News Scrapbook 1959-1962


t;.!£d Picks

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ll) l 'AUL <..OLlt

:onw c·ritic 111 IJiPgo·~ foot ball ~ea- i,on l'ndcd Od. 29 wl1 n thc Pionccts met and defeated ;\larlnc Cor1J R<•c u,t Depot, 21 20. . The p 1 on<'ers wlll ek to pro\" thr y'vc gul one big game l!'lt in their sysl<'m tonight when thl'Y rngage An- zonn S at!' of Flagstalf in the final game ul th<' SNtson al w tgat,• Park. J{i<'kolf is at 8. co ch Mik Pecarovieh s boy navc \\t,n on" and lo l tv.o s,nc,• up nd,ng 1hr. Mari1ws in the• year's hlgge t grid u1 Pt locall). The Pionc<'t howpd to lrong ·,m ~•·ranc·l <"•1 s I<' 3:; o, and Cal Poly ol l'omc,na, 28-11, wh1I(' ~~~rl- \\ le 1111 Ill a 20 13 \ iclo& y ov<'r Pcpp,•rclln~ Ill JIO t MCI ,1) rn ~- . The• Pl01 " u n l n victor) llnrlly 1n •ason In l'e,•a1·ovich's fir~l l'a I a 're .ou1 . 1 d-f•H• going into u,,. game. li11ish W11h a h ad ,·oach J,nmherja,·k,; ha\·I' thl' Pd"<', h11 se1l Oil 11e rr,, ·111 n n~t common oppon<'nts. I• lag taff tlowncd New W, tern, 31-26, anrl lo t a clos!' 1 11 d(' I Ion 1o ) o Pomona. San Di<'go howt•d lu 'al Poly, 28-14, Qlt to ew M •xi<-o We t<'rn, 2'J·20. f t nd <'Xl)!'riPnc<'d hac·kti,• ,1 h.eadell by quarterback k~ Alzola and halfback Clrnrl<'S llO\ <'I'S, 11 0!'i-pounder t I um1Jc•1·jal'ks' <'hid slrl'ngU1. Alzola Im~ l'ompkt<'d J of 1:.!0 1,ass<'S for 7:ll yards and ive lo rhdowns for' a l,1) !Jl'l' crnt completion mark. 13 n w C hns ave•rt1ged 5.5 ) 11 rds l"'r ,·a1·1·y. 'l'hA J,11111h1•r.i1t1·k, h an· work 1•d hurt! on )las, d.-fcm,e this Wl'l'k h nnlicipation of an all out aPrial a nult by quarterhaclt Jan Chapman. Chapman h connec ted on 73 of 144 pas e for 946 yards and eight touchdowns for a ,"I07 rompletion p 'J'l' antis hold· th D indivl luAl r ushing J 11d with an nv,•rage o f 1 ';1 )arc! J>"r carry. Probable starling offensl\ Jbwups: ny 111ln ~r lt y of Flag taff, winnrr or fiH, ~traighl Fronlie 1Jes "1th a 39-9-2 rcronl, hold. n 2 0 t'd with. USO. This will b<' th<' Arizona • fi1 sl pearancC'. C.onf<' rr•<'e ti- in 1 h<' f;er1<'s San Diego ap-



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' 7 USDS tt.N_I Q 11,1 I en1ors To Clo e eason

BULWARKED by outstanding (en•er Jim O'Leary, the Univer- iity of San Diego will be o ut lo

Revenge Goal of Pioneers Rev~nge • bent a.fter 1uf- fering t w o defeau in a.s many rn e e t i n g • at the hand8 of Ari z n a St.a e (Fl f), t niversity of n D I be out to eve i on mark at n-5 Satur n 1 g ht at WE' t- gat Park when the • ho t the Yi iting Lumberjack . The Pioneers clOlle out the s n v, th the 8 p.m. J11& lc.h. t So thweat·• per- ol ege pov. •ra. male g Ila all DJ E;O he they D eleven. o e"rs loet I ~rn,~.,,-,g 9, {0-6, &t

infer~ Set 'r= For ArizoD9JlS, 0 t '11i,·<'1 it, 01 '-'a 1 K/<'go comple tr·d iira, y play inc 111 for l 'SD. ha, • ('Om plP1ions in 111 f1 1 •co d o a trmpts tor 946 la C:

te USD ass Flagstaff, 14-14 l.IJ Chapm s fourth yard aerial. Then, Chapman 14-6 lead with five- minutes final tossed from point formation to left. Iv ty ?f the ,outs t . ched haml., ot the The Phoenix flyer, who u a p in ex•E ·cond1do l!lg'1 ·tnr for the gained 79 yards in 17 carr,es 1 \\ I h 9 s onds tying points. returned Chapman's partial- It off nothcr It endcd the Ia t chapter of ly-bloekcrl punt 20 yards to the an cxcltlng season for the uso·s 30. Then, seven plays ona • • • la ter, fullback Bob Gradillas t f!, STATISTICS USO F'•• made his conc1 touchdown P c. owd ,~:t,,~o-;:~da•• · ,~l 1 H of the night, going over froM Ia t 1g ~•u••• vansa,. . ... 1i2 ,. the five t C am t P:!!:: lnltr

SW~· 0. 'G-End Pat O'Connor" ill play his last football for Uni, er ity of San Diego tonight when Pioneers

n \ ilh of Flagstaff ng at 8.

