News Scrapbook 1959-1962


s~~Tiic~i>ffe 1

University Pi ni Set

By Br ~W.J:t,J


By MARY O. CHAMBERS The University of San Diego will hold Its annual picnic to- day at Felicitas Park. Break- fast vvm be erv l'd on th Palm :Patio oJ the Colll'ge fo Wom~p before the bus trip to tth picmk. The 10 a llli breakfast will l;l under th direction 01 the S •nlor L,llSs. Co-chairmen f vent are Miss Angela Plt 1:rmo, tt·ansportatlon; M I s s Mau- rPen Becht and Coll!n Bonhet, refreshments; nd Mlss Pa- tricia McMahon, entertain ment. Tomorrow the resident tu- dPnts will entertain the fac- ulty and day s tu d e n ts at Housewarming 1Z .m. Re- freshments QI b ~' ~-ved. Miss Patric 'M u r 'h y ls chairman The Junior class sponsored the movie "Anni~ Get Your Gun" Friday In the College for \'VomcTI ttleater, Refresh- ments and dancing followed on ihe Palm Patio.


overnor, Irwin Get Degr


Hro to gradu-

e for


and 11 deg e

to graduates

o! the S '"1(11 of Law. Citation Read The degree

'8.S presented rnor by Rt R v. 'llrraeulate Heart Bergin,

to the Msgr.

llllam A.

rec:-tor or

HAPPY GREETl:0.-G-One of the mnny husln II and cMc leader• to joln In University of San Diego'• College for ,1en and School of commencement exercl~. for a greeting to Gov. Edmund G. Brown was l\lurray D. GoodrlN1, left, ~hown In a happy conversation \\1th the Governor of Ca!Uornla. Gov. Bro '11 was awarded an honora.rr Doctor of Laws degree.

Senunary w h '> the Most Rev

represented nd Bishop.

The accompanying the degree was read by Rev. 111artln J.• kManu•, dean of the School of Law. The citation: "Following th e traditions citation

gove or al o told a

lnPne"·;d• i»edi•intlon • • • [liyersity Hailed By Governor Brown

reportC"r tha• opp >Jents of


was the estern polrllcs Mr.

u I

.-tate's water I! lslatur<> woul

the Le •

Injuries urt Azte s, OB.

no 1'e able to

stop be1 pas.<>d; that 'Democ1atlc r • apportionm e n t legislatlo \\ould be pa ed · a d that he would be uccessful m achie • Ing a balane<>d budg t. Brown said he thought the • av,Y would be guided by sen. timent In ;!';an D ego a to whether It would l asc Camp Elliott to the state for use a a narcotic. p 1~0 "It seems like the com- munity I e,·enly d1Vided, t,ut if the people of San Diego would only realize that th! thing is a nel"e sity for all of • outhem California they might change their mind and all \\ ould support it,'' Brown sale Asked whether he thought mea,u.res introduced in the Leg ature by some 'orthern California lawmakers could blork or modify California' 1.75 billion Water Develop- ment Bond Act, Brown • aid no. sue," Brown said. "It has been mv job from the to pro- tect both the n rth nnd the south in th water plan and I am ure now that the op- position wllf rot b~ able to wreck it • Co'TID" r pa. d Ja th<> plan fr-om 'GOOD BO. m 1SSL'E' "This is a good bond

Brown gained p bile atten- tion &nd popular st'"ength as a member of th California Code tommlssion and of the Golden Ga t e Bridge and Hii;h'II ay District and as chairman of the speakera' bureau for President Frank• Jin Delano Roosevelt's cam- paigns of 1940 and 1944 and delegate from Callfornia to the Democratic National Con• vention in 1940 and in subse- quent Presidential election yeara. "After two fine and re• spons1ble terms as Disttict Attorney for the city and county of San Francisc-o and two widely respected and suc- cessful terms as Attorney General of this our beloved state, Mr. Brown was in- augurated the 32nd Governor of California. on January 5, 1959. "We re30 ce and thank the goodness of God for the tenure of our Governor, noted for uniform integrity and loyal devotion to his con- stituency and in the larger Federal framework to o u 1· beloved Pre~ident, His Ex- (Continued on Page 3J



