News Scrapbook 1959-1962

~lcafan Guild Rea1ay For Fasl1ion Show

.,~ tor Men and the whea A

l ol

Pe,tri. prl~.cs, Mrs.. I.



Murphy, l{nr• of the faculty. The purpose or lllOl¥J Halt, prnmot1on'· MtE. t!1P GuUd la~ promote Interest St hen J. Bar, , 1whhclty; In lhe univeratly and to support Mrs Jerome Sherry ancl Mrs. Its program. Fr Is Wll,;on, 1011:-isllc Mrs. Daniel K. Kerr Is preal- la Gnlld wa.~ organ- (lent, and the Very Rev. Rus• F~sl~i~1~~/~ox 'tfosfi~'~ilham)Z Sl10\v Due May Get Call Io l<:ll~; M TJ,:e Al 1959 The 11 W 'd t f th · · se 11son, pres, en o e

Pioneers to Tackle Azusa Sentinels '!'he Un ,·erstty of Sa.n Viego resumes ction this Saturtlay fl r a. 13.da.y Jayo!! when it me ta Azusa CoJlege a.t l'he 1: D-AzUlla game w!ll be the first football game played In W Park, hmne or the Sl\n Diego Padres professional ball ball t.eam The meetln "111 ....... b the flr•t betw en the two Larry T s ary and tackle Guy colleges In football, 'eU k sidelined with in- The Plone ra •till s k 'their Jllrics and ar llstt-d as doubtful flrtt vlctdry tt r losln hre part 1 c I pants for th Azusa cons~ uttv gain 'hit U ga Coll g , 6-20, .Ne • ~ex1co We Az will rely on two quar- :lO 2 ancl Humboldt Slate, terbacks, Tom Nelson nd Dar- 0-20, gin lcWhptter, SD scouting ':!'he zuu Coll ge S ntml'l r opr Indicate that Nelson is have a 2·1 r cord. 1.ast week aa outstanding passer. Nelson, zuea defea d Pomona Col In two games, had 16 canles lcge roab, 20-18. La3t onth or 25 n t yµlls rush ng, He they JOlll to La.Verne Coll ge, had c nip tvd t of 26 pasl!CS 6·1-1, and L



f hmn show In San Diego will ized In Nov.,mber


The May c~:.i1pa11y

t s


iego group conm ts of mothers und


be presenled br lhc Akala Gulkl of tlle Ualvers1ly o

at 12:30 p.m. Saturday, Oclobe1 15, at a luncheon at the uni• wives of the students of the College for Men, Is moderator. versity amphitheater. "Haute ·~de de Paris" ha.a been chosen as the theme. ,. r

In e.~ over-"IJ l<'rench them<',, Philbm will bl' the master of the umvers1ty colors of bluo am! cet·emomell for lh& event, 'l.he patron ,,,,., s are Mmes. scene of a French salon. Th,• R. O. Suitt. M Jack FerguRon, tables will be centered with eymour Ra hin, F I{. Ceder. miniature French ha.t boxe and,b,rg, l~ugene De I<' lco, Jr., silhouettes of _1.-gs. The pro- William J, Martm, H. Stephen gram;o will reflect this King, Glen A, Lonnecke1•, Ken. theme. nPth A. Young, George T. ZeJJ- An all-Amencan des1gne1· ,ol- m r 1 Emma F'. Robinson, Leo lectlon conaisting of casual and jPalella, Sophia Barlll'l, Howard street wear to afternoon and w. Rozelle, Bernice E. Wll- evening clothing will be hown. ham.e, Luc!lle D. Bn, be,, and Coats, furs, and stoles also will Marie L. Markley. Mmes. John Zolezzi, G. R. Maurice Rentner, Harvey Bertn, \\ 1lllamson, George T:' Zellmer, Adel Simpson lll'ld Geo g Ca, D, H, Werden, Leo Volz, D. R. • r e r- S nndl Lawrence Ollver, me!. per o, The colora of mteiest will be Arthur N. Hurteau, and Wilbur wood violet to parmer v1oleL to Hilclreth. purple. Pinlt to fuchsia will be Othe1· rhalrmen include, Mra. featured In cocktail lothe . Philip Nacozy, Mra. James Ha.ta will be llhown from Uie Ronis, and Mr11. Albert Nottoli, designers' collection of Chiist- tickets; .Mrs. Courtney Mallory, Ian Dior, John Freddcs, !rent>, art; Mrs. De Falco, food; Mrs. and Sally Victor. Stan! y Strep, serving, Mrs. Mrs. :ij:ugene De Falco, chnlr• Pa4L V c:o nnp Mrs. Charles man, announced that egts Foto, docoratlon, Mrs. Dominic Sportline Y BOIi KING F)(Hn iill in ications, Uti11 weeki>nd'i football garl)N, Involving ania collPges ahoui

