News Scrapbook 1959-1962



ild Gvening :})ividion F LL SEMESTER, 1960-61 tern College Association Classes Begin September 12, 1960 Accredi ted by the

"Ac«'.., Announced


Business Administration Business Law

Mathematics Philosophy Physics Psychology Sociology Speech Theology

Drama Education

English Geology History

OFFICIAL REGISTRATION September 8 at 7 p.m. Applications Accepted Now

For further information write to:

Pecarovich Leads USD I ?rJ~i£a!~'f [,g~~. '"' '" Pion!"er~ buckled d o w n to kles wr.r~ li ted h~ PPcaro- . d 1 tb lJ d - 11 t1v1rh as his h1gg<'st needs. He twice-a- ay 00 a n s a has 17 returnP<'S from th e Naval Training Crn1er yester- squad that won one and los• day under new coach Mikr five last yPar. Pecarovich. The USD coac-h, who re. The Pionet>rs' first gam!' is turns to football alter a five- just two week~ awa). Whit- year absence, has a veteran tier College will provide the quarterback in Jan Chapman first test in ~alboa Stadium around whi<:h to 'build his Sept. 17. squad.

DEAN OF ADMISSI COLLEGE FOR M University of San Die o Alcala Park, San Diego O.

Phone: CYpress 8-7711 ext. 46-47

tudents Stir c~zus AHirit 7 1 6 o .., tR.ass .M " nool B!)lri t ha.s been generated every • londay night during the pa.~t summer month.,; on the Un1vers1ty of San Dlego campus. The reason? T!Je new University Spmt Committee. The Spirit Committee ts ;nade · up of student leaders from the men's and the women's colleges. In malnng plan. for the com- ing year, the committee hopes t.o extend school enthu 0 ,asm in- to each day of ~tudent llfe. Emphasis 1s peing placed 011 l getting-acquamted activities for new st.udent.s. Return1JJg ~tu- jent also includ :ti ln these acliv1t1w. A pap1er- ache t-.a.tuc of "The Pillneet" J3 une <>f the projects of the commltte,e. The statue•, oonstruetlo11 b an Monday at •th: Alcala. Park Greek •rheaUP. Slude11ts am in· ted io iha.1-e In the tun in bulli:hng tills USO 1111lscot. fntormafion on future bufld- Lng dat ay b o -ned by calling CY- press 8-7711, ext. 24.

Pecarovich Pleased £szJ~~='~the P,o rovich likes wha !!e's seen O ncers went throu •h tti.eir ser- • . .· . f ., ond da) of uail)-double drills far of the Lmve1s1ty o a a !'sarnl Trainiug Center. Diego Pioneers. The USD gridders are being "The boys l1ave looked pretty hou.. ed at NTC during the good. The) re getting into training session. They open shape, but ,, e wo11 I have any the. s~ason Sept. l7 against real contact ntil the'"'re in Whittier College 111 Balboa d d . · . Stadium. goo con 1t1011. I on't believe Peraro,·ich will bank on in rushing inlo it," said Peca- freshmen to gi\r 1he Pioncc1-s the dc•pth they !'<:rd to go through thPir lougl1 schNluJ successfully.


I ~Jr. Pie 'ZZ


-Son Die-;;io Union Stoff Photo Jim O'Leary, a tackle who has been switched to center, getc; set to hand the ball ba_ck t~ \"eteran quarterback Jan Chapman as new Umvers1ty_of S~ Diego coach Mike Pecarovich observes. Flfty•S)X players ehecked out uniforms y~sterday and will start drill today at Naval Tranmg Center. -A-Day Grid Drills iidt,1~~~~~~ gs~~f /~ ::eed porter! for uniforms yesterday to play under the fre~ subst1- at the University o! San Di• tution rule_, permitting the ego and were told by coach best offensive and defensive Mike Pecarovlch that two-a- unlts to perform. day drlll9 will commence to• The t>x-Gonzaga and Loyola day mentor who is returning to W;th 17 holdovers, the Pio- !?olball for t?e first time in neers wlll have to rely heavi• ;~~~";e!~s ; 1: 1is h~ot~n~~dr ! ly on freshmen this . season points "We'll always go for and P earovle? has !med up the tw~ points " he said. a trong practice program to · orientate the newcomers.

T\\ o of the rn•wcom,-.r, who ha, c caught the V<>tt>ran men • tor's cy<' are Ho\\ a1 d ,Villinm- son, a hal!bacl, from Anchor- age, and qua r t c l' Nelson :l,furphy of Los An Pies. Of Williamson, Pecaro, ~h savs: "He came 1,000 milrs to pia1 and he is doing just 1hat...." -P,C. J 'lcJ'i),~"i DIEG~t,/ l/n roTimem is ex cf~cl"to total J ,2.JO, co1•pared w i t h 995 last. year. Registration will be cpt. 13 with cla~ses sta rtlng SPpt. 1-1 at the Col- legP. for Women. Law School registration will be Thursday with classc beginning Sc>pt. 12. At the college for Men rl"gistration will be Wednes- day through Friday, w i t h classes starting Sept. 12. New at the College f o r Women are a major in phy- sics and a radio studio. Closed c i r c u rt broadcasting is plannPd later this year. Ad- vancPd coursPs will be In atomic physics, the Far East and international politics. The collrge will have five new faculty members, making a total of 50. The College for Men will present e v e n i n g courses, adding six to eight faculty mc•mb<'rs. New laboratories will be opened in the school's scirncc building. Construction is in pl'ogrrss on 1hc univrrslly's f i c l d house. gymnasium and swim- ming pool ______ ..~-- UNIVERSITYiF


Income Tax I ~~l~~if 1 personal Ji~ome ax. be t~u_ght th Is fall in tb, ·enJng d1v1s1on of the Uni,·e ty ot San Di o'a College or Men. The uctor Will bti H.a.rold Dermoily, formerly 11<1 usiB t prof~or or. buein<:91 4lnln1.11- tr t,o at Northw~t Usu.

e n personal income tax will be c..v,sion of th~ Vniversity of

Only three of the expected player dlrl not arrive yester- day, according to line coach and athletic coordinator Bob Sexton The e were Norbert Shew, a former Notre Dame fre hman: Mike Dophin of Point Loma Hlgh, and Chris Fr hm of Pius X. "We need a fullback, cen- ter and a couple of tackles ," Pecarovlch ~aid, after a quick look. •·we'll have to rely upon freshmen at these positions, Its t>m . "We'll lack depth but are exceptionally strong at th <' guard po ts. However, I thlnk our brand o! football will en- tertain the fan~ this fall." Pecarovich said that seven of the 10 OJ.l onents on the Pio-

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