News Scrapbook 1959-1962

-f ~t,JU!

es(e'~ll~"MCRD, Palomar Head For Post-Season Play



Criminals Lie Too, Prison

o Sel ~s, Says



Old Pu Solved,. Sa Prot~ssor I RI 8U Ni ·.1, (I t:.I By UL, VA. DEn w1mF



By GRB PE, U'O'.',' ' The mo ·t commol" thar- acteri tic of all crimlr. l is their tendenc:1- to lie. "The, have lied ev sinre committmg their f t rr1mP," Rev Bernard E. Brugman. Catholic , haplam of Iowa State Pl'nltcntiary ~aid in an !PtC-rv1ew he (' y!'sterda . '"J hc-y J1e God. The) lie to others. they lie to themsclvr~. ' And thats what reaU) d1fl:cul when they lie to them elves. make them chaplain of the Uni\ersity of San Di<'go·s College for Men. He has been a C"haplain at the prison for 10 years. B£'• ] fore that he was dean of mnt TI-e collc e tudrnt usually s<.>eklng ~omcthi But you r.ave to ta on; t 110" to the mmat , to m many ca· doc not eek ,t • It is more d1fiJcult deal ing with inmate . You have to gain their re ·pect. You ha,·e to speak th<'1r Ian guage. The_' mu t resp t you fir. t a. man before th y will accept you a a chap- lain. And that 1 a big, b1g job." That' dangerous." VISIT, BROTHEi{ Father h£'r£' visiting ~i Brugman was broth r Brugmpn, Rev. Leonard

lntere t pn onP.r each o hu I "II nendou ." ' It is greater han .} ou II fmd llllY\1- h lse n.-no11g m n," he said "They do all th an to ontnbutc th o~ r all ,H•lfare or c t1 c h othl'r.' 11" aid ahout 45 pc1 ""11 of t'w 1rc1' a Iowa Stair• Pcn,tentia1,> rr>gul~rl• a1. l<'nd the er, I o Qndu<"t<'d r>Jther hy him , by th Pro- t t nt chap!a n. "lt has a gr at cfle, t on the r rehabllitauon," he aid , "Of c-our "• J <"ant y ho\ mar,> of th m will b canon <>d "After all, how many of u · bPcomP airt ., .. ave fo1

G~PT 5 • I 1' 2 0 0 4 ! !·: 6 I 4 IJ

A mathcmaiician nt the Univer. ily or San Diego say he has found a solution 1o nn old problem, a olution that will speed the tart of spaee travel. Dr. Louis M. Raueh, 61, chalt-man of the departmen of mathematics at the College for Men, believes he has found a short cut to applying the law of gravity to three 01· more bodies in sppcc. "It beats the machine," Rauch said.


Rauch was bom in Czrch- oi;lovakia, studied in t h · nitcd States nml tmight for 2.3 years in college,:; and Middle West nnrl thi> En t. H<' workf'd as a ~en or r<' ~rard1 cngin,,.,r for ·on,air in Fort Worth, nncl c·onrnlr• ,D!Pgo from 1953 until hr. olned thP collc-ge faculty in S<'pl< 1her N1•wton l)Jsc•ovi•rt>d Law Rauch ~pral·s slowlr and rcpc-at~ h1msPI! often. HP Is $Olvcd arose when Sir l aac Newton l 642-1717, formulatrd the Ja,v of gravity. H" d t rminr.d the ,:= force , '1th \\hicll two bodies I"-- fn spac attract each othc-r. = This !orcr., Newton conclud- = e,I, was d t rmined by the ::::::, distance b tw n the t w o ===: bodies and th1un ss of Pach. ===i = = = = = •z== - - univers[1 if's throughout thC' Astronautlrs in an - - 5 IN•t tall, but his mlnrl 1·<>aches to thl' slnrs. The problem he

faw Schoof Approved Byl ~~I.?~E, Di~ go's Law School yc>stcrday was awarded approval of the American Bar Association, the only time uch approval has b<>en extended to a S n Diego area law school The school. whic-h was opened in the fall o! 1951, was informed of the approval in a telegram from John G. Her- vey, adviser for the ABA's Council for Legal Education. It previously had been ac- <'reditr>d by the ·ta1" bar as- . oclation, the Re~ . .llfartin J, McManus, law school dean, said. The Most Re-v- Buddy, atholic' I ti an Di<>go dlocc>. e, a d ha . cellor of ·tlie n rtlty term(•d th~ approv I "g fylng.'' LEADI-:ltSIUI' l'J( l 'EI> ' 'It is undo1ibt y d to the common effort ma e nv the students and di. tlnguished faculty under lead!' ·ship of Fath<'r McManu ·," the bi.·hop said. Besides praising the stu- dents and faculty, t~e bishop also mentioned the physieal facilities of the school, mclud- ing the Jaw library, as having "deeply impressed tbr <>xam- -iners." Father Mc:11:anus ,~aid ABA approval m transferred to othl'r npp O\ed law schools. 2. The bachelor of law


l<'ormulates space theory

Jfohl authored by W. C. Riddell of This Jo c of gravity keeps Convalr-A tronautlcs. It elab- loon In Space

- =

i::::=:::::, tlle moon (r


away orates 011 t'he original article -


trom ttt

h and kN•ps the by Rauch.

