New Restaurant Guide

Combi Oven Playbook

Diagram of Potential Combi Locations

Potential Combi locations are listed in order of recommendation. Option A is the most preferred location and option D is the least preferred location .

(A) Location – Between Grills and Center Island  (example 90 series) Pros  1. Closest location to UHCs  2. Close location to other cooking equipment (grills & fryers)  Cons  1. None 

Note: There needs to be room for refrigeration and freezer support. Most restaurants with space in this location only have space for  the table. In order to provide space for refrigeration and freezer support the Combi table is usually pushed back from being flush   with the front of the grills until there is room to the side of the table. The center island floor drain is typically used in this installation  location.  (B) Location – After Filet/Chicken station freezers toward back of store  (example 4587) Pros  1. Close to other cooking equipment (grills & fryers)  2. Close to breakfast toast/Q cell for shared labor support  Cons  1. Far from UHCs 

Note: Refrigeration support is usually the upright refrigerator at end of prep line. Freezer support can be relocated to end of prep  line or the worktop freezer next to Filet/Chicken fryer. The high capacity wall freezer would be used to support Filet/Chicken fryers.  Many restaurants will have a floor sink or back sink behind the wall that is typically used for the floor drain connection. 

(C) Location – End of Prep Line Pros  1. Close to other cooking equipment (grills & fryers)  2. Close to breakfast toast/Q cell for shared labor support  Cons  1. Very few restaurants will have room at this location  2. Far from UHCs  3. More expensive installation location  4. Additional equipment anchoring or stabilizers needed for the Combi Oven table

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