SSC September 2016 Newsletter

Grounds Tips for Your Home

Dates to Remember

Year End Inventory:

This time of year through October I get friends and family call- ing me and asking “what is this bug crawling on the side or into my house through open windows?” Well it’s the box elder bug. These bugs are commonly seen in large masses on tree trunks and the siding of buildings at this time of year. They do little damage to trees but will feed on the seeds. Many times these bugs try to migrate indoors, they are harmless and more of a nuisance. So don’t break out the pesticide arsenal, just enjoy nature unless they become that nuisance, then break out a means to remove them by collection or swatting them. If they are in your home a quick way to remove is with a vacuum hose.

Sept 12-16—Each site needs to conduct its Year End Inventory count this week and send it to your admin. Sept 26-30—The Knoxville Distribution Center will be closed. Nothing can be shipped out or received during this week. Sept 28th at Midnight— coding must be complet- ed for your MasterCard for August 25-Sept 24 trans- actions. Oct 3rd at 9am EST—All Stub period charges, Sept 25-Sept 30, for your Mas- terCard must be coded. MasterCards


Sept 19th—MyOpportunity Hourly Recruitment goes Live. Training is available now on MyLMS and live Web-Ex will be coming soon.

Stretch those annual flowers into late fall: pinch spent buds and fertilize with a blossom producing liquid fertilizer like Peters Peat Lite special, high in phosphorus, low in Nitrogen. This will enhance flowering until frost sets. This is also a great time for cool season lawn owners to fertilize grass with a balanced fertilizer with a little iron mixed in. Cool season grasses are more actively growing now so it is also a great time to core aerate (no spike aerating please) and over- seed .

—George Bernardon, VP of Grounds

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