with Sri Ganesh

With perfect elegance And generosity… Will you help To clear the way…?

- 07-07-14:

… Rs. 20/- have been offered… … Apparently P. has not yet told his family, who must be wondering why he stays home and only presuming that I must be angry with him... His father, who is presently doing some clearing work in Sincerity, asked me this morning what was wrong and why P, wasn’t with me as usual… I suppose P is still hoping that somehow everything will return to normal, as if a bad dream was ending. But, so far, I maintain my orientation: he must be open and clear with his own family as to what he has done and why; and perhaps it is time for him anyway to find a job and manage his own life away from me, when he has actually so thoroughly betrayed the basis he had been offered for personal development. There is a sort of madness, or at least a compulsive and perverted element in his duplicity that makes it all quite serious… I shall wait a while longer for him to face things – but if he doesn’t, I may have to apply some pressure and speak directly to his brother.

Ganeshji, Vighneshwaraye, I am very sorry… I have been blind when I should have been clear-sighted: It means that I have not progressed… Sorry…!

- 08-07-14:

… Rs. 20/- are offered… … There seems to be no progress as yet with P; on my side it is like a delayed blow, which every time reaches a new level – and often I feel like howling, like a beaten dog, and I get racked with sobs… The fact is that P has been like a companion for many years now, like a second self or a team mate, and I trusted him. Yet I also see in retrospect that my frequent impatience, or my recurring sense that something was wrong or hidden – and scolding him for it – was in fact entirely justified, while at the time I would blame myself for being unfair…


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