h i r d and Dick O'Leary on second . pitcher Phil Donnelly hit a high pop• up straight above the in• field. USD hurler Tom God• dard staggered backward off the hill , reaching up for It, but shortstop Jim Fio- renza and second baseman Both runs for

-San Diego Union Staff Pholo

Ken Leslir, new ba:;kctball coach ai 1hc Unh<'rsi1y or San Diego, fludics the roster o( rclurninr: Mt0r- men. Official pra(•tkc won't start un1il 0<'1. 13


I DIEGO umou

Wecl.,Aprlll:t,1061 :,v• SAN DIEGO, CALIFO~NIA




Univ r it,..:...,••:·•.;;:.;.:.:.,. pounded romped to a • ba eb 11 vic- tory over Azu a College at Mike Morrow Field yestl'rday. Dick Wilbur Jed the Pio - n!'ers with home run and four singles in seven trips as they scorrd all of their runs in five innings. USD ran its sea. on record lo 5-7 and !aces the San Diego Padres al Indio today with righthander Terry Lorrnz slated to open on the mound. Asusa . .. 10! 001 001- , , 1 USO - . • - . 00 OU Olx-2S 22 2 Brlnb,e


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,JOHN ·y :ucDO:\'ALD ~an DiPgo Union Sports Writer



RIVERSIDE, April 11 Dallas-l<'ort Worth rallied in the Jail' innings tonight to deal the San Diego Padr<'s their 10th spring loss. 10-9, at dark E\'an. Field. I The Padres b!l'w a s,x-run 1 up with two important tallirs. lead when they were unabll' ' Once again, Harry Simpson, to chprk 1hr. Ranger bats with the vetPran perform<'r who !reliefers Joe Hoerner and Ben was in right field tonight, was Wadi'. Wade, who was reached the batting star for the Pa- for two runs in •he eighth, dres. The 35-year-old player was charged with the loss. collected four hits m five This was the sixth time this trips !including a double) and spring that the Padres have drove m two runs. Jost b)' a single run. They also His hit production this \\Crr o,1thit tonight, 17-15. spring now has reach<'d 19. \\HITE .'I. ·GLES Jake 'triker, a le!thander who saw somP service for San _Mike _White . opened the Diego last year, worked the c1~hth with a smgle, _,wcnt to first fivr innings for the Pa th1rd on Ted Kazanski s safety dres and yielded two runs and and scored to tie the game four hit~.' However Hoerner when Chick King hit into a who had been rffective In th~ forced play. past in relief, was greeted in Kmg scored the go-ahead the sixth by a four-run bar- run on pinchhittei' Tom Bur- ragP. ges. ' single to Jett. For awhile Thr Padrc,s O p e n r d the it. apI_JearC<:1 t?at the Padres'. game as though they were go. big fifth. mmng. when they ing to run away with it. They scor~d s1_x ruos on seven rapped righthandcr Hu g h straight h_,ts, would be enough Pepper for three singles but of a cushion. came up with only one run. I But they couldn't stand pros- , peri1y and the Rangers prof- )IARQUEZ SETS PACE ited on the relil'f. Lo is 11arqucz, a form<'r Although £'XCuses can't I;,(• Portlapd outfielder p a c P d exchanged for virtorie th" the American Associa lion club Padres were victims of s . \I ith thrre hits, including a era! had bounce on the Ji,ard- double and triple. First base- · encd infield. Two )lits in the: man Dave Roberts also eol seventh were bad hoppers Jected a triple for the victors. over the heads of PadrP in- Aside 11'om Simpson's dou- ielders and the Rangers came (Continued on b-7, eol. 4)

Free lance photographer Eddie Hoff of Hollywood, sh inlnE: light of the Catholic Pre~~ Council, was shooting Walter O' fal• ley at the downtown ,,Dodger office last year "'hen I heard him y: " , ly brother Charlie shoots for thP • ·•w Yor · Daily ·ews, r, O'Malley. Hes taken many a Dodger picture at Ebbets Field" Int es bit because the current (June 7) issuP of Look agulne po h he 11 e ports pictures of 1959." The winning pnn e: fro · ea submitted by America I op new photogs. Lone contestant to land two pic- ture ln Look's ''big 11" was Charlte Hoff of the NY. Daily . (Eckhe's okay v.ith shutter nd lens. tOQ " contrived uthful e h1ch graces "Sports F o ' each Friday.) * * * * USC varsity coach Bob Htllen hu done a great deal to make crew a reality at Loyola U. Besides offering an old ahell to get the fledgling Lions started, his attitude has been netgh• borly, all the way. Take a bow, Bob' Racing tip: Blacky Carbon to ahow in the 500-mlle mara- thon at Indianapolis •ii!monal Day, Cathedral High Is rightly proad of Gary (Goliath) Fin- neran, one of Its old grad , ho has jmt been awarded the Willia O. Hunter cademlc cblenment Award at USC. ootballer Flnnera earned th honor for being the.. •enlor Trojan athlete maintaining the. ''highest scholastic a,erage." Terry Lorenz, ex-Lo ola High pitcher, po! d -1 record 1 - ERA) for San I go U th! rpnni:: The P1oriee.r were 2-4 against c:ollege compct1t1on and t"'ice walloped Loyola U. ( I and 9-5). Dick Dwyer, Ire Foll!es headliner by wa of Lo)ola High, on • pilgrimage to the Vatican. Lourdes and Obefammergau. ext month hP'll contlnu~ law studies during a 10-week summer on at USF v,h1le appearing in San Francl~o and al5o r.,.. earslng !or the 1961 aho"'·'s World Premiere here In Sep- em r tn lieeplng with Irish custom, first th ng the Gaelic foot• di from Toronto will do upon arrivtng In Angeltown at 1:30 am tomorrow w,u be to visit church The Canadian diam ,will taxi to Our Lady Chapel, report~ an Doran. Then unday at 3 pm. they'll engage our 0"' n L. A Gaelic foot• b II entrr ln the Intern tional Gaelic Football finals at Cantwell :High tadium, Montebello. * * * * ~ard-sw g1n Duke Snider, an expect in .the field of balls but especially "striy ," on ... ,11 open bowling palaces In Arcadia and Fallbrook. 11 11 join e • 1 N"m"'"n; o big leaguera lnvestin the populilr pm-ball sport de, 'ellie Fox, Bob 'I'urley, Bobby Shantz, ltalph Braota, ckey antle, Terry Moore, Joti A troth and our local boy, e -Yank Ir:v

San Diego te College and "nh·er ity ol ~nn Diego were tnumphant on the baseball field ye terday. The ~ecs defeated Marine Corps Recruit Depot, 4-3, at Beeson Field ln a game which was deci

@• Fri., April 28, 1961 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA




ego's baseball team 11 13- 0 victor over So~thern California Colle last week, gors for a repeat victory today at Mike Morrow Field, starting at 3p.m. The Pioneep1 have won half their 18 gatR,11.C,·tk, ey play again here h y agal~st Pas adena College, starting at 2 p.m.

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