with Sri Ganesh

- 08-08-14:

… Rs. 120/- have been offered… … Entering the shrine, I found that P had already come and left a notebook for me in front of Sri Ganesh, in which he has written a list which I may not be able to understand without him explaining it… But it appears clearly now that he has used the money for various purposes, contrary to his earlier statement…

Slowly and densely, Sri Ganesh, You glide forth On your chariot, An Ancient King Yet as young as The universe, Bearing past nobilities Yet invoking New realizations, The Watchful King and Protector Who knows What is truly needed On the Way – Sri Ganesh, At the highest level You combine The Five Positions Of this Yuga, The Servant, the Provider, The Warrior, the King And the Sage –

Yet you are free Of Anyone’s claim But Hers…!



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