Arizona State in We tgate







e s staf

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th > . r

J Westgate Park mud and had

* · •


clall t and r t a!tedr n hit '1


In t e Army, game Pioneers who finished a 6-0 lead after l :37 of the

first period.

4-5.1 record.

ma e a fa lling <-atch In a pooljwith of wntcr o! quarterback Ja n

Playing in the Infield por-

Chapman had another fi ne

\ en 11.. the baseball park, young unlver 1ty. He complet- c :1apman directed his forces ed 1 t of 2 passes for 1:12 quickly and apparently found yards and was the club's lead. the best footing In tne soft ng ground gainer wi ; 33 turf. He tossl'd 36 yards to yards in 10 carries. end Jim Gabrkl then found Only on one occasion did hal!back Joe Loe chnlg for the 5-10, 180-pound $lgnal-call- another 13-yard gainer. er have n lap In h1 play Then, Jim DesantlS broke s l'lt'ctlon. This bit o! poor through the Flagstaff line, es- Jurl gment ~ave the Lumber- caped two would-be ta<'klcrs ja cks running room \\hlch and ran 28 yards Into the end forced th '.Pionl'<'ro; to play zone. A pass for extra points much ol the final period ln failed their own rrltory. The Lumberjacks finally Chapman trwd a fourth- got untracked in the second 'down pa :; .!rom the Lumber- period and in 10 plays, moved jacks' 3!J rafhl'r than trying 70 yards for a touthdo?.n. Bob a coflin-eornl'r kkk and the Gradillas went around th Jt-fl \isltors mo ed t. ball into side, slip()t'd away from thr USD te torv , h r t tayed tacklers and went 34 yards for until Q T the sc:orc. Mike Mercer add· \\ 1t e ed the C'rtra nt allrl Ari- lC'ft, • zora State l , i-6, at half- r. Th it time. t ook tlw . USO ' 0 0 1-14 Sa . 0 l!J It U Fm~tls (2 •:· run), O >l~k O 1J1.:i~ Hard-running Charles Bow- klr.~oslalf-Grodlllas, (34, run), Mercer ers, a 6-foot 205-pound half- .t.".'ll•loll-Grodllla1 cs, run), Mercer back, gave the visitors the cc~~~Jn~!at:ss~rv~~s, from Chapman, al o hi last for the tion of

ings ti' come 0•1


t, • s on targrt the can reall) roll


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o c, ar d 1f it depends upon gr01.; cl tr ii,;ht 1- a~, l'SD eoa h .\lik<' Peca- 1.'liam- rm .ch t

clash \I it11 a 6· -1 r a histor y cf fi1e FrontiPr Col'fl'r cnc

pionships. 101 Against two comparable op- yards shy of a sPason rush- ponents, Arizona State faired (Continued on a-19, C'ot. I) I USD r ttf es l ~ Flagstaff Today ontlnue1I) Ing record, and rapid half- ba J oe Grar. Gray has scored six touchdo The Lumberjac]


r Tie Chaoman punt ln the fourth penod to o ahead, 14-6, with le- completei:I the ea v.ith a 4-5-1•·d If ar- ta!! C'nded Ith -:2 ma k d Bo er

PIONEER POUNDER PREPARES lim D, Santis, ·ni\ ers ty of :an Die,.,o's hard- 1·urn1ing fullback and leading m:ound gain'cl·, gets set for tonight' battle at WcstgalC' Park when the PionePrs elo.~e their ~eason against the tough Ari- zona State College gridders from Flag taff. De• Santis is 101 yards shy of school's rushing record.


get accustomed to the mu hy footing around the infield portion of lit<' Pa~ s' park. On the th rd plav rl' en;e fullback Chuc k \\ llllam went ;iround the rlgh• de for 28 , ardi; 11r d n tou I down. Ead deep in th tory n th fl zona o h n on th 1

USO F fa9

F•rtt dawns Ru,tunw ,ordave Pau1n1 yarda91 Passes Pass Punh FumbfH lost Ptnaltln


11 1l1 131

173 25 3.7


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to groom either o n ;\lurphy or John Lanza Ior s!gnal-calling duties. "Wr pla}cd m ny of our fr<' hmen thi year a n d hould be in good hnpc next ea on . . w fe I we'll do l I e I

ged f iv l' Wright 55 r than four

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