News Scrapbook 1959-1962

r.-ka~rit~ Research Pap~r Dr Louts M Rauch, ifilti-r6!J of the department of mRthe• matfcs at the Colleg; for Men, University o! San Diego, hM co- authored. & research papn in the curreit '"Journal of the So- ciety for Indu,tria.1 and Applied Ma.thematil'1." The artlr.~. "Thi' Tl•ralive Solution• of the An,.lytlrRI N- Body Prohl•m " Is th" 1·esult or r'"""'"''h by Dr. Rauch a,1d Dr. W. C. Ri

Cal Baptist; CW Resumes

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Iillt:r J'ac<' · JloQt

ftct t1'c Friday m, ting \\lt,1 Westmont, thP We trrn rrs tra\Cl tu La YcrJ1 Col• kgr :,;atunla) lnrlnc Corps Re rult l>c pot, an eight-game winning tn•ak under ils belt, i idlt• until Saturday, wlH'n lh<' Dl',lldog · mcl't the F.I Toro 1 la1lnes t Point Loma· !Ilgh. Weekly ,1l arint> btatlstic · show ll\ e playrrs scorin'g lnl double ilgurrs. Lcad<'r Is for- ward,centrr Joe Milll'r with a 16. average. Figure·: 0 FG FTM P~ TP AV9, ··. i: ~ll 1 Ji 1 ii ·,~ a:: ,. 161 51 .5A 135 .. ·!i ;~ 11 ii lH • , H !iS !lO :t9 DO 5.-4 :t1 !,7 77 61 Ul 5.2 · n ~; n ;i \~ t! •• ?7 .tf 20 36 118 4..4 , 12 17 10 114 ).7 • 11 1032 «2 m 2m ti.2

:w l t It Ulllve


- Mr. and Mrs. Rh o M. ag ment of their daughter, rr, son of Mr. and Mr. . haull is a graduate of Elm- Fo 1 Wayne, Ind., and attended n Diego College for Women. Her 1i

fianC'e is a graduate of St. Augustine High School and attended Villanova University. He is a graduate of L'niversity of San Diem College for Men A June 10 wedding i lanned. c"~ 1/J,/t;I

('/!rt of I a Tolla, 11',IO u>U Lorri und reared in Tmlio, Irie out on of th recipe in cookbook compiled /,v Fatl1er Poul l..011i {or tit India I 1dcnt Cullurul In lilulc o/ 1\mcrica. ow erlling on tlie /uc 11/tv oJ { nircr ii. o[ an Diego, Fatl1cr I oui a rmlit:!' oJ lncl1u I le is '1ir clor of the in lilulc.

on-Coo , Cornpilcs Of India. Cookbook ' t µ. coriander powder 1 cup melted butte- '• tsp. choppC'd gre<'l' pep- per. l tsp. cinnamon jacket cardamorr' 1 tsp. lemon juice p. I ot ch lt powder ' cup hredded coconut tb-p. cashew nuts C'ocon t n!ld ca t.ew nuts ould be groun into a paste

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ALCALA G ILD PRESE~TATIO ' - Mrs. Eugene De Falco. Alcala Gu!Jd treasurer, ls shown pre!H'ntlng to the Most Renrend Bl hop a check conrlnr proceeds from the Alcala Gulld-!llay Co. fashion ho"· la,st October. Jotnlng in the presentation are Very Rev. Russell WU~on, CoUege for ~fen pre ldent, left, and Mrs. Daniel Kerr, guild president, rfght. '.l'he uild also recentl installed an outdoor publlc address system 1n the Alcala Theater.

2 lb. chicken

r up chopped or,vn

'• tsp. turm r1c 8 who!c cloves 1 cup yogurt 1 • t ·p. garlic


USO Fa~ Cal-Baptist In Riverside The U v ty of ltJ

~51:~1,3 Hit Boo State

(2sos-~ d Facu ty • I

I 2./..r.l CI ·otrP Dame - Pioneers Map Busy Baseball chedul i use. Nl'tre Dame, UCLA nd Arizona. ~feet included in the 35-game University of an t>\e 0 schedule announced by athletic lllOderator Murray. Coach flke .Morrow, a veteran of more th coachlni:: In the an Diego area.,

'D'go e t Cal-Baptist


m tatirg:

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Two San DiPgo State dt-nts la t night told a m!'C't Ing of tte Republican A sem- I sl


'"•p !Pp enough has been a d to nd1cat£' tr at the mas- .change m American so-

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the doctrine or



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thi!!K1'1g •he ba.-ic pr<'mist>s of the constitution I system' •

Fact Distorti : Claimed In Eavor of Ltberalism 'l'wo students at San Diego State told the San Diego Republican Assembly last night that textbook.~ used at the college distort faC'ts to favor liberalism. Spe?ke~s before a1?<>ut 100 members of the Rrpublican orgamzat10n and trle1r guests at a dinner meeting in the House of Hospitality, Balboa Park, were Charles Bar• rack_ an~ Leonard P. Wessell Jr., who put out a.student pubhcation Evolvc. ! Barrack read cxcerpts 1 s_triki~g lack of the conserva- from two books which he tlve view on the State ollcge said "give you an idea of cam Pus 11:nd that fs what what students at State Col- Jiv,olve 1.$ trying supply. , • Jege are getting.,, , We _are not st _r I c t 1 y. a R.cpub 1=an orgamzatj.Qg al- . The books arc "The Poli thoug most of the ~her tics o~ ~mcrican DemQcracy," of our ,group, Stud fo a pohtical clence tC.."\.ibook. Frl'<'do are Rcpubl c ns," and "Theory nnd Problems of ' ociaJ Ps~ohology • which he Profe !'!ors Cited aid 1s u C'd In al p ;}'chol- 1 Mel Riddle-, presidl'nt of the ogy classes. · R~publican ho t organization, Book J,aqd nrt said that the political scli:nce textbooks were selected by the _Barrack said th~ political nine political science pro!es- c1ence t<'".'tb ok r1d1cul i, "the sors in the State College de- superpatnqtlc lunatic fringe partment. and gives th lmpr I n that "Eight o! those proiessors the pres-e1 t nit d tp.t s S1,1- are Democrats and only one prehil' t. b a re t de- is a Republican " Riddle said fender of 1b l1<' .' ' · . He aid d only part f tb ology textbook, b book

