New Restaurant Guide




This equipment guide booklet describes the KES installer’s responsibilities for a new restaurant installation from the time the equipment is delivered until the installation is completed. However, this is just a guideline of responsibilities, because at times there are unforeseeable situations that arise during an installation that require deviations from the standards in order to get the job done. The KES installer is first responsible for coordinating the overall installation with all parties involved to effect a fast, thorough, and efficient equipment installation and a smooth McDonald’s restaurant opening. Any part of the work which cannot be completed, including equipment start up coordination, prior to the installer’s departure will become the responsibility of the Owner Operator, McOpCo or the ACM.

The KES installer responsibilities during the set time frames can be summarized as follows:

1. Receive the kitchen equipment package. 2. Unload equipment into the restaurant. 3. Inventory and inspect each piece of equipment.

4. Assemble and set-in-place each piece of equipment according to manufacturer’s specifications. 5. Coordinate final connections of major equipment with general contractor-directed sub- contractors 6. Oversee coordination of major equipment start-up with factory authorized service centers. 7. Perform final review and inspection of equipment package with restaurant owner, regional operations manager and ACM.

The KES installer will be working closely with the regional operations staff to coordinate the steps along the way to opening. Look for the blocked headers, which serve as an easy reference of responsibility:

KES Installer

Owner Operator

Construction of the building and all utility service connections are the responsibility of the general contractor and related sub-contractors. Overall coordination of the building construction and related kitchen equipment issues is the responsibility of the regional ACM. Throughout this guide, look for these blocked headers as an easy reference of responsibility.

General Contractor

Electrical Contractor

Plumbing Contract


The plumbers and electricians are sub-contracted by the general contractor and not by the KES. However, the KES installer is to coordinate with the general contractor to ensure all plumbing and electrical hook-ups to the equipment have been completed or will be completed properly within the agreed schedule. The installer is responsible for the quality of work performed by the sub-contractors hired by the KES. Some buyout equipment has start-up built into the purchase price. The KES will notify those manufacturers in ad vance on the location and probable date of start-up. The manufacturer’s factory authorized service centers (FASC) will be re-notified by the KES installer during installation for a more precise time depending on the conditions of the site. An official start-up listing is to be distributed to the operations consultant by the KES installer. Look for these headers throughout the guide for specific areas of responsibility by those contractors under the guidance of the KES installer.

Fryer FASC

Clamshell Grill FASC

Fire Protection FASC Shake/Sundae FASC


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