News Scrapbook 1959-1962

Wbttti rAir Game Defeats Pio -6 ((1,ntinu <:;tan Sann . Ho

S ots Poets Tonight (( ontlnued) ch three ~,I! I' t a n BI'> \'all

By ,JOH '. \' :UrUO:'<1

l,D t w o



BIiiy Vall

Jn at thf' 11$0 40 ran fo1• the tom·!'). r!'g Risko kH;k,·d tJ), nt m0re in 1hr first pe-

toud1do anrith 1· s and p sscd f o r ~t to I e a d ~o a 20-G vic- ast Whill!r•r Coll tory o, r th nlvrr lty or /:ian Diego b!'forc som1\ 3,000 fans in the Nt on :football op"ncr at nalboa St 1dlum. Vail, ,;ilayi in the hadows of little A l l • A m er 1 ca n G:irJ, •~mpbcll la~t ca on, I s r or r. d on a quartc1back ,. * * SUTISTICS First oowns R1N.hh19 ordott Ponlnt rdas• Pouts Pann JnftrCtPftd by Punt, F',fmbl I lo t "nird1 penallrtd .. . I.ISO \Vnitlfor t IT IO 1n 7t 21f I 16 lS-27 0 1 MU HU • 2 H 134 snrak from thr one and on an J J .yard 1{1 rptT lay and hurlNI to f'Od Stan Snnd<'rs for 77 yard tot 'th ther scan•. The 5-10, 160-ponrid . rnior from Iluntlngton Bene ptcted of 26 JJ End Krn C:regory wa11. Vail's fav- orite rgct. Th,. 6,1, 190-pnl)!)<~ w I n • m n, who wb.s ~I'll! fifth I ad- I stna)l colk ,. rr>cel ver I st yc,r, <',HI, t l2 for 1·1 ai


the sec-

two tim0s l


1 iorl

nnrl Whitt1rr de<"p 1i,t ¾as stopped by the Pio- Pn<'ts, op<'ratirig most. rnarch<>d


ally put

ALL SCORES Colby 28, , orwlch 16,


on the USD 2:- lllt<"r the visitors




but 10 pla harl to g[v

it up OP th<' ,e'1<"J1 art<'r (lnother ,ncomplC"te pass. Th :tina jrt "!rating attPmpt cam late in lhe first half. WhlttlPr t k o,•er on its 47 and with , !taro J\llyano han• dhng thr , h,h at quarterback mov point with a plac!'mrnt. Th p·on ei penetrated rrr to ll1e Po ts' l!'i in thl' third , to the <'ne• 1 fourth p<'riod ally punch<'d ashed 10 yards 11to the end on<'. Chapman's pa s ttern t for two points 1ail,•d nd th core was 14-6. Th Pof'tl'l got their final touc down latP in the> fourth quarter \ hen tpey drove> 79 ard 1,ll e,ight plays With Vail going ov r 'from th 11. The exha '!loin kick was ·hort. Whittier • 7 o 7 6-11> 11 Wh11tler !.anders, 77, pa,~ 1ro~ 'vart (Pj]~fftr~~~~all, 1, quar1erback sn~k fRJl8~~~Jr1 ' )0, pan irom Chop- mwhlw~s,s f~~t} 11, (kick fail~). ac do • only touC'h• Hal!~ack J f'recl a Vail Whlttll'r 1 a Gabriel on t l'c h!g end Jan hapma Grav tProv- x plays later urlPd to Jim 1ght' side and ble · on the

Mlllersvllle Tchrs. 6, East Stroudsh11rr: T<'hrs 0. Southern Conn. 29, Central Fairmont {WVA) 14, Shep- Conn. 14. Rochester U. 6, St. Law- OUl'II ',laryland 31, We t \' r iria herd 13. rence O.

tTCLA 8, Pitu;hurgh 1 . Tulane 7, California 3. Whittier 20 University Washington <:t tc 15, Stan n Diego 6.


ford 14.

Allen Hancock 30, Oceanside

'12. (Jaynees)

MC'RD 27, Cal Poly


monal 12.

Redlands 27, Cal We terr 6.

::-,; orth Carollna S•ate 29, \"lrglnla Tech H. GeQrgia Tech 23, K ntu

Oregon-33, ldaho 6.

\Vasili gton ;;:;, College o! The

'.Pac!!lc 6 Oregon 1ec: Vhlt\\o h ter M W tah 19


, W ~•

tate 9, T xa '

lnster Louisiana

A&M 0.

lltary 33, Wil•


Ila. & .1ary 2l..

