with Sri Ganesh

- 19-09-14:

… Parasu came to get blessings on his way back from Sri Aurobindo’s room for his birthday; he stays on a little while and tells me that this week P has worked every morning at the Ashram farm and that V and the children are back home and attending school, but I get the impression that he himself has had a lot to bear. Rs 20/- have been offered… And today, Sri Ganesh, the flowers I could find in the garden are mostly those of Victory and Progress, Beautiful Ganesha, Brother and Friend…

- 20-09-14:

… I have been trying to catch up with the work in both places and now my hands are swollen and sore…! … Rs. 10/- are offered…

Namaste Sri Ganesh Namaste Beautiful Ganesha Aum

- 22-09-14:

… There was a good long rain that lasted till dawn and now the soil is absorbing and nourishment is spreading… … With P, things seem to have taken another bad turn: about a week ago, as there was no money to feed his family, he went to his cousin’s wife, to whom he has “given” about 6.5 lakhs, to ask her for some of it back urgently so he could manage his home. The lady not only refused but denied having ever received anything from him and accused him of speaking lies when it had been she who had helped him out… Her husband appears to want to believe her or at least to find in this version some advantage and a big fight broke out in the family and more people got involved and the cousin wants now to lodge a complaint against P – or has already filed a case, I am not sure which…; at any rate, police has already come to P’s house. He now wanted to know whether he could tell the police that indeed I had given all this money for that lady’s needs… He says he doesn’t want to bring more troubles to me and asks what he must do. So now his entire family is pulled into a nasty internal fight which rests on lies and deceit. He adds that he is learning a hard lesson, seeing how no one


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