News Scrapbook 1959-1962

~r~C:Team~r- Win One of 3 On Diamond he arc~ _1 <.:lirl1tt~ base- ball tram could w,u only one decl~1on m thrC'c game Y!'S- lcrday, anrl that ·1ont- victory was much 1no l'losc for com- fort. ·an l n tat Collrg<' lru glcd tm 1:1 fnni gs hl'fore it <'9µ1d tur linck Gal Poly at Pnmona. 2-11 T d Faris' smgli,, which brought hpmt- Vance Cn "C' nally provid~d th, mar in or I tor. l niv,•r if v of !;;a11 Dl<'go droppc>d a 3 0, 1dk1 to UCLA in Lo An,;rlcs, and Cal WPSl- r.rn frli b, fore V.'e tmont, 3-2, on thr W1c t, rn 1 ' Jond. K,m Jlunt's has!'! -f'm[ity hom- r in tl. 0 seventh brok,• a 2-2 tic. Ali th N' ti-am~ arc o the road tod y, mth the ,Aztcc·s at Whittle U11• Pron rs at use an

John GarritYWins O,~'!!~,~~?.~lli. £~¥JJ!.!.. College for Men won the college'& annual oratoncal contest thia week. Firet 'prize was a. i100 scholarehip and trophy. Garrity's winning speech, ntitled "Never in AIJY Other wa.r" dealt with the defection ot 28 merlcan prisoners of war' to Red China. and the w Ut.boratlon .of other POW~ With the oommunlsts during the Ko an \\ a.r. Garrity a history major. lives at 1242 :ollu;a et Second 'place winner' w ocl A. Hall a sop more, who apoke on "Obscenity in Liter& e ' Third place went to ' esh- man Beujall"in H. Flor w o a ke OJI Con,muru91Tl In Mexico!• Both Hall and Flor r Goodwin Street, and Flore . Judges for the oratorlca courc1lman; Dr Bcmam P. Cunningham, pr at 13605 Rellgiolll! E..'mphas•~ FoundaUon and Rev John Lee tipee<:h instructor at Unlver!dty High S hool Rev. Leo F. Lanphier, USV drama d1r&-tor, " faculty 11.dnser !or the contest, and Leona J. Dalton, sophomore, waa master of ceremonies. 1

USolf ~c~s x UCL , USC SPedat to TIie San D1110 Union LO ANGELE , 1arch 9- Tll University o! San Diego ball team comes to tov-ml tomorrow to fncr. UCLA In a m~Jc game at Spnuldln :F d The 11rst pitch 1 set or 3 o clock. This will be the first of two J? me In the Lo Angeles r a. 'nle Pioneers travel to Eovard Field Saturday to en- a e th University of South- em Callfomln at 10 a m. UCLA, a club that finished 1n the Ca1ifornla Interro'll'gl- tc Ila ball As ocl tlo cel- lar la t l', on, xnects to be 1:,troP er this :i;ear. Howard Collins who com- ;pllcd a 1.94 earned run aver- age, may ow 1or the Bruins.

r "· Ch.irchman. wife of J Churchman. assistant ss manag r of the San D go City Schools system, t bllshed the catalogue de- rtm~nt ar. w115 1n charge ! tramlni;:- student he'p•"B r the cc,J, ge library. H oded Departments e al o ,as head n! the te

men, w,H pott Hollywood bu~ tr.IP Flanoe April 25. Mrs. B111:0ld l>crmody wlll h hoste."I ch.'llnrrm e a

crso·]3atfers~ Waves, 11-6 nlvl'rsity of · n Diego smashed i;lx horn!' run h\O hy Jpft fielder John .Baumgar- ten, as the Pion

l lonsign6f 7 /4f To ddr s Alcala Guild The Alcala Gu Id of t h e University of San Di •o s CoJ. Iege for 1cn, will m t at 8 p.m. Monday ln ti' nlvcr- sity' - Hall of Arts and Sci ences. i and Alhert • 'ottoli, co-chair man, will gi.-r. a progr s re- port on plans fo, a bus trip to Hollywood AprU 25. Guest speaker will bP. the Rt. Rev. Msgr. W1 liam C Mc• Grath from Newfoundland He is known in the U n i t c d ! States in connection with his world tour with the statue of Our Lady of Fatima, popular. Iy known as the ''Pilgrim Virgin". Mrs. Harold Der- mody will be hostess chair- man. Mmes. Domml • De Pl


,Pioneerr ~IP Poet , 11-10

1,. Churchman 1s a mem- ber o! tre :Mercy Hospital Auxiliary president of the Jumor I,egum of fary at Bl ~d Sa ra ent pansh and aJult clla r an f he CYO at B ·ed Sacram n . he has been a ti ·e m the l'i'D Auxil- 11ry anl1 hM erved on its li- brary c t tee.



L::iC 1 htly 1llce

~The Betrayal' Fe~..,-~ Joe Loeschnig Plays Christ t By REGI~A llIORIN Written for The San Ditto Union RELIGIOUS DRAMA -The earliest recorded form of civilized theater - will be . s/i'i~ l

modk ,trial before as and bnal cond m- natlon by the :ildman gov. ernor, Pilate. As performed by 125 mem- bers of the University o:t: San Diego, "The Betrayal" is an i !rational spectacle perfor before a 1'ack- grou palm 1ronds on

featured in a story of Chris- tian redemption today and next Sw1day when the Uni- 11ersity of ·san Diego will present its fifth annual pro- duction of ''The Betrayal." Performances will be at 3 p.m. today at the Univers- ity's outdoor theater and at 4 p.m. next Sunday at the Balboa Park Organ Pavilion. Fittingly enough, the play which Tl'cords Christ's be- trayal, tortures, crucifixion and death ill be presented on Palm Sunday, the day which begins the Christian world's week of heaviest at- tention to the sorrow of Chri t's sacrifice on the cross. Christian drama, and ul- timately, the drama we ha •e today, began as early as the 9 Century. A hrU; n drama be- came securallzed, it moved from the churches into the streets, g1 eat halls and finally ,o heaters_ ragedi s of e miracle e. But, just as a child delights in the retelling of a favorite story, the spectator is up- lifted and satisfied that what le Ages, • n play ute fa. mlliar t it au

USC Tcfp'('i:Jso )( With 6-Run 6th L~ES South- ern California rallied for six ns in the sixth Inning to bl'eak up a close b lJ game a~d bury Univer 1ty of •san Diego, !J-1. To_m _Satr!ano Jed off t'ie big inning with a home run oft Terry Lorenz, a one-time teammate at Los Angeles' Loyola High. Jfm Shroder and Ron st mweil also homered for the Trojans. . . 010 000 II00-1 f O L 201 OG6 OOX-P 12 2 Fer~f:fl~.ndGoddord (~)~ W lbur (6) and Wo 1 fe (61 andMBo~h~•n;er C6J1 Withers,


fifth annual procluC'fion of "Thi' of San Diego. Directed by Thi' Rev. Leo F. be presf'nted today aml next Sunday.

Betrayal" hv the l niw Lanpl;ier, tl;e drama

e has remembcredt~'.s,,lilt,.- b • the late Rrv. George mained the same. OMI traces "The Betrayal•_• 2 ~ ~1W~~::.!:;...';__:-:_..'.::~~~s~t I es

through the Eucharistic sup- per, th!' traitorous kiss ol Judas in the garden, and


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