E trth. In orbit aro~nd the sun. But M.MVtoll did not find liow tn& 1 ~rci!!I c:omblncd <'X·

Solution Applje'I Widely


olut!on Rauch

pro- =

= =

AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE ducati Ai Win Free o

---.:Actly Ntwi!en

the three P?ses cao -be ap lied to an:, w \\as v·al!d for ~ind and an ' ~umber of p_ar-



o ly

. SciPntlsts t1rles

or bo 1 s,

• ;1 ""'---- .. 11' 1oneers an acific '11' or Opener .11.L



O compute atoms, planets, moons


Jle p e t a

pl'ed o! C<'· rockets.


u d r the lnflu- The !t



(Conllnned from Page a-1) nlsm utilizing nu the tools and practice of commu- cartoons and feature art!- cles-to contrast the bene- fits of our American way of slave state; tor promotion of a five-day Anti-Commu- nism School ; and for free distribution of tho1J,Sands of life ,,1th the Communist of th e press editorials,

& Service Battaho


ur cs,"

= =

for a

letter stating



\ ote Is my part 1n ti> exi: e . :on of freedtm granted m concept of liberty Cpl Chris J. An Company D, 1st Battalion. 5th Marine Regiment, lst .one of the- m an Pl'i\ l<>g 1 our who! o , cf

But th comput reach.


not quite

Solution Closer



"The greatest mathemati-' In clans have attacked the prob J · =

. := = • ±l

Then Rauch

formulated a

-,iOlution. 1n t\ 0


professional magazines he set 1~m and enhanced the solu-

forth his theory.

tlon. They came up with r,-~~

2 Articles l'nbllshed sults tha! brought us closer -· ::__ 'I'he art!

copies of 'Our Freedoms' Marine Divt~lon at C a m p 50 and a maps and other materials medal for a letter statmg : to high school students and "I'm not yet 21-therefore membrs In tl>e Americana and I shall cherl h th op- Awar ds div! Ion were the portunity to cast my Ford :.rotor Co. the oplrion " booklets , w o r I d aUalrs Pendleton, won

ee d!Jm in t me

- I ••. .-;J7, , Orange County Rocks Pioneers Special to The San Diego Union FUI..Lr..RTON, Feb. 22 A balanced Orange County State basketball team w th four player, hitting H or more points, whipped to a 80-68 victory here ton ght m Uni- versity of an, g Jim Hatct, tt, a 6 1 center, led the hos w-,th 21 points. Terry H rm l'.:'l added n, !'\cal Stoner 1, and Jon B ett. maJ1.1! l SD dl'elv 16 poir .rom Ji>n FIC'mmg and 14 from Tony Caputo The loss kft the Pioneer with a 10-16 seasonal record with just one game remain- ing - a~amst powerful Loyo. la Friday in the Llon~· de:1. orange Covnty St. (80) USO {68) gfpt gfpt S ! : 1~ r::r~~on f i 1 ~ Ma<>ch 1608 c. Wical o o 2 o Tritz (l 2 , Boran- ,4 ,e 112 Totals 2114 23 68 Totals 26 28 14 80 Halftime score - Orange State 38, USO 20.

Ladies Auxlllary



URG~ PROTECTIO. Cpl. Chris J. Angelos, or Headquarter Battery, 11th sion at Camp Pendleton, wrote: "AmC'ricans .•. of must now protect the foun- dation ol this house. • for which he "on a George !arines, 1st farine Divi- Ulis fabled 'm !ting pot' t Depo \\as a\\arded a the same di\ i ion f) ·t teaming pro. Geo ge Washington r dal h "t e rec what young '.:lfarines are fighting for, and \\hy it is worth fighting for, on the 10 Evemng Tribune editori- "Our Freedoms" given top award by Free- als on "This honor belongs to all the officers and men of the M a r in e Corps Recruit Depot and not to anv In- di~idual," the depot's ·com- mantling general, :.raj. Gen. \"ictor H. Krulak, said. · In a larger .sense it belongs to I the whole l\Iarine Corp· for the Jessops in patriotism it has given us all from the day cdal The Marine :o ps Re- c gram basing a study of doms Foundation', 1939 a \ards jury,

Veterans of Foreign Wars at Kansa.~ City, Mo. Gehres, USN, ret.. of 8001 Vista Dr., La Mesa, re- celved a George Wa hing- ton Honor Medal for an ad- dress titled "The American Rear Adm. Leslie E.