As USD. End

At USO 'The Alcala amphlth<'nt<'r at the Univi>r~!ly or ~an Diego, will be Ihe selling for the "Haute ;\1ond<' de Paris" lun- <"h,,on and fa ·Ilion show at 12:30 p.m. tomorniw. SponsorPd by th<' univer- iled. ~1 rs. !Ia n-fl't Wil. on Is hos- te · hainnan and on hrr rommiu,,., arl' :Mmes. James Honi , Sam ,;Jasso, Anclrr.w San F<> 1 llp110, \\,, G. Gillham. Lan('e Jo )I'll, J Ill\ Shic>lds and John G) nn 'rhP a\ •arris c nJ ma . .Mrs. ~tanlry Strc ~Ill bP. as- • lst<'d hy frs. R~mond Hart, :Mr . D oth' Larnb, M i s J, nn Br0\\'11 111 s Camil- la Coddard 'HIDS .\ AU JlT.I:, Calls for tickets are bC'lng llC'Cf>plf'd h !rs Phillip Na- <"01.\' nud Mrs. Alb<"rt Noltoli. 'l;h<' atrou,· '" of !ht'! show 1 . H. 0. Sulit, M. gu on, S<'ymollr Ra- Pcl.,rhl'rg, Eugene ., Wlll\am .,. Mar- ·teph"n Kmg, and Glen t n. H •r. Zellmer, Emma F. 'l, L o Patella, Sophia Baran, Howard W. Rozelle, Bernie g_ Williams, Lucille D. Barh<>r and Marie L. Mark-I ]Py_.__ DegreeNeed Added At USD School 0( 0 ~gYfc A bachelor's degree from an accredited college will be a requirement for entrance to the University of San Diego School o! Law starting in February, it was announced yesterday. The Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, bishop o! the S an Diego Catholic Diocese and president of the university, said the new. requirement I would apply to both day and night sessions of the school. I Previously, the requirement had been three years o! satis- factory college work. The Rev. Martin J. McMan. us, dean o! the law school, said the new requirement was "another forward step in the academic progress of o u r school. It brings us into line with the leading law schools throughout the nation." l Enrollment this y e a r reached a new high of 158 stiudents, Father McManus, said. The· overall enrollment at the university this year is 2,022 students, an increase of 44 per cent from last year. The night session of the law school began In t h e spring of 1954. The day ses- sion was added last fall. nc lro , . Lonn,..l'kf'r. Al o ((<•nn<'lh A Young, 1,corg !1obi