and speculate, sure to find it.a equal tn ~ome antagonist activity, and its judge in the tt1bun I of truth. ·•rt Is a place where Inquiry Is pushed forward, and dis- coverieij verified an(\ per- fected, and rashhess rendered lnno~uos, and error exposed, by the olllsion o! mind with rtritt"~~JY For 1 ii Opening 1 Pf~y Thi"- Univcrs ty of San Di- ego Masquers will open their new drama s<'ason with the Norman Kras n a comedy, "Jolin Loves Mary " Oct. 12, 13 and 14 in the theater of the College for Women. Curtain will be at 8:30 each evening. Title roles of this three-act, one-time Broadway hit will be played by Martin Murphy, John, and Kathleen Murphy, (no relation), Mary. These roles we~e done by Tom Ewell and Nina Foch in the Broad- way production. Bill S h a m m e I, Martin Young and Linda Nichols do the, other leads, supported by Penn¥.~~~og; ank Acqua- co F. Lanphier di- rects and John Kelly is pro- duction manager. C SIJ Cln1(Jf!I • onroy Jotqs USO Fa1u1fy Appointment of Ri-v. David Conroy as a professor of law lat the University of San Diego was annJunced yesterday by the M o st Rev. Ch a rl es F. Mehlbrech, Collin ry Kettenhof. fen. I


Ma 0 rio MendC'z and Gt! War- ren, San Diego State backs. are still limping· on injured knees anct probably will mis·1 the -Aztec Q p £ 11,. r Saturday night t Los Ange I S,ate, Aztec coach Don Coryell r<'• ported , rday noon , t th,. weekly mr,etmg of the Union I Trihune Quarterback Club. Jack Murphy, sports editor of The San Diego Union, 1 was toastmaster for the sea-' son's second QB Club gath- ering at Town and Country Club. State drop its oprncr to resurgent Cal Poly of Pomona, 31-11, last Saturday night and re- ported th<' Los Angeles club will average 230 pounds irom tackle to tackle and 202 in th<' backfield. ",Ian for man," said Cor- yell "they will he tough to handle, ~o we hope to hrcak the long gainer on them." said he had "no idea" whether rangy quarter- back Larry Fernandez, w o has a lame back. wul Coryell saw L. A. Coryell

Rev. Cadd New Dea en's Col


S e p t. 16




: C:: I AC champions, n Dtego, 2,-0 In a non . con,fer- e e opene e tQmght e- fore 2. rolled o\ r the TJniver ity of



The Rf'v. John Cadden has bPeJ;J appointed dean of t h e Un v lty of San Diego's CoTiege for .;\Ien, a spok . man tor the Catholic Diocese aid yestetday. Father Cadden has replaced th • Rev. Rus ell Wil on, who I now chaplain at anta Anita Ho$p1tal, Lake Arrow. head.

SD 1,(1111 I.I For 1,500



First downs


USO Whittier

t of 1,500

Rushing yardage Passing yardage Passes completed ~as$es intercepted

1J . . 22 2·15

. .





4--0.I 5· 36 ·:



. •• • ••

Yards oenailzed • * to chdowns on runs of 29 and 8 yards and fired two scoring p~·ses to Stan Sanders, 6-3 - - pound end, a brother of EJ.l Sanders the late San Di- e boxer. he Toreros, after being o\lfplayed in the ficst half mounted three threats in th~ t cl period on the running of Jt Dt>Santis anct Joe Bray. Tl c·y reached the Whittier - .a o Jo ball twke OP. do\\ns o ·eon a ft mble. USD O O O 0- O W ·~~! 20 0 I 7-27 I. ie,-,Sa,,de~ (.59 Poss from Miya, ~~>l-A1Yano kick. Mivono (~9, run) Miya- ,U~ 0 ~s: 1 ~k':"11 Mi\tano). ,.. 4S *

ate for ~5 said he

QBs LAf NCHEON TOhfoitRV 1/t I. Fi e reg ar i:;/vlrl will a,nsw q stions from fan n port on this wee nd games at the third Union-Tribune Quar- terback Club meeting of the season tomorrow noon in the Atlas room-:at 'I'hwn and Country Hotel. T h e weekly meetings are open to the public. On the coaches' panel are Sid Gillman, Chargers; Don Coryell, San Diego State.; Maj. Scotty Harris, Marine Corps Recruit De- pot; Al Lewis, Cal West- ern, and Mike P~liTovich, University of San Diego. Gene Littli>r, U.S. Open golf champion, '1';11 be un- able to i>ttend, s pre,1ou1Y ly announced, se he will be in BakerH!eld pre- paring for the'Bakersfield Open ~tarting Thursday. The coactres Al o l be by sports edi- tors Gene Gre ston and J ac_!t ~'lurphy.