1 G~rgla G.

Al tam


rtln 35,

Tenn ayy 0.

O. 7.

• 'orth Ca.rol a College 8,

!orris Brown , Clark 16, Claflin 8. (Continued on a,24,


I. t)

,~ho w1 l be on hand to answC'

OthC'r panehs t ons from fan


rP tnte head coach; Gcori:tc Schutte, S, n D,cgo Ju 1or Coll<'J , and 1Lewis. Cal lte t rn. G "Oachc· om row will be harlry Popa, Dleg lilgh; Bl . later Kearny; Al Glib rt, <"hula Vis- t;i; A t Fil on ar VI ta, and Glenn For,;vthc, Ra• These ts r prescr.t the l95ti all' plons in unt) s pr p kagues, aul Governall,



Jly ,JOH, 'NY :\Jl'l)ONALV

Gi cgory, Whittier's Llllle All-American eu oft to an excC'llent start Satur



cl111111 d the U ,tw slty or at U lbOa Stad,um. Ci 011, a 6-.l

an DiP,go, 2().r;, bclor

190-pouml \\1r man. dtd 't s co r" a ----:----=..,,..c....-.:...:.._J fou do\,n hut he certain]) • l'IO. 'AL J,C~ IE ga\ e thP Inv er· the ne1: L1ad1n1 ~t';'.'~ 1 cg~l:d, }75 or ar ya1·ds lo gi?t here. Playor ond Chill G Ai fl H Pel, B ,. . Larker, l 1', , • 122 ·.c·n 51 13-4 316 I ly \ ail, the se1101· qua . Groat, ?,I., , 13< 56' 8J 18J 0 325


tJlit!JO llnion

"' s,v 10S 180





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Page b-1

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1 :g J~ l51 299

to ~eoeila, S.F the wYn'n,or, Cln,



· R 0 ~!'r, St, Lou.





tile ball in

oe s eason ainst San Dieg en

,a 129

... 130 433 .A RUNS u 1 f~e~ 5 11 /1 <1 Boyor st



1 ig'H arP.a and " lie bv slant



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flank1, Chic. re,::q )' would Malhew,. MIi,

\\ ,r,g,

37 Robinson . Cln


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the 13 Aaron, MIi. HoMf 1ilt'"Js


there. Twrl


· ' 21


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JU f."~'.ia H.

by V-e.lJ were Into


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j Banks, CMc.

the hands of Gregon.

' S.F.



:\ll<;RJCAX LF~AGUE ,~.~•. · · lfi m ii 1: • 120 .<18 B.C 28 G As R H • . 1,s so, 79 162 Chic.




91ncw at frustrated, Player and Club on Y"7f' 1' c ~o,. it . did11'1 K'::.ri~. ct but

Pct. .321 J~i 308

t1 lc•d put1 ing \wo players


h<' \\ o •k


· .1~! ~il ig lii :3gj :B~ ~if it ~: .297

1f1~~g:i, c~rcv· wai-: F~;n~[,o, Cllleev~. . He Robinson, Belt.

)lfl 1:1"811." lum. c>lf. :Ji~ scorr

:peers with its third play of he _game when Vail caualJt _anders in the cleai· at Lhe ~D 40.. The ena ran easily !o. the first touchdo,,n in the 1mt1al period. 'l;he score reached 14-0 with l: ; 16 gone in the third pe. nod \\ hen Vail went ovrr fr~m 1hr. one to cap a 62-vard dri e. - The Pioneers gained mo- mentum in the second half an_d broke the ice after one failure. They drove to the Poets'' 13 only to have a Jan Champman to Larry Tessary pass broken up in the end zone. However, Gray recovered a fumble seconds later 011 the Poet 18. Six plays Jatf'r Chap-I m~n tossed to end Jim Ga. bnel on a look-in pass and 1hc latter scrambled 10 yards :for the score. Whittler's final touchdown c:'-';lc o_n the next series, wlth \ ail gorng 11 yards on a keep. er. .USD _coach Mike Pccaro. ·1,ch said he was satisfied w1 th the results, t·onsidering he used 30 fr<>~hmen. "We know whom we ,·u de. pend on but wc also knt,w we 11ecd a l





I to p he'll have a"l o;.itst ndmg targf' in Ken G l',:'OI'), fi'th iP.arhn"' small college rceeiv Pr in e nation last yea" GrC>gor , a Little All Ameri- C.!11 ,1md1date, caught 42 pa •e or 7:51 d. a111! senn touchr! ·ns la t Year. The c-n


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