Freshman T o n y Gilham, who played for ::;t, Augustine• last season, may opPn at right <>nd for the University of San Diego tomorrow night when the Pioneers tackle Azusa Col- lege at Westgate !{a rk, Jim Gabriel, USD's fine sophomore end, had to leave for his home n Houston when he learned t>f the death of t his moth<: lie l.< not expect- ed ha<'k for the game. Gilham, a 6-2, 180-pounder has bc•cn usPd mostly on de- fense this 5eason. U p roa<'h Mike Pecaro. vich :.aid tomorrow's contest could be a high-scoring alfair with Azusa f.Jl~ing a wide- open game, "They pass 60 per cent of the time and send as many as four .r e c e i v e r s down," PN•arovich said. "Usu• ally the only remaining back besid,,s the quarterback Is the fullback.' Tom Nelson, Azusa's able quartorhnck, holds one vic- tory ov<'r USO hut that was as a ba ·eball pitcher. Pccarovich said he intends to run hl~ plays from the ~- tre Dame shift. Oso:azusa- >( Duel Tonight At Westgate Park /1'/t5/t,o The UnlvPrsity of San Di- ego can only hope that 'Tom Nelson doesn't feel at home in a baseball park when he guides the Azusa College grid• ders against the Pioneers at Westgate Park tonight. Kickoff is scheduled for o'clock for what should be a l wide-open football game. Nelson, a baseball pitch- er as well as a quarterback, holds one victory over the Pioneers from the mound and now he's poised to try again with the right set of signals Actually, it could be quit a pitching duel between the 170-pound Azusa flash and Jan Chapman, also a pitch- the ball 60 per cent of the time and sends as many as four receivers downfield from a s p re a d where only the fullback re- mains with the quarterback. Chapman. who has ~tter than a .500 percentage pass- ing average for three seasons at USO, will be trying con- tact lens in action for the first time and unless Azusa can produce efficient protel'tion, he's bound to toss some touch- down strikes. er, hurling for USD. Azusa throws

n Diego's CollegP tor !\f.-n r.-ted n.-w

HONORED -ThP Unh·er,lty or

r at a. dinner tonda.y night. Rt. Re, •• \hgr. \\'llllam A. Bergin Is . hown group. Sea.tNI, lert to riirht, are Rlchar~ P. Phillip., chal~n of the Division clenee ; !\lrs. Phllllp•, \ er~· Rev. Hu sell \\II on, pre,ldent of btant to the presld.-nt, 11nd John J. Irwin, and Natural

. . .


fa.them ti

thfl College for !\fen; RP\, John B. Bremner, a member of th" Board of Regent •

• • • College Fetes New Faculty Members.

with a 42 9 averag , has c pleted 2 of 119 pass 3 mpt tor 271 rds and two touch-

CanlPuhrame Meeting Due /"/,YI,;, Mayor Dail said yesterday that he and Councilman Jus- tin Evenson wtll meet with Univ r. lty of California Re- geot • ov. 7 to discuss the naming of the San DI e g o 1 campu . Evenson In a recent Council conference had recommended ! that conditions of conveyance or the Torrey Pine campus site Include that it be call d University of California at San Diego. Protest have been voiced against naming the campus Unh ersity of California at La Jolla or at Torrey Pines. Dall said he and Evenson I will talk with the bql.ldings and grounds comm!tlee o! the Unl\ersity's Board o! Regents. Dall aid he does not recom- mend that a cond1tlon of con- veyance lnclud the ~'Ile of the campus.

Jaycte coach t~o1 e S<'11 • lt hu be n b·,._ Ing" down OIi hi




Jollowrng u11Mrdog

e•k to

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Glendale I J<'rid&y

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Magr. Bergin spoke of the dean of u unity existing b et w a en all Pecarovlcl.l, all branches of the university at Toastmaster W/l.3 Rev. John B. Alcala Park and he relayed the Bremner, assistant to the presi- gratitude of the priests of the dent of the colleg-e. ,. S) , 1/.Jt'i/j O I ,ndependent s 11ria Picks n!ai;~k I USO at Humboldt ..;..;.;...; __ Bob Kln,r Humboldt by 20 Cal Poly - Cal -Poly ~SC b110 by U by 1 .Jim . l 'p,haw I Humboldt by 1% -ea.1 1'01,.- by 7

(la WH


To Seniors


lo Oc ld•ntal


FLORENCE NEWTON •• , bride to,be Mrs.• ·athan B. La Jolla an'lou ces gagement of her Florence Felic a to M,chael Patrick Gandolfi of Pac1hc Beach. · Miss 'ewton s a na I La Jolla and att nded Hig'i where ,he was g ed 111 1959. She is '10 v e at Sa11 Diego College for a chart r mem ber of the Pan Amertcan Jun, iors. Her flancP at ended St. Au• gustine's High School and was graduated from hsslon Ba · Hlgh. He Is a senior at San Diego College for Men.• ·o date for the wedding has been -€t. ewton Wom<'n. She j ewton of the en- (! ug'i.ter