aid the profc sor

Bai rack:

Is optimistic that hls 1961 squa.d•l1 Jost a. Jjld to the AIA District will be ready to accept the chal- 3 play-offs in 11!59 ln an NAIA ,---~---~-----= leng\ng' hedule. Coach ':Mor- committee v~te t'J-d was ex- row expected to meet wit{l 22 eluded from P o,y- ff competi- candtdates at the opening prac- tion sea. on op an .itgibl1it lice on yesterday (We es- technicality. day). The 1961 Daily w\11 continue four double-headers-beginning

I who condutted the course re. Barrack, ·aid the, we,e trv ql.lirin" that book one(' aid In ing to get studc,;ts · fed ur ht• cl/I. If )!er(' 1 s. with this sort of thing ' , <' • o! nll I al: a th best We. :el is pr.csident of Stu- hrng lo do I surrt'nrd to prC'~<'l't thl' ,,1'at te say, in ela s, ' nar- lihE'ral vie\\' an there i a rack aid. , .. nus 1s tlw same striking abscr.cP of Ll<' con- professor \\' 1 10 to!, me that S<'rvatlve , i<'W " Wl'sscl n ·d th Pr~ i no such thing as com- at the mcetmg in the Hou ·c of mumsP.'. Ho pitalit. ir. Balboa Par]{. Throug Evolve and tu- He later •aid that "'moMrn dents for f1·01' thP same " st.idents ferl up with this sort Barrack exhibited b O O k s of-1hing. • He said many stu- ~hieh were requ,red reading dent; ha,·e . J)resscd fa vora- m some clas c~ at SDS and ble rnterl' ·t Ill the group as \\"hich he labeled as ··astound well as w;th t aver. _ ing. • One titlt'd '"'fhrory and

game 'l'he Pioneers bea.t outhem College n1 ht at Lan

l!ege here v."ith Los Angeles State, Whit- tler College, March 18; Cal Poly (Pomona) on ApnJ,.S and An- zona. State April 22. The Pion,ens cl06ed the 1968 Returning •tarten1 Dick ,vu- season in most impressive style, bur, first blL'lema.n; Jim Fior- .,,..inning 13 of their lut H enza, hortstop, and p!tchera games. Terry Lorenz and Tom Goddard Also included on the schedule will be ex t rry the are the San Diego Marines, the USO at I Pacific Coast League San Diego 12 h me runs, Padres, Pepperdlne College. the 3 nu;., and led University of Redlands and h tt 1 t II a.son Loyola Unlvemlty (Los An- geles). with a aparkllng .H2 average. The Schedule : ¥/ilbur hit .368. Lorenz p011ted l'eb. l~ Lo, Angt .. s •• fdouhl•• hu,derJ, home. • I

S.eclQI IQ The Son Dino Union RI'VE~DE, Feb. 3 '.rhe turnabout University of San Diego. a. 1,asketball q u a d with a new I e on lifo, tries to make it tv. o in a row over Cal Baptist here tomorrow night. The game o'cl9Ck. The Pioneer t h e same club I t ue:;dty in n Diego, 97-&7, with J i m Pleming pacing the attack with 28 points.

Prohlt'ms of Sot'ial P~yc•hol- ogy, •' cont a i Ped nitric,·~ ous polls 1hat show that peo- P c tend to be fascistic. 13;ir- rack said. '"lt puts th,• R publican par- \~ at the top group of those I opl<> " hf' ~nid. "Oddi\" f'J ough It dol' 1 t even me,;. t o , Communi ts.' The book tries to < onncct 1•crvatism w i t h such 1gs as racial dis1:rimina- ,n aml fascism he saui fe also quotPd ano l <'r hook wl1ich he ~aid a so was

n. 0-1 record and had a brill!ant 1.75 e med run average, Sopho- more Goddard had a. 6-3 record and posted a 2 50 ERA. Coach Monow's teams have had two outstanding sca11<,ns In succe ton. USD had a 17-7 r cord in 19:59 and 1 st year po ted an 1 record. USD

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Ma.rch 1, Sa.n D ego a. Ca. W March

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home •t1:~~ {~: src•ALo~~t,t;Y;ln ?.f:~~g ll~ ~~~f~;Dbori'!~:r~d~~~:; h~&(!.- r). homt. March 25. l.1 CLA. horn, March 2g_ USC. homt. Atml • Biola College home I ~!u &. CaJ Western Unlver tts pt, 1>rH 8, UnlvtnltJ of N tl"f Dame homt April a. Cal Poly (Pomon1. do t- htader home.

"sho"'-~ thl' ous polls I tcndencv

of fascistic. ,And in eath one of the polls Republicans head the list.'' Wcssell said there Is "a

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