News Scrapbook 1959-1962

a lull-skirted' J


"The Gallant Ilo,m;" w night at the premi<•i ,, "I Fleet Adm. Wllliam F. !!al Although it \I a ll

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t IC dh Cd m the .. packed <'aubb an Ruom of El Cortez be- fore 11alkmg gaily dOWn tl'(lj) Seventh .·1reet 10 thp !•ox Theater ma mcny, chat. ring qta•u ·e uni cent l)f opera op1•11ing • J'here 11as motP golc{ b 1d m the mom than met th,· e) <' ailhot 1 there was ]Jlent of it on the houldPr d of the acti, flag and gPuernl o!ffu•r ho11orPd at thP i>remierp din,wi :\Jany vf the me11 in. gou

C'i\ ilian dmnei· Jackets .r'lt>et Adm. Hai"'Y 01

J,;ilt'Pu ,Jal•k~on

-San Diego Union Staff Photo

war roles in other arPai;. active officers wo1·e thPir dinne dr profi ed by gay red cummerliund Fil,nland 'I he uniforms with small medals. The M 1 llf> Co1p. l ar 1\tteHd Hollywo9d lent its own 9/amou 1 o the West Coos, pre- m,ere, several of the stars and £,/m r pres ntot ves flying West 1ust ,n time for dinner Many of f m h d taken part in the East Coast prll1'fl:ere 1~ Washin ton, D C" JMJes Ccrgney, who epicted Fleet Adm. Halsey ,n tho { ,.,, and Mrs. Cagney and other important visitors a,e guests ,ol I e p em1e1e chairman, Mrs. Carlns Tavares, and Mr. To a cs at Let Jolla Beach and Tennis Club. Mrs Tavares, as deco at ve as any molton pic- ture star, greeted them at tne d1nn n a long red peou de so,e dress wi. ch was d1oroatized w,, s de po•. rler commd. lee. as a forprtse, pinned on a corsage wh,cl, completed o patr,otic tr eme-o wfi1te orchid surrou,-,ded by blue hybrid delphin,IJm. Blonde Mrs. Thomos W 'Keehn, cho,rmon of t~e auKil,ary of •he University of San Diego, was modish in a tunic of black o·ganza over white, the tun,c and stem skirt terminat- ing in deep scalloped black lace. Glamorous PackalJ/e \Vorn Film personalties brought their most glamorou~ packa- bles for the opening. J\Ir . Robert Montgomery of New York City, wife of the Gallant Hou~s producer, and ::Vlrs. Jame Cag11ey. wore handsome theater semble~. .'Vlrs. Montgomer) 's lc-l'velc-~~ ab~tract prmt ir, the red tones \\ as worn \\ Ith a matching collarless ro t lrs. Cagney of Los AnP,1'11' rec-ove1 ed from a hout of i!!.l m t1ml' to attend the premiere. She wore a golder )ellm\ brocade dre, s with coat printPd in Vi\"id red and gold lame )Ir . Jonas alk, wile of Dr. Salk of p9llo acd111• fame, brought from Pittsburgh a filmy model of white vrganza emb o dered in black on the hodice Decorations Keyed To II\ \

Chatting backstage before opening of premiere of "The Gallant Hour " are, from left, Jame Cag• ney, who played Fleet Adm. William F. Hal ey Jr.;

Robert Montgomery, the director and producer; Dennis Weaver of "Gunsmoke" fame, and_ Norman Foster, who acted as master of cereroomes.


' THE GALLANT HOURS' tt.A/lotJ Glamour, Gol Braid Mix At Gala Movie Premiere "Gollont Hours., reviewed- Page a-13. Galo party precedes ' Gal- lant Hour£ '-Page a-14. By JOE BROO ·s nls Weaver, the Chester of tele\'lsion's ''Gu n s m o k e" who also played Jn t h e film. would be used for science laboratory equipment and for a scholarship fund for students. Dr. Roger Wagner, who compo~ed and conducted

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'fea.-hing Law 5.(!/(()!;S ~f/4 Brilliant areer Leads to University It was a long circuitous route t1·a.veled during many a.ct!on•packed years, but Will!am J. Miller finally rnade it to Sa.n Diego from London, En.gland. And now he is a new member of the University of an Diego's School of Law.