8 o'cluck cla h wl h the B K•I• In yllaL 1• c ns dored eYen affair 'J'lle ulo,1 ble n k •d fa. vo d :Pornon& l•ge lul \•·eek•nd, l 3 0, • figure to niake thln111 hot tor the hOAt achoo! C<>A ch I I ,owl II on the brotl,•r cbmbluaUon .,r quartnb•rk Jim • d ha fba k Gerry lioniba lo ir rt the

... , 1,0

f o r

1,000 scholar h(p


tudy at a Brit,sh b en m a d c tudents In the San by th San Diego the English Speak- to c 11 ge nlor or


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dr. Patrick R. Pat- rct., prcsid!'nt or the chapter, said the scholar. hip ls In memory of MacAr- thur Gorton Jr., San Diego ln- urance man and ct v I c lead r, who died larch 28, 195~. Stud nts regularly enrolled In enlor or graduate yea rs at California WPstern Univer- sity, nn Dtego State, or Un- iversity of San Diego are cllgi- bl , Patrick said. Applications for he scholar hip must he r mpleted by Oct. 21, he a d.

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ham •nd g1iuda ea,1 And John Grlll11inl 1J

8DSC at Cal Poly Cal W""t Oacldental at Eagle Rock at MORD USO at Oblo St, Syracuae at Kaneu at SOJO

cmmt. '!!1"11 )\ ashlnzlo11 t2b 6) &re l·&t.. •d on to at,l! th• Bengal at• ,.1 u one ot the top •m•II eol• tack. I• • tl'llm~ ln the c·ountr,- and i.tttr rurth.-r aorlb •* S•n w II eall 2, r•tumln~ let1nmen T,nla Oblap<>, r a.ul OnY• 8.g&lna the vhr1tlnir Ploneero. t1r,tllll'111, ~"" Dlf'IKf't ,-tahf .A•• Th•1r only J~ l••t •••eor, ..,.... ,.,..• •hnulture TJ8D oppon,.nt, lien F~ncloc<> !It l•.



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1JSD Re·qu1'fen;jt;,.,. p. The University of Sil[/ tl~- ego's School o! Law has raised its entrance require ments. A candidate now wlll need a bachelor's degree from an accredited college, according to the ~ost Rev. Charles F. Buddy, bishop of the San Diego Roman Cathol- ic Diocese and president o! the university. Thrre years of

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f.,., •A{Ti-,b ..... ,..e.. HE BULL' COMES BACK Trometter Gues at Gridfest



Going in the backfield with Nelson will be Jim Trato (170) and Bob Edwards <165) at halves and big Mel Patterson (205) at fullback. Patterson is strong enough to make the fullback counter work. Speedster Joe Gray 1180) and Joe Loeschnlg (190, will open at the halfback slots for USD with rellable Jim De- Santis (185) going a, full back. A1usa Pos, Monn (175) LE:: li'."fr~,.\-1.~J (175) ti Williams (230) C ~." 1~•;,,J~6l\\os1 ~¥ Phillips (1851 RE T. Nelson (170) QB Troto (170) LH Edwards (165) RH M. Patterson (205} FB MCOfollltl 11 ES w; Bovrave 1ml) G, rrOio" ll85) o t.:ear 2:s1 .loc»' 1851 Elliott nl17J Gi ham tl80) Chapmon 80) Gro.,. 180) Loeschnig 190) OeSan•s (1851

Bull Trometter returns to e Quarterback Club Mon- a . Trometter and Bob mllnson of Hillto Hi,;t"h \ be guests at the lunch- 0 1 maeting at M, ,"o:i \'al- Y Inn. 'Tromett lbngtlrne egu- lar on P1f'qliarterback Club ccaches' an.;1 when he was at Marin Corps Recruit D<'- pot. now is opPrating stra. tegist at niversity High. s -&.P- ,IC • .. ego chalked up its first tory o! the season last night