The Los Angeles State-Un . vcrsity of San Dic-r,-o ha cball douhlehcader, sch<'duled In open the Pioneers' lfl6l sl'a- son Saturday, has hN'n post- pone reRdy in time for the opener. USD, consid<'rcd to )1ave one oI its strongest teams, will play Marine Corps Rc-cruit Depot at Beeson Field March 1 as its first game.

Ralph Yol's,


San Washington

Diego Unlon

editrnal car-

~ 5EN-i"/1:>lZ ·-,t · l'. Of San Dieefu~


received the


medal for a .cartoon depkt-


the nslng step



1 e a d



through education. WI.·: :\IED,U,

Francis C. Anderson, a former editorial writer for The San Diego Union, re- the George Wash- editorial titled "Individual Rights Also Involve Ind!- ....dual Obligations," show- ing that laws are mean!n;:- Je,s unless observed. Three San Diego area Marines al o won awards ba ed on letters submitted by armed forces personnel in the Valley Forge Patrl- ots' Awards division. I Capt. R. L. Fischer, of Guard Company, Headquar- ceived !ngton Honor ledal for an


¢,{, - .R{>;€; .:1'/, 't. fi·r. NJ urr . Plans Talk Rev. J. Walshe. 111rray of the Univer&ity o San Dl<-go Uj J;>e the spekl er , t the S 11 cl- ing of the Diocesan Coupc1l o! Catholic- Women Workshop or the Enthronement of the ;lacred Heart in the home ln Mora Hall on the Alcala. Park ca.mpus at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, Febn1ary 28. Mrs: Forrest Buller, diocesan chairman, will p r e II e n t the "Twelve Promiliec to St. Mar- garet ;Me.ty." Luncheon reservations ma.y made with the deanery. uncll prestd.-nts-Mr11. Max Wiedenhof!, San Diego; Mrs. ,Tames Barron. Le. Joll11. Mrs. Edward Murphy, 01'eanstde; Mrs. How11.rd Jones, South Bay, or Mrs. Philip Pejza, AT 1-3060.

• en1e Teaching Charge e Aid

o.·sfo-n--n Rlvalr~·~~/ .;_ffoS.., Pioneers to Cla h ith Cal ·Westetn

weekend, 95-73, to the San Diego Marines Friday nigh d, 76-62, to the n..wu Dock Saturday


i ~l or San seen a college textbool, that Im. labor. It is hard to explain aid to- n:iade an att<>mpt at subver- ~lus to peoplc with extreme ~g




day thU tt,-nons with ex- s10n of stud<'nts.

ideas Tf you don't teach their poi~t of view, _you're wrong." 0 Byrne said that, m gen- textboo~s: He. said th<> adm1n1strat1on exer- c1acs no review of thPse se-

I no!nts of view"



'ldea11 Changed'

"In the early 30s to advo-


• •

ha, c n;l.i.s,J e~

entc_d nohtical catl.' Social 1 1!-l ru;~uchon at th c> era! o,.posit In~ul'ancc was own

cur1ty or Fed- era], profe ors select their





radicahsm," he said. "Todny c?ll,•g "If you deflnt' subversion as l ct ow.



O By, ne was our ideas have chang<>d

qUCStio,n<'IJ, m_a c la t D1ego


accu ations

e .

oek by two San advoeating stud ):lt.s, Charl,..s ward more cent r a 1 gov. Barrar-k ar.d kona1d ,P. W<>s- ernmcnt or any kind of new Dr. DQnald R . Watson, dean sell Jr. at t,llc , lln DIP"O Rt'• social or political outlook, oh- of thr, college- and chief in- ~ubllca~ HA 6 mbly at th<> viou ly anyone who advocates struct,onal officer, said ad- ousnt, I've job or presenting material " O'B}rne said. never heard of 11 in a coll, g<• O'l3vrnl' said. "Some hook's '·rt is impossible to conduct textbook. often in the: fi<'ld of still have problr>ms. 'instructors, the college is onl; O'Byme said h<' had n,'ver sueh as in ral'e rPlations and inter<>,t •d in sound teaching. any change to- Contrary to Principl!'s

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