They arrived outside the theater soon after 8 p.m. and were greeted by ap- plau~e from several hun- dred per ans packed onto the :;idewalk and behind ropes leading through the foyer. Sl!ARCHUGHTS, B.\ND Searchlight played over- head. and a Navy Pacific Air For Band serenaded the throng from across the ·treet with nautical tunes. Almost every seat in the hig theater was taken when the event opened, belatedly hut dramatically, with the Marine Corps Recruit Band marching In from the rear dow two aisles and on- ta • In lront of a backdrop dcpl ting the San Diego skJ;llne fhe band played the na- nal anthem, then snappy versions of the Marine orp · hymn and "Anchors Aweigh." Norman F o s t e r, who acted as master of cere- monie , cpped from the ing to elco e the audi- ence ana Introduced Mrs. Carlos Ta'iares, premiere chairman for the University of 'an Dieg , and Mr 'rhomns Keel pre ident of the unlvers ty' Womens Auxiliary.

the score of the film. was the first Hollywood celebri- ty to appc-ar on stag~. He wore a white dinner Jacket. Next came Dennis Wea- ver, walking without the Ump so familiar to television western addicts. He drew a big laugh when he stif- fened his leg in front f the mike and drawled, Mr. DU)on, I need help Cagney congratUlafod the audience .t9r "com ng out for such a wo1 y cause. After you see th~ evidence, I hope you will ibe glad you came.H

Hollywood glamour and Navy gold braid cvmbined la~t night in a glittering henP.!it premiPr of the film, "The Gallant Hours,·• at the Fox Theater. Virtually a capacity crowd of 2 880 p e r ,; on s turned out for the g a I a event, a Uy the biggest premier h Id heri: In m1tny yl'ars n

The retired British army brigadier and holder of the Order of the British Empire was born m London. Hls colorful career began in 1914 when he received a. commis- sion in the British army with the outbreak of World War I. He served in Gallipoli, Iraq, and Palestine. Military Governor In 1918, he became military governor of the Ramleh DL<- tnct In Palestine. Leaving the military ser- vice, he entered the Colonial service. From 1920 to 1932, he administefot1 various dis- tricts in Palestine, including Jerusalem where he also ex- ercised jud'icial powe'rs. He also was a member of the Economic and Agricul- tural Development Commis- sions. During this p~riod hP look time to sludy and pass advanced language examina- tions in Arabic and Hebrew. Retiring from the Colonial service, he was admitted to the bar In England in 1933. Trial Leads Afar He practiced there until 1939, and then f'a me World War JI. This time the trail took him lo France. East Africa, and Not-lh At1·ica. He served as chief ~Pcre- tary or the Mill tary Govern- ment of Eritrea. Then he he- can1e mihtary governor of Tripolitania. And he became Field Mar~hal Montgomery's chief staff of!1c"r for civil affairs At the end of Lhe war, he declined appointment as mill• tary governor of Smgapore and retired from the service. That meant a new trail and it loo to the Unitert




mg men James Cagney, th A ad- em A\\ard• ·inning actor who played "Bull'' Halsey, was on hand for event, along with Robert tgom- ery, who directed and pro- duced the picture, -and Den-

States. And it was a. na turaJ ~hange. HIS wife Elizabeth, was born in Grosse Point Farms, Mich. The Miller~ met m Pales• tine in 1922. They were mar• ried in 1926 in London. The trail eventually led to La Mesa and retirement. And after his 11pectacular career in various parts ot the world, he felt he had earned some leisure timP. But a man of act10n l"e- mains a man of action. Now h• is back in thP law. This lime g-lving of hi• vast ex• perlence to young Jaw stu• dents. He has enl•red ,nto his n w role with the same zest he tackled his many military and colonial assignments. He teaches a. course In English common law, with emphasis on contracts and torts. It is a grand opportunity tor the law students. He knows whereof he speak•.

CHt.CK FOR 11,000 Mrs. Tavares anno






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to Mrs. Keelin. Mrs. Keelin said the money



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r Mn, 'flwrrws \V. Keelin , lcJ t, c fwirr11an of tfl(> U11it>ersity of S011 Diego Auxiliary, which 11oq or<•cl \ Ve,t Coa,t prcrnie,·e of "The Gal- ___l~u_11_l I fo11,,"• f

He is a professor o! phi- losophy of law at the Uni- versity of S8'1 Diego, He also I gaged I earch proJ on leg l Q\togra- phy, natural Jaw .and legal history • 1-!e s the author Qt eight books.


t1, El Cortez Hotel wfzich prec Harris is com'!landant of 11_......c:.,,,,-...._.____

F l.' AL CPlECK-Offlclal111 nf the third ann ual Knlghh of Colnmhu, ba rbf,(-u., slated Imm noon to 8:30 p.m, this Sun- day, :\lay 22, on the Uni\'n,.lty of San Diego's Akala Park campu~ make a fina l che<'k or plans. They are, left to right, ,John Eurich, Lambert J. Nlnteman, and Al Ohlinger.

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