. faking up the panel t!us year are Paul Governali, San Diego State College; G orge Sch..itle, San Diego Jun or College; Al Lewis, Cal Western: 1-tik<> Pecaro- vich, t;niversity of San Di- ego, and Trometter's suc- cessor at MCRD, Capt. Hans To

Jacobsen. All but Peraro- vich and Jacobsen served on the panel with Bull. Feature of .Mon(jay's pro- gram, to whi~h th<' public 1s will b<' a round- table discussion of San Di- ego football by a trio of fans - Tom Ables, Bob Ker- rigan and Bob Breitbard.


il.'l/1c./, The l'nlversity of San Di- attempt was sfopped short of23-yard line

the took a r,ass from Jan Chap-

to set up

rnan to make lt ..t-0.

home team s serond tally. USO moved the ball to the

1y• he goal

Bolh ,\zu:; , stalled most o! the as they outducled Azusa, 14-6 gen(' a•lo~ an often e in the seven as Joe LoPschnig picked nlgh,r oJfensiveir, began to before· 2,800 fan~ in the 1irst se ond and thitd per,od al- ~TAti°srics mo, e vlwn sub quarlerback football game evrr held in thoug'1 llw Pioneers DcSan. ,uso A,usa Doug ;.'llcWhorter took over Westgate Park. t.s, whQ car1fed for 114 yards :~7~,n~own• 4 from T'1m • 'clson in th USO opened the scoring In ln 20 irie~, n'ld Gray, whti ~:l\~~ 9 . . 5,, 1 { 5 .tt ~anlng minutes. the fir t period with a 65·) ard logged 88 \ ards 1n l::? at- Panes lnterce•ted •• 1 2 " clson moved to l'nd and drive that saw backs Jim le np s, m r.aged to keep the ~~;::~,.. Josi 1-.u.l "'~ l: au g h t t\\'o l\IcWhorter De~an s and Jo" Gr:iy n 1 t1'1 · Azu ans otf balance. Vor

HAUTE MODE dt- PARIS-Mrs. Daniel Kerr (left) prc•icent of the Aleala Gu:ld, 'Unlvers.ty of San Diego and Mrs. Eugene De Fako, general chairman. discuss Plans .for the luncheon and fashion show scheduled Oct. IS in the Un 1 veruty Amph1!htaler, :ieserv~!lons may be made by contacting Mrs, Phillip Nacozy, JU ~-4619, Fashions will be by the May Company.

University or San Piego'stw~s named to the All-SCIF Pioneers have Jost letterman third team.. ., d J' Gabriel for tomor- Azt.lsa brmg. a 2-. s~aso,n nT 1 g hr~ game. against\record into tomorrow mght s A2 Ct11Iege at Westgate contest. The Pioneers are usa winJ'ess in three starts. Park. j 'The two clubs are expected The sophomore wmgman\to ml the air with footballs. has left for home In HouSlo_n Jan Chapman is USD's air- because of the dea th of his minded quarterback and Tom father. Coach Mike PGecharlol. 'Nf'lson pitches for the Scnti- vich doesn't expect a r e • back in time for the game. nel · Pecarovich said yestcrday]___;...~-~---~-

EVIEW.DUE ~~!:!e?~aRllt~: Mary Chase, opened a tour-night run last night at the University of San Diego's Little Ring 'the- ater in the Art~ and Sci- ence Building at the Col- lege f~r Men. 'l:he Rev. Leo Lanph1ei- Js the director of ''Hiu-vey," A review by Cons,.tancc Herreshoff will appear tomorrow in The San Diego Union.

he- may start :freshman Tony Gilham at Gabriel's spot. The 6-2, 180-pound graduate ot St. Augustine High was a. s~n~- out last year in the Samts ~e of San Diego High and was an all-city selection. He also

11(1 l<>ge Sattlrd y iiight at gate l'ark. Aru,a . , . D • McWhorfer). USO-Grey, 17 PAT-Mc0evl1t, U\~orfng:·· .A.'rusa-NefsOO.' (t Santis, U from Chapman). run)

• '- , :as~ fr;~ run). De• (pass


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