t up a boys' nardino and Aquinas High rs. pr·epared for tory at the

llUld wait until the meas res Teae cd bim before taking a stan on them. "But let m Say this," he (Continued on a:21, Col. 6l

ready to play Saturday. His No. 1 quarterb11,c (Continur1l on b·-1, Col. l) Injuries Hamper SOS, Quarterbac the moment is Way1w s.,11{e1·, high school football rul£>s. who prob ah l v will start\ Coaches' comments: "Though we held throat yesterday, so Coryell only a 13-8 halftime !('ad, we will be Y<'n· short at the posi- weren't trying to keep the tion if Ko1;~mc>iC'r doesci't get score down. Mexico was fired- well brlore 'aturd.1,y. up, ,·ery good in pursuit. One nd , IJle club's kading ::\frxican boy was knoc~ed . a) h kPpt out of down three times on a ktck- o am<' \\<'ll _as off. ...-et mad" the tackle. 0 ('ontr. t th<• fol- The) ,a',o wl're good stunters. k, ~o he will bl' We · got good g~mrs ro:·m ,. ady r touah Long Beach backs Tom :Maudlin and h.el- St:\te. here Oct. , 1011 Winston " , Frank Rustieh, .\mcrit'an Al Lewis. Cal WestC'rn, .l1-0 }'ootball League referee. and losf'r to Redlands "Red- \' t er an San Diego official lands, in the opinion of its Don Clarkson briefed ians on coach, may be the biggest the diHerenl'l' between pro-,and best in th<' school's his- ies ·ional, college and high tory. Th i 1· line averaged school football rules. about 30. We made too m.iny Rustich said a main dif- mistakes; sometimes we had ference T.letwcen AFL and Na-1seven freshmen operating at tional Football League rulesjthe s8:me time. ~ur _Je~s M~r- was in points - after - touch- doc!, 1s developing mto a fme down. The AFL allows two runner and quarterback Lar. points for conversion fromlry Toledo is a good leader. scrimmage, one point for a We clidu't look good, and hope placekick, same as the col-:to improve." . Jeges. The N~'L allows only. :\like Pel'nrovic'h, Univl'r• one point for points after\sity of San Dic•go, :17-0 loser touchdowns. to Whiliier - "Whittler and Ru tich notNI that the coin Redlands probably will fight flip tor goals. kit'k or r<'cei," it out for drnmpion of their actually is ht>ld :10 minul<'s lraguc>. They_ scorPd_ 21 points bcfore kiekoff in thl' AFL, and on us in thr> first pC'nod but we thl,l the ilip i1unwdiatc>ly J>I'<'· lwld t!wm to minus 16 yarns ,. ding start ol the game is 1 and_ min11~. 12 i)l_ the last t:"~ only 1 !onna111). penocl ·. \\" n11ss nu, passC'J Clark 011 :;aid t1w1e ;1n• IOU of 1~, t Pas"n, .Jan Chap. dt!fl'r<'n< cs In c·olleg<' and 111a11. lub I d\ 1 ({'ontinued) I 1 a gains t the D°iahlos. New- l\la,j. Scotty_ Harris, Marine _ 1 comer Larry Korsmeier, also Corps Recruit Depot, 41-161 being workC'd al quarter, victor strep1Mexico over University of came down with a


=.a; 3~1 1,ji-i-41'-•',alirornia at etting his gree from

: ~ ~'1l .;'~


Scranton, 's degree ruversity,


relit, Helen Baker, Patn- ·oung and Leo McG!nm• round out the Han on and O'Connor have bean eeen often cra.

I ',j 'i/l t Alcala Guild Style ho"v Slated For l0SD Carnpus A I ca I a Guild committeej:\trs. Paul A. Vesco, general members planning a fashion chairmen, said hostesses will show will meet at 10:30 a.m. be Mmes. Eugene De Falco, today at the home of frs. J . F. O'Donnell, William Mur. Stanley J. Strep piing Val. phy, Francis E; Wilson, F. D. ley. McClmtock. s. II. R e e d. J\Irs. s p ard 1rs. Court George Z:llm~1: _ and A. . F. ne,• >1 llo are chairmen of, o t to I 1,. M~s~es Ca11;m1lla hostes e. who will greet pa- Goddard, V1rgm1a >1eChntock trons at the second annual. a nd Lynn Brown. fashion show and Jun heon set ----====- for lli:JO p .m. 0 t. 21 in the ~..,


Buddy, bishop of the San Di- ego C at h olic Diocese and USD president. Father Con- roy, who re-

Sona ' acored a. l uso Ruth

ceived a bach- elor of law de• g e at Ford- ln 1960 ancl cw Ynrk bar this y<'ar, wili t&'lch agency, and personal property la\\ and jurispr"del}C!'. He was ordained in 1946.

Outdoor Theat£>r on ihe cam. pus o[ the Univer~1ty 01 San Dic>go, ollege for :\lcn. Mrs Danid K E'.